“No, except for the Blackthorn, none of the other ships belong to our one-eyed pirate group.”

“Not good, enemy attack!”

“Sound the alarm.”

The sober pirates suddenly yelled, and then the alarm bell rang through the night sky.

Those drunk pirates also staggered to the camp, a panic in the camp.

“It seems that the one-eyed pirate group has two more shots.” Of course, Li Yao did not expect a sneak attack, otherwise he would just use the original ship of the female pirate: “Raise the flag!”

Following Li Yao’s words, the banner of Xinghuo rose.

“Damn, you actually brought outsiders here, you are really an unfamiliar wolf cub.” A tyrannical voice came over.

The ship of the people of Xinghuo almost came to a standstill. Looking at a one-eyed robust man in Muzhai, Li Yao smiled.

“I not at all bring them here, I’m just a prisoner.” said the female pirate.

“Traitor, if you didn’t bring them here, would they know where we are? Even if they know Misty Island, can they pass the reef with no difficulty? I’m a fool, you dad. No.” One-eyed whole person was very angry.

In the one-eyed view, the female pirate with such a powerful force is just to rob a port that has been established for a month, with no difficulty.

It now appears that the female pirate has surrendered.

The female pirate opened her mouth and really didn’t know what to say.

“Stop talking nonsense, you are one-eyed, this lord has taken a fancy to this island, I want to build a manor here as a place to relax on my vacation, put down my weapons and surrender, I can spare your life, even Maybe you can be the leader Dangdang. I don’t want to be stained with blood on such a beautiful land.” Li Yao lightly saying.

One-eyed furious: “You are just a recruit, and you dare to be arrogant to me. Now that you are here, then you don’t leave. I was still distressed about losing a magic battleship, which happened to be yours. Come here. It saves me a lot of hands and feet.”

“So it seems that there is no talk.” Li Yao shrugged and said to the female pirate: “You see, they insist on courting Death, you can’t blame me.”

The female pirate shook her head slightly. Although Spark’s battle strength is not weak, it’s because Spark has taken advantage of the defense and is in her own territory.

Now it is the pirates who are defending, and they are also the more elite and powerful pirates under the one-eyed men. The pirates are in good time and place, and it is not so easy to attack.

And the wooden village looks old, but it is made of very strong wood. With magic reinforcement, the defensive power is no worse than stone.

“Then I’ll be here waiting to see what tricks you recruits have.” One-eyed sneered: “Jiro, pick up your weapons, reload the artillery, let us Old Guy and these recruits are fine In the last lesson, war is not something they can play.”

“hahaha, that is, a group of brat, actually boast shamelessly.”

“Go home for milk.”

“Don’t, there are so many chicks in there, they can still have a good time after the lesson.”

Faced with the clamor of the pirates, Li Yao was already too lazy to respond. lightly saying: “Let them know that they are out of date.”

The Peerless Demon Girl began to give orders one by one.

“Are you not going to fire?” The female pirate saw that all the ships were preparing to land. It was simply that Mi You approached the two sides again and started firing, and she was immediately puzzled.

“What kind of fire, solid bullets will destroy Muzhai and I will have to rebuild it myself. It’s too wasteful. This is my site.”

The female pirate was speechless and had not yet hit This is your place.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, Bang…

The pirate’s artillery is hōng lóng lóng’s fire, one after another solid bullets are flying in. , But just splashed into the water, and simply couldn’t touch the boat.

“The Heavenly Girl Scattering Flower Project is officially launched, and all flying personnel are ready.”

The decks of the warships seem to be pulled apart like huge slingshots, powerful players Pull away the huge slingshots one by one.

The player wearing the goggles is leaning on the leather cushion at the end.

“The owner of ship one is ready.”

“The owner of ship two is ready.”

“The owner of ship three is ready. “

The pirates simply don’t know what the hell is happening.

“hahaha, I’m so ridiculous, do you play human bombs.”

“Remember to have a few more girls.”

Pirates with good eyesight let go laughing out loud.

The Peerless Demon Fairy turned a deaf ear, and a cold light flashed in her eyes: “All ships are ready, launch.”


“Launch! “


One by one the players on the battleship pulling the huge slingshot released their hands.

In the ridiculous eyes of the pirates, at least three hundred players were ejected into the sky by a huge force.

The players quickly rushed to the sky, and the pirates laughed even more, because although these slingshots are not small, they are basically impossible to eject people into their camp, and even if they are ejected in, so High, it’s just like courting death.

Among the three hundred flying players are the fruit Knight and the guardian angel. The guardian angel felt that the strength was almost the same and then ordered: “Turn on the glider!”

Touch, touch, touch, Touch, touch, touch…

The three hundred players immediately unfolded their hang gliding wings. In the stunned pirates, the three hundred hang gliding players slid and rushed towards their camp.

“Damn, what the hell is that thing.” All the pirates’ eyes were straight. They thought they were laughing at fools, but now it seems that they are the real fools.

“What are you doing in a daze, the archer, the archer prepares to shoot them to me.” One-eyed ordered.

At the same time, countless Starfire players jumped off the big ship and started moving towards Yingzhai to charge.

“This, what is this?” The female pirate was also dumbfounded.

“This is the gliding wing enchanted by our Spark Engineering Camp for all Star Fire Essence members. It’s not bad.” Li Yao is also very satisfied with the effect: “Look, the show has just begun.”

The female pirate looked suspiciously at the Spark members who had soared to the sky above the camp. There was a good show, what else.

“Everyone is going to throw grenade.” The guardian angel’s laughter resounded across the night sky.

Three hundred Starfire players took out grenades from their backpacks, and then moved towards the downward throwing them.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, Bang…

With the one after another grenade thrown, the flames burst on and in the camp. The pirates screamed and fell to the ground.

Small mushroom clouds appeared one by one, and the fiery flames lit up the night sky.

This is because Xinghuo’s grenade detonated the place where the shells were stacked and the explosive barrel.

“Damn it, don’t blow up artillery, do you know how much an artillery is.”

“Flurry World, you bastard, you have no military skills this time. Two artillery pieces.”

Guardian angels roared and exasperated. As Li Yao said, they have already regarded this place as their property.

“Team commander, don’t yell at all. Without military merit, there will be no military merit. Anyway, I am enjoying myself, it’s so fucking cool.”…

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