Li Yao eyes shined finally found the clues, but not at all anxious, but explained: “The signs now show that several Demon Gods have almost been out of trouble again, and the hell army has also stepped up their offensive. Barbarian was It’s annihilated. And here is sealed with a city’s demons and catacombs to measure the undead. Sooner or later, hell will reach out his hand here. Now the situation is short and stable, so Archangel wants to solve Tristram’s troubles, otherwise If it breaks out, I am afraid that Camp Rogge will be in danger, especially when the blood moon is about to come.”

The faint Xia is sighed in relief: “I can rest assured that you say that. Otherwise, we are in trouble.”

“Don’t worry, angels of justice are not such simple characters.” Li Yao smiled.

Justice Archangel has always said with a smile the final winner, not just his personality.

He can give up his source of strength and be willing to be a mortal. Then it can recall the memory when it loses power.

Moreover, it is not that simple to gather all the forces on the neutral continent after over 10,000 years, and then become the leader, and now start to counterattack heaven.

Of course, what impressed Li Yao most was the previous life, the battle of the dome of heaven. In the last sentence, I was the pretending fan of justice. At that time, Li Yao looked envious for a long time. . And this battle also allowed the Archangel leader to have a large number of female fans.

“I don’t see this kind of stone pillar with rune. Now we look for it separately. If we find it, remember to call me in the team and tell me the coordinates.” Li Yao said and marked the coordinates and separated from the two women .

Then the three of them searched in the stone forest continuously, and they were busy until almost noon. They circulated the stone forest and marked a total of nine stone pillars.

Then the three used the Transmission Array discovered by the stone forest to teleport to the cold plateau, and finally the three found the dwarf.

“Really found the disappearing city?” The dwarf asked: “The rumors are true, what’s the situation there?”

Li Yao shrugged and said:” I learned from the ancient book that there are countless monsters and endless treasures in it. How to open the city with great risk. So I marked Formation, so I rushed back, wanting to share this result with you.”

The dwarf was taken aback and said: “Okay, okay, then we will set off immediately.”

Li Yao asked: “Then here.”

“hehe, rest assured, there is mine The mechanical guards, wanting to come here to steal something is bring about one’s own destruction.” The dwarf said and pressed a button, and the silent mechanical guards all moved, and then they returned to silence.

Then let him set off again. When it was dark, several people came to the mother tree again.

“You are really good, you can pass here.” The dwarf said appreciatively. He simply didn’t entangle why there were only three people left: “This time, let the mechanical guards I brought take action.”

A few people quickly came to the stone forest under the protection of the mechanical guard.

“You know a lot about engineering and rune, and you must know a little bit about Formation, so I’ll trouble you to break this place.” Following his words, the three of them got the chance to complete the stage tasks. Reward, the experience of the three has soared.

“This is natural.” Li Yao took out the key while sliding his finger on the key and said: “Actually, I have already studied the way to open the door.”

With Li Yao’s words, the key emits golden rays of light.

Then a Dao Void fantasy portal appeared, and the portal became bigger and bigger.

“Let’s go.” The dwarf stepped directly inside, and the two women followed in.

After walking a few steps, the dwarf suddenly felt something was wrong, and turned around to find Li Yao was still looking at him with a smile outside.

“Why haven’t you come in yet, but there is still room for you to use it.” The dwarf asked suspiciously.

“Your Excellency really knows how to act, but you pretend to be like a dwarf. You have an innate talent for acting, Mimiron.” Li Yao said at a moderate pace.

“What, you, how could it…” Mimiron face changed, and then said: “You really have no good intentions, I come from Gnomeregan’s Dwarf Engineering Department. Where are you, you two Don’t stop him, go out and kill him. I will reward this little girl with two mechanical guards.”

The faint Xia was shocked and pretended to be gloomy and said, “Are you doing God? What nonsense.”

“It is better for you to be trapped inside with him.” Li Yao said, but Xia said in a light private chat: “You hold her steady, and then find a chance to Hearthstone and say It’s chasing me.”

Speaking of a point on the key, the portal fluctuated, and Mimiron who was preparing to come out was taken aback. This was Tristram who was imprisoned by the space folding spell. , The fluctuation of this space was enough to kill him, and he could only watch the portal getting smaller and smaller.

“Damn, kid, you wait, no matter who you are, I will definitely kill you, this place can’t hold me.” Mimiron sneered.

“One of Ulduar’s overseers, Mimiron, the creation of the Titans, of course I know how good you are, but well, I don’t need to trap you for long. Enough, guess why.” Li Yao put the key in the backpack.

“You, you are too courageous, and you have come to see my laboratory.” Mimiron understood Li Yao’s plan in an instant.

“hahaha, yes, how does the reward of the task and your laboratory presumably, even if it is a temporary laboratory, there must be a lot of good things.” Li Yao is in a very good mood. Although he had a perfect idea, the actual implementation may not be successful. Now that he has succeeded, it is time to reap the fruits of victory.

Mimi is going crazy. As Li Yao said, he has been researching. There are too many good things in the laboratory. If someone else, as he said, there are mechanical guards entering The laboratory is courting death.

But he has seen Li Yao’s project and rune’s accomplishments, but he doesn’t know how long it will take to open this portal, and Li Yao just opened it, he made a temporary laboratory, don’t make trouble Up.

“Damn, damn…” He was angry, and a beam of light of identification technique shone on him.

Everyone saw him directly turning into a large dwarf, with a body of at least three sizes, and a mechanical body, not at all flesh and blood. In other words, although he has life, the mechanical life made by Titan is not at all cursed by flesh and blood. More importantly, his body is covered with a terrifying illusory shadow, and just looking at the illusory shadow makes people feel palpitation.


“Sure enough, you are controlled by the ancient gods.” An old voice came into everyone’s ears.

With the voice, an old man stood in front of the two women.

“Kane, it’s you Old Guy.” Mimiron said with gnashing teeth.

“It seems that old fogey has some reputation, yes, it is me.” Kane said: “Through the news that I was trapped in Camp Rogge, you will get rich rewards.”

The tasks of the three suddenly changed, Li Yao smiled: “Finally, the real main storyline has been triggered…”

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