Nicholas’ eyes flashed a little sadly: “You have pulled out one of my power sources. I have abolished one third, and I can no longer promote the title, what is the use.”

“Taste it, the flaming red lips of the main plane, the absolute favorite of vampires.” Li Yao passed the wine glass and said.

“You’d better kill me, I’m gone.” The red in Nicholas’s eyes has disappeared, he has lost his look, and he has obviously reported his death.

“It seems that you are not in the mood to drink right now, but add this.”

Li Yao said, the touch of darkness appeared, and a football-sized blood cell kept tumbling. Move, with the appearance of blood cells. Two bat wings suddenly appeared behind Nicholas, with scarlet rays of light shining in her eyes, and pointed nails on her fingers. Her breathing was obviously heavy, and her eyes were staring at the surging blood cells, even the heart. It jumped violently.

Li Yao flicked the fingers, a drop of Life Source divine blood, like a gem-like ancestor of the vampire, fell into the glass, and the flaming red lips boiled like lava.

“So now, as long as you follow me, if you make enough merits, I don’t mind sealing one-fifth of the divine blood for you. As long as you are loyal enough, you won’t be a pro-Royal General in the future. Obstacles, as for whether you can achieve Demi-God, it depends on your good fortune.” Li Yao passed the wine glass again.

“If the lord treats me like a nation, I will treat the lord as a parent.” Baron one-knee kneels the wine glass with both hands and solemnly said: “I, Camilla Nicholas, from now on Loyal to the lord, if the lord lives up to me, I will never bear the lord. I violated my oath and caused me to suffer from the rebellious blood poison.”

“I, starting a prairie fire, accept your allegiance, Even if you drink this glass of wine and accept the strengthening of divine blood, naturally no one will disturb you.” Li Yao said.

“Yes.” Nicholas drank his red lips excitedly.

In the eyes of everyone, the rune on her wings suddenly sparkled, and layers of rune rays of light enveloped her, and then formed a red rune cocoon that was as tall as a person.

“This Little Brat is not honest, do you want me to use some other prohibitions to control her, and promise to make her unconsciously.” The Black Dragon Queen inadvertently looked at the rolling blood cell.

Li Yao showed a slight smile: “The most dishonest thing is that you are right. You just need to do your job well, don’t you just want to study divine blood to become a Demi-God The way, it’s more effective than you wiping around, I will deduct a drop of your divine blood for the time being, and see how you perform later.”

Li Yao said that divine blood popped out again, the darkness The touch immediately entangled into a small ball and disappeared in front of the dragon queen.

Black Dragon Empress is full of disappointment. Although she is strong, she really hasn’t studied divine blood, and it still contains the origin of the law of divine blood, which is likely to make her breakthrough to Demi-God , Of course, Li Yao must be at least level six.

“Thanks to the master.” The Black Dragon stepped back in disappointment, but knowing that there is still a chance, she suppressed the disappointment in her heart.

Li Yao waved his hand: “You don’t have to be disappointed. I will join you when I reshape your shape after my fifth level. Now you can’t improve much, it’s a waste.”

Then Li Yao clicked on the center of his eyebrows, the mother worm separated, Li Yao one point, three drops of divine blood wrapped the mother worm, the mother worm suddenly turned into red light and returned to Li Yao’s eyebrows, the mother worm absorbed needs time.

“You guys work hard and guard me all night.” Li Yao popped a drop of divine blood again, then clenched the teeth and swallowed it directly.

After that, Li Yao felt the endless wave of blood swallowing him up, like a lonely boat.

The body seems to be chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, and the spirit is condensed together, like a real lone boat, struggling in a sea of ​​blood.

Rebirth I, Li Yao understands the preciousness of Life Source divine blood. This is clearly the essence of God’s metal. It can only be obtained by chance in the game, which can greatly strengthen and temper spirit strength. Of course, first of all, the spirit strength is strong enough, otherwise the energy will be wasted if you can’t sustain it. The longer you bear it, the greater the benefits you will get, and the degree of integration between your physical body and your new Mecha will increase, and the new Mecha will be completely Inherit the attributes and characteristics of the game.

Rather than the original, weapons and pets need to be specially manufactured in the laboratory. With the essence of God’s metal, Li Yao can also summon his own in-game pets, equipment and weapons in reality. .

Under normal circumstances, this kind of strong Spiritual Fluctuation, the system would have been forced to go offline, but Li Yao’s spirit strength is too strong, and the situation is special, Li Yao is still online, but it’s realistic Here, his Mecha has also been transformed into a piece of blood light.

In this way, the game time passed overnight, and the 2nd day was shining brightly, and Li Yao finally woke up.

eyes opened, a blood light flashed in Li Yao’s eyes. At this moment, Li Yao feels completely different, full of a kind of dusty temperament, although the appearance has not changed, the temperament and the aura are completely Different, there seems to be so natural harmony between gestures.

“Heart is like a clear mirror, I am one, this, this…” Black Dragon’s eyes were full of disbelief: “How can your spirit strength be so strong, even if Life Source divine Blood is also impossible.”

“It’s just the spirit strength that reaches the level of the main god. What’s the worst, it’s still far from the true god.” Although Li Yao said so, he was still very satisfied. There was no torture overnight. Bai endured, his spirit strength transformed once again, reaching the primary main god level.

As for its own attributes, some changes have also taken place, with more instinctive passive special effects.

For example, he is more compatible with Dark Element’s power, and has a lot of dark resistance. The blood recovery ability has also been greatly increased.

Even races are slightly mutated. Originally, he had two racial special effects, but now he has one more special effect, which is the special effect of vampires.

There are three key changes.

Stand-in blood bats, incarnation of a group of bats when it receives lethal damage. One of the bats takes the damage. After three seconds, it recovers 30% of the damage. The cooldown time is two hours during the day and ten nights. minute.

This is a very good life-saving skill, despite the two-hour long CD during the day, it is also very good.

rune bat wings, after unfolding, the blood sucking increases by 800%, the sensitivity increases by 50%, the duration is 15 seconds, the cooling time is half an hour during the day, and the cooling time is five minutes at night.

This gives Li Yao another explosive skill and effect, which is also quite practical.

Bat incarnation, transformed into a blood bat, flying at an altitude of up to 500 yards, a flying speed of 120%, a cooling time of 1 hour during the day and no cooling at night.

This skill Li Yao means speechless, becoming a bat is too fragile, Baron becoming a bat can catch it by himself, and he is weaker. It is estimated that it will take seconds to be attacked, and the flying altitude is only 500 yards, which is too low. Flying speed 120%, cracking a joke, compared with Black Dragon, it is like a tortoise and a cheetah. Generally speaking, Li Yao is not satisfied, but his transformation skills are sometimes useful.

Then, the less critical attribute is that his blood-sucking ability has been improved. It can also extend two blood-sucking teeth. When the blood is low, the blood-sucking will recover. This fuck you should not be a vampire. Li Yao watched I don’t pay attention at a glance.

But overall, it’s no problem to pretend to be a vampire…

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