Under normal circumstances, there will be several hero choices on the altar, which seems to be better than a random one, but the few heroes that appear are all within the first-tier limit, and their rank and wisdom are also limited.

Building the first random hero is different. There are no rank and rank restrictions. If you have good luck, you can be the top hero on the island. The worst luck is only in the first rank range, so Li Yao is so attentive and waits until the altar is built before he builds the second unit building.

Of course, Li Yao is still looking forward to it very much. If there is a super leader, then he will make a lot of money.

As for the remaining more than 10,000 parasitic worker bees, although it is not possible to build high-level military buildings, it is very important to be a porter and an extended split insect nest. Li Yao not at all immediately combined.

As for the Wild Fighting Guild, things have reached a dead end. Except for the Assembly Hall, other places have fallen.

Kuangzhan Wushuang shouted: “Liaoyuan, you Spark has won, I can tell you the bank’s password, don’t destroy other buildings and council halls, you can take your wealth away, and we can admit defeat. “

Hearing what he said, Peerless Demon Ji ordered to stop the attack, which seemed very benevolent, but in fact secretly re-adjusted the formation and placed Hundred Hunting Crossbows on the front line, waiting for the final attack.

“Liaoyuan, can’t we talk about it, let go of the guild of mad war, we admit it, from now on, our grievances have disappeared.” Kuangzhan Wushuang continued to shout loudly when the attack stopped. At the same time, they also stopped attacking, but they did not sit idle and quickly rearranged their defense lines.

Li Yao is on the back of the Black Dragon Queen, looking down at Kuangzhan Wushuang below, lightly saying: “Then you now admit that yours is the one who intercepted our Spark at the entrance of the instance.”


Kuangzhan Wushuang face changed, he knows that this battle is also being broadcast live, if he speaks out, he is an unrighteous battle, and Xinghuo is completely on the moral high ground.

Although morality is not a fart in the game, it is very important in public opinion. If they admit it, they will suffer infamy, and the reputation of the guild is also bad.

“Liaoyuan, you have won, why overbearing? Do you enjoy the power to let us recognize it?” Kuangzhan Wushuang cunning said.

Li Yao’s complexion suddenly became gloomy: “If this is the case, then our Xinghuo will have the power to recover. Send my order, prepare for the general attack, slaughter everyone in the mad war, and rush the ship to transport the explosive barrel. Explode all the buildings, including the city wall, and don’t leave them anything intact.”

“Liaoyuanyou…” Kuangzhan Wushuang suddenly became extremely angry, but quickly said: “Yes It’s we have eyes but fail to recognize Mt Tai. We should not unite with the Prosperity Guild to intercept you and prevent you from entering the dungeon. This will let us go. We have given up and we have accepted.”

Li Yao sneered: “That’s it. You think it’s too simple. If anyone who provokes the spark can solve it like this, then I don’t know how many people come out to deal with the spark. I will beat you up in reality. , Teasing your wife, can it be solved with an apology and confession, ridiculous.”

“What do you want?” Kuang Zhan Wushuang said, their loss is too great, if the resident is completely destroyed It caused irreparable losses, and the remaining 50,000 people were all elites from the Wild Fighting Guild, especially their followers. They were all bought at a high price, many of which were Yinying.

Not to mention the loss, it will make the elite members and the guild alienate.

“It’s easy to let you go. First of all, you have to tell me which guild other than Shengshi and your guild participated in. Don’t think about lying to me. I have already counted it, just ask you to confirm , If you dare to lie to me, how can you be endless.” Li Yao said.

Kuangzhan Wushuang knew that he would offend a lot of guilds, but he could not care about anything else, so he quickly talked to Li Yao, Li Yao asked Qin Fengyi, and Qin Fengyi nodded to confirm.

“Very good, fairly honest.” Li Yao stretched out his second finger: “It’s easy to let you go. You are surrendering. Take out 300,000 gold coins and place the guild in Redeem it with your followers, and this matter is over.”

Everyone was shocked, fuck, 300,000 gold coins, I really dare to speak, what a joke, don’t talk about the small guild Yes, even large guilds and super guilds may not have these properties.

Let’s talk about prosperity, the liquidity on the surface is only tens of thousands.

“Liaoyuan, are you crazy about money? I’m impossible to take out 300,000 gold coins.” Kuangzhan Wushuang shouted.

Li Yao at a moderate pace said: “Then I will settle an account for you. Your guild residence is about to be upgraded to the level of a small city, and even the castle has begun to be built. This is the residence alone. If it is ruined, rebuild, and how much time wasted to delay your land reclamation, let’s not say. Re-cleaning and rebuilding will require at least hundreds of thousands of gold coins.”

Many people suddenly wake up, isn’t it? Buildings of this level are very expensive to build. Although it usually doesn’t cost the guild too much money for players to submit resources for tasks, many guilds didn’t feel it, but if it is rebuilt, it is impossible to wait for members to submit resources for tasks. , And not to spend money to buy.

“The second is that there are a lot of followers here, and there are also a lot of Yinying. Presumably, I don’t know how many gold coins have been spent to get these elite followers. Everyone seems to be scattered, but the total number It adds up to a few hundred thousand. If all is lost, it is estimated that the people in your guild will be impossible to re-buy followers in a short period of time. No one wants your subordinates to hang up after just a few hours with others. More importantly Yes, if you lose these followers, you won’t even have the qualifications to open up the backyard of Major Sect Church. You can think about the losses. But I’m a kind person and I will save you 50,000.”

Gloomy and uncertain, the mad fighting is gloomy and uncertain, and I secretly scolded Li Yao for being vicious. Now everyone else is looking at him, especially the people under his own. If the loss is really lost, the guild of the mad fighting will also be lost. The elite members are distracted, what is the significance of such a guild.

So, Li Yao seemed to be asking for money, but in fact he was driven to a dead end. It was he who wanted to cease the war and surrender. If he was reluctant to take the money in the end, it is estimated that they would not fight to death.

“This Liaoyuan is really an enchanting evildoer, the Guild of Wild Fight is really planted.” Ozawa sighed.

The audience, too, originally thought that so many gold coins would not be taken out by the Kuangzhan Guild, but looking at the expressions of the members and the expressions of Kuangzhan Wushuang, it is clear that there is really the money. , The sky-high blackmail has the possibility of success.

Li Yao looked at Kuangzhan Wushuang with a smile and said nothing. He naturally understood the value of the license. You can see by the size of their followers. Coupled with the special guild building, Li Yao can think of earning a huge number of gold coins through the great nautical trade and the mad fighting Wushuang silently.

The number exceeds the imagination and recognition of other guilds…

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