As far as Li Yao knows, the number of super battleships is extremely rare.

Even among the three great factions, super battleships are counted, Li Yao recalled.

There are only two super-power battleships in the neutral camp, one is the Archangel-long ship Heaven, and the other is the guardian ship that guards the entrance to hell.

The super battleship owned by the bright camp is the king’s ship Lionheart, the ancient elves’ Luna, Nightmare, and Sharp Claw.

Dark Faction is the dark spear of the troll family, the sun of the high elves, the windrunner, the wizard, and the undead of the undead family.

Of course, there are some top pirate groups that have super-powered ships, such as the Grand Duke of Bloodsail Pirates, but these Li Yao not at all have seen them, they just saw the pictures, and even the specific attributes. Not sure.

While flying back to the port, while calculating, the two ports of Spark are very important. If you want to truly stand firm, you must have at least two super battleships to step on to be completely stable.

After all, other forces’ super battleships are not deterrents, but sharp swords in their hands. The deterrence of others is the super leader of the race.

As for Xinghuo, they are just recruits. Impossible to deter the surroundings, they can only rely on a powerful battleship.

Li Yao landed on the harbor and immediately began to look at the ships that were approaching. He wanted to confirm which was the magic battleship. He wanted to capture the battleship and turn the magic battleship into a spark.

However, what disappointed Li Yao Dong was that Li Yao could not tell from the outside which one was the real magic battleship. This time even the Eye of Titan did not work.

“It seems that the Eye of Titan is not omnipotent, or that the degree of evolution is not enough.”

Because of the time that Li Yao has bought, the people of Xinghuo have deployed defenses in the port. The collective guard Captain cooperated with the defense.

Especially the elites of Five Thousand Sparks, who have gone through the battle for the port have been able to do order and prohibition.

Under their leadership, the members of Xinghuo also learned well.

The people of Xinghuo took a sigh of relief. They were obviously going to open up a wasteland, but they were restrained by the pirates, which really annoyed them.

“The wealth is in the port. We are ready to fire and kill them. The wealth of the entire port belongs to our one-eyed pirate group.” Female pirates followed the voice of female pirates, and the port war officially broke out.

“This is the location of my Xinghuo. It was built by our hard work. How can we tolerate impudent pirates, the artillery is automatically calibrated and fired, and Hundred Crossbows are also prepared.” Peerless Demon Fairy also began to command.

The members of Xinghuo suddenly roared in unison. Just as Sister Li said, the resident is the painstaking effort of all of them.

Although the guild has provided funds to build such a powerful residence, relatively speaking, members have paid more.

With the prosperity of Spark, everyone except those who have just joined the guild have their own residences. Many people who can’t wait to do various Guild Missions continue to accumulate guild points to redeem their desired residences in advance.

Over time, more than fifty villas have settled in the villa area, and the villas are not the core members of the guild, but the group of people who have contributed the most to the guild.

This system allows all Spark members to see hope and rush, because the facts tell them that as long as they contribute to this guild, they can get the best treatment, and everyone is equal.

Moreover, Li Yao doesn’t have a villa of his own, which makes them really consider Xinghuo their home in the game.

Li Yao not at all can continue to use his powerful pets to continue destroying the battleship, because he knows that he has done enough, even if he continues to destroy the battleship, he easily wins and becomes himself A hero, but it has no practical meaning.

His prestige is enough. Only through hard battles and battles defended by his own strength can Spark identify more, especially new members. Only through hard work and battles can they truly become Can blend in.

Although Xinghuo lost a lot of gold coins by doing so, Li Yao felt that the gold coin was worth the cost.

If you let other guilds think of Li Yao, they might scold Li Yao wastrel. How can it be played like this? This is money to burn.

The sky-shaking artillery came out clearly, and the two sides struck each other.

But because of the distance and the accuracy of the artillery at this stage, the actual casualties are not large, especially when it comes to moving ships.

And the pirates were not satisfied. In their opinion, the other side’s port would collapse directly under the gunfire, and they didn’t know how many people would be killed.

But although the shells will kill many recruits, the port of the opponent is as stable as Mount Tai.

Li Yao showed a smile. This is the port he built with a lot of money. How could he be afraid of gunfire.

Be aware that, except for the major city-level large ports like humans, the others are basically driven under water with wooden piles, assuming the structure of wooden boards above.

The cost is also cheap, and it is easy to replace if damaged.

But at that time, Li Yao spent a lot of money to purchase solid rocks and built the stone port of the main city, plus the reinforcement magic he spent on precious materials.

Although the port is not as strong as a city wall, it is not destroyed by gunfire on ships.

“Damn it, it’s Boulder Harbor.” A strange expression flashed in the eyes of the female pirate, so the effect of the solid bullet would not be very big: “Everyone is ready to land and kill them.”

The female pirate had to give this order. You must know that the pirates are powerful at sea, but they are not suitable for landing operations and storming attacks. However, the head of the one-eyed pirate regiment did not know how to be bought off and ordered her at all costs break this port.

She understands what at all costs means, that is, the battleship is completely destroyed, and they will not hesitate to destroy the entire army.

In the artillery fire between the two sides, the pirate ship approached the port. With the high price reward, the pirates stimulated their morale and rushed to the port frantically.

“Long-distance retreat, artillery fire stopped, preparations for land battle.” Following the order of Sister Li, Xinghuo also made adjustments, and the two sides launched a fierce battle over the port.

Xinghuo and the pirates launched a fierce battle. The pirates are basically three-star elite or silver-ying, and each is powerful.

And the players are just elites, at most three-star elites that’s all, the quality is much worse than that of the pirates, and the attacks can’t be compared.

But the player’s advantage is professional soundness and cooperation, and most of the pirates are either fighters or thieves, and some hunters Archer and the like.

As for the treatment of directness, don’t crack a joke. The treatment professions in the ancient gods all have their own beliefs. Becoming a pirate and Mao’s belief.

However, many boss-level bosses in the pirates started a fierce bloody battle when the two-heads first came into contact.

The female pirates thought that they could directly crush these weak by rushing up. However, what Tang and the others did not expect was that the people of Xinghuo would be so tenacious.

After the battle for an hour, the two engines were killed and injured, but they have not yet gained a foothold in the port…

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