This is also an indisputable fact. Many of the features of Level 40 have been brought into play, and so are hunters.

Among the four elements hunter, Beastmaster Hunter can capture rarer and more powerful wild beast pets after completing the task.

It looks very beautiful. Powerful pets are not so easy to catch. For example, Level 40 hunters can catch the wild beasts of race-level leaders, but how to catch them, not to mention these rare pets are very rare. Many are refreshed only a week, and there are countless people competing for it.

The boss itself is very powerful and very powerful. For most hunters, it is simply to satiate their hunger.

The increased range and rate of fire by shooting hunters, but it is pitiful in the sky. Their arrow technique is not good at all. The use of double crossbows simply means pouring firepower. At least these improvements are of little significance to them.

The survival system plays with traps, and each trap can release two, which is stronger in the wild, but the actual battle strength…

The Amazon enhances the battle strength in the forest , The actual meaning…

In short, in the eyes of the hunters, the ancient gods are full of maliciousness towards the hunters.

Li Yao of course knows that as long as these enhancements are played out, the enhancements are not weaker than other professions, but at the current stage hunters and arrow techniques are all problems, naturally they feel that these characteristics are weak.

Just ask, a person who doesn’t know how to use a sword, even if he increases the damage of using a sword by 15% or even 20%, he will not use it. What is the meaning of the Divine Item?

In fact, Li Yao does have other ways to deal with these Self-destruction spiders, using dark knight-errant, more importantly, to find a way out for the hunters again.

Although Xinghuo strictly prohibits discrimination against any profession, many teams have hunters, but in fact, many Xinghuo players also complain about hunters in the team.

In his eyes, Li Yao naturally wanted to change. After knowing that there was a live broadcast this time, he made up his mind to show the value of hunters. Although some people will come up with other strategies, as long as Xinghuo succeeds in pioneering wasteland, most people will not bother to think about other strategies and follow Xinghuo’s strategy.

In this way, the hunters in the Spark team will be much better, at least they won’t be looked at by some people. Although it won’t happen because of the fact that the president is a hunter, this is not a long-term solution. Only letting the hunters truly integrate into the team is the kingly way.

In the war, the value of hunters has been revealed, and as the status of the instance increases, the guild’s teams will truly merge.

It is also good news for ordinary hunter players. In fact, many hunters have lost their confidence after Level 40, and even many have no desire to improve. Many are thinking of qualifying for new careers or holiday events. Time to change a career to play.

But in fact, Li Yao did succeed. They were fascinated by the live broadcast of Xinghuo pioneering wasteland, watching the uniform and precise shooting of each dark knight-errant. They were excited. These knight-errants cooperated. It’s so tacit.

There was no other words except the two leaders shouting fire orders, but the knight-errants seemed to be connected, and they seemed to know their goals without any confusion.

Look at Li Yao again. While making a mark for members to dodge safely, while not delaying the spider in the sky, as long as there is a Self-destruction spider that accidentally falls into the web, he will shoot and kill him casually.

His arrow technique is even more weird and precise, as if simply doesn’t need to aim, it is easy and freehand, and he seems to move around randomly, so that the boss’s skills can always pass him by.

Even if the boss is crazy to attack him, but he still can not delay other things, always calm.

The key point is that everyone can see that it is precisely because of Li Yao’s command that the most difficult stage is easy to express.

The members of Spark will move subconsciously as long as they see the mark. Simply don’t be distracted by avoiding skills, and can confidently output.

At this moment, Li Yao has truly become the idol of those hunters who watch the live broadcast.

In fact, many people think that Li Yao has made a lot of achievements because of the great equipment pets, but this dungeon is a flexible dungeon. Strong strength means more difficult, and Li Yao has shown that this moment It is not a crush of strength.

It’s the real technology, the unique vision and the powerful command, and they are truly convinced at this moment.

One hour, the battle continued for another hour, and the boss’s blood volume finally dropped to five percent.

“Stupid small insect, do you think you will win? It’s ridiculous. My pawn likes to look at the expressions of despair when you think that victory is in sight. That emotion is the best delicacy in the world “

“Quite, humble mortal, Divine Realm space.”

Andariel’s projection finally stopped the summon Self-destruction spider, and a purple ball of light suddenly expanded , The group of ten who instantly fought against Demon God was illuminated in the ball of light.

The valley suddenly calmed down. The dark knight-errant and other people’s followers looked at each other in blank dismay, and then began to attack the purple ball of light the size of a basketball, but they The attack is like throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea.

Even the demon spiders that Taniguchi kept on impacting stopped their attacks.

Actually, the ten Li Yao were brought into a hazy purple space.

The space is like a magic cube, like a screen composition, and Andariel is in the middle, and countless her silhouettes are reflected on those screens.

“Desperate, tremble, humble mortal.”

Following Andariel’s words, groups of poison bombs began to explode around Andariel, and those screens Also began to spew toxin bombs.

Now Li Yao simply can’t mark: “Everyone is free to dodge, heal and blood is added, don’t detoxify immediately after poisoning, toxin buff is superimposed on more than three layers and then detoxify, pupil pupil, bloodthirsty, this The stage fight is the output.”

Li Yao waved, and a black vortex appeared next to it. Although the insect and knight-errant were both outside, there was still a skeletal army in the structure space.

Space is limited. Li Yao only summoned two thousand. One thousand of them were constantly attacking the spider egg because of the growing poison, and the rest was to gather fire bosses with the people of Xinghuo.

However, the boss’ attacks are too intensive. It’s not that their technology is not good, but their spirit strength is not enough. As the boss releases various skills, they can’t react. After all, what the boss releases , All around It is like the Demon God shadow on the screen also releases some skills, the chaotic skills make Xinghuo’s important task in a mess.

Some players keep falling down. This is the situation when Li Yao is distracted and commanding the bones to shield them.

In ten minutes, apart from Li Yao, Xinghuo’s members only have Yao Ji, Qin Fengyi and 72 Changes, but the three of them are also at risk.

Fifteen minutes, only Li Yao and his skeletal army, only Li Yao, with his powerful spirit strength and the Titan’s Eye, was able to do well in the dense and chaotic emptiness, but ten minutes passed, the ground The place where you can stand is getting smaller and smaller, and in the enclosed space, the poison mist is already pervading, even if Li Yao’s blood sucking, the blood volume is constantly declining without treatment.

“Mortal, your struggle is futile, Demon God is invincible.”…

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