For the majority of players, the system update can be said to be shocking these days, and no one expected it, because a first kill actually triggered the system update.

One Time Rule has changed greatly. Among them, the impact on novices is the biggest. Originally, those novices can run around and upgrade points in each birthplace, but now the distance is too far, no one will spend that many The time is used to run the road, of course, there is no money.

For guilds, they are collecting all kinds of information frantically. Not at all is like a dangerous attempt by idle players. After all, their followers are not brought by the wind. It is troublesome to recruit again.

So, for the core team, the main task is to compete for the evaluation list of Major Sect dungeons, while the people of Xinghuo are to reorganize the team. Fruit Knight leads the team, and they continue to bring teams Clear this copy.

The equipment is second, the key is the war space expansion beads, this thing is very important.

Actually, after getting the first kill, the difficulty of the dungeon will be reduced. In addition, many guilds will have to reduce the boss’s blood volume to 30%. After the difficulty of the dungeon is reduced, In half a day, the team got the highest difficulty.

After that, just like the flood that opened the gate, more and more teams passed the level with the highest difficulty.

And Li Yao was immersed in the engineering laboratory. Everyday all a large amount of ore was sent to the lord’s mansion. Li Yao controlled a small ore vein, and it was discovered nearby after the establishment of the station by Spark In Xinghuo’s hands, there are a total of four mineral veins of various types.

Of course, they are basically low-level mines, such as copper mines, iron ore, etc. These mines are basically places where Spark Life players practice life and career, of course, Spark is also open to the outside.

But if you are not a member of Spark, you must turn in 30% of the minerals you get to the guild.

Although the guild needs ore in many places, there are still surpluses. Li Yao is not at all sold, but hoarded in the material warehouse of the resident.

Sister Li and the others don’t understand, but the Spark Guild is not short on the ore money, so they don’t care. It was only then that Li Yao started to use it.

Li Yao spent three days in his alchemy engineering laboratory, and then made a lot of tools. In three days, Li Yao let the female worms make three hundred Aizhuo engineers. These Engineers are all spiders with humanoid bodies, and their intelligence is relatively high.

So, the entire lord’s mansion, it should be said that the lair below the lord’s mansion becomes a forging factory, and the processing plant relies on the conversion tank. Whether it is waste residue or thick smoke, it becomes the raw material for the energy conversion tank. , Those discarded things turn the energy conversion pool into an energy unit, and it can be said that there is no waste at all.

With the busy spider engineers, boxes of metal ingots were transported to the structure space. Over time, the boxes of metal ingots piled up in a pile.

And the players who completed the dungeon clearance began to build the Spark Station frantically, pushing the Spark Station to the small town.

Of course, with the passage of time, the turbulence of space has slowly ceased. After a turbulent period of half a month, three great factions finally figured out the current world situation.

“Now that three great factions have impossible to completely control this World, the races in the camp are more united. And because of the integration of space, apart from the absence of orcs, the secondary plane is the original race in the ancient gods There are a lot of them, but they are also a force, and they will definitely not be willing to go to the three great factions. Just as the people of the main plane look at the people of the secondary plane not pleasing to the eye, the people of the secondary plane also treat the people of the primary plane. Full of estrangement, now I am back to the main plane and naturally refuses to succumb to others.” Qin Fengyi looked at Li Yao busy and told Li Yao about the news she had received.

Li Yao nodded said while continuing to busy making the project item: “This is a natural thing. I am afraid that three great factions have already issued a mobilization order. Have you entered the war map to include those people?”

Qin Fengyi nodded: “Ten days ago, next to the main city of dwarves and dwarves, there appeared an area that was also a gathering place for dwarves. Both sides merged. Although both are dwarves, the politicians on both sides think they are The Titans are authentic and the negotiations are broken. Although there is no big battle, there is no less friction. So Shuangfei has established a fortress at the border of the area. The Dwarf King calls on the dwarf and dwarf players to enter each other’s area and recruit as many people as possible.”

“Eight days ago, a luxuriant archipelago appeared near the island of the Darkspear tribe, with towering ancient trees, not only a large number of monsters, but also a lot of trolls. They even launched a raid. The island of the Darkspear tribe, the Darkspear tribe’s casualties are not small, and a main city is also impossible to place all the Darkspear trolls, so they can only temporarily settle on the coast to establish a station, the Dark Faction is furious, the warchief issued an order, the orc main city Nearby players enter the archipelago, subdue those who can subdue them, and combat the arrogance of the other party.”

“Also eight days ago, a void appeared in the area next to Tristram, the neutral continent, Central Continent. There are many angels distributed. Knowing that the neutral camp heaven is contributed by the hell, the angels of this continent actually taunted the Archangel chief, claiming that if the Archangel and the neutral continent were attached, they would help the neutral continent to repel the hell coalition forces. Archangel is not light, Archangel Chang said that these angels were just criminals from ancient wars or deserters, or angels with impure bloodline. How could it be possible for him to be attached to them, so the neutral camp also issued a mobilization order to enter the Sky City.”

“This is an inevitable thing. The ancient gods of the world suddenly have dozens of times more land. Although there is a crisis, what those bigwigs see is an opportunity for development and expansion. I am afraid I My mentor can’t be idle, right?” Li Yao said.

“Well, yes, according to intelligence, there are a few undead occupying a lot of areas in the fusion area, and the queen has also issued a mobilization order. Undead players must enter these areas to conquer more Undead. After all, the undead cannot reproduce normally.” Qin Fengyi said.

Li Yao frowned. This is different from previous life. Previous life didn’t have these areas a long time ago. There is another paradise and so on, which all appeared later. But under the butterfly effect, everything is possible, and he is used to it, so he asked: “What about Uldaman.”

“Three great factions joined forces to strengthen the seal again, saying that it is still possible Persevere for a period of time to allow the recruits to accumulate strength, three great factions want the players’ strength to come out.” Qin Fengyi explained.

“so that’s how it is.”

In previous life, Uldaman was a Level 40 mainline copy, and now it seems that it will become a level 50 copy, and it is still A copy of the war mode, which is interesting.

Suddenly, Li Yao’s body was golden light flashed.

“Your engineering is finally Grandmaster Rank?” Qin Fengyi asked.

“Well, after so many days, I have finally reached the Grandmaster Rank. Give me three more days. I will get something and I should also be active. Otherwise, the level will fall.”…

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