“Fuck, you monster.” Even the mother tree couldn’t help roaring.

It was so boring, the last hope of practicing was gone.

Just as Li Yao said, he simply has no shortage of soldiers to charge.

As Li Yao’s strength grows, his summon things will become more and more powerful, and there will be more and more.

He naturally knows that the legendary figure of the Dark Queen, as long as he has time, one person is worth a super elite Legion, otherwise it is simply impossible to rely on the strength of the undead to occupy the territory of the original strongest Human Kingdom, and human Also acquiesced in this matter.

It’s not that they don’t want to take it back, nor is they afraid of the strength of the undead, they are afraid of the Dark Queen.

Just as someone commented, the queen may not be the strongest in a single fight, but she is definitely the king on the battlefield.

Of course, as the Queen used the backfeeding power of Touch of Darkness to resurrect her partner, her single-handed ability has also soared a lot, and she can embark on a stronger path.

With the addition of Val’kyr who can resurrect her after her death in battle, just thinking about it, it feels desperate to be an enemy of such a person.

Fortunately, now the undead is not at all, what aggression is, what the Dark Queen and the undead clan want to do most now is to seek revenge from the natural disasters and kill King Lich. Otherwise, I am afraid that the ancient gods of the world will fall into endless darkness.

“No wonder, no wonder such a stubborn and arrogant person is willing to choose you as an Inheritor. A monster like you shouldn’t exist.” The priest looked at Li Yao’s pets, and then looked towards the Black Dragon. Later, I looked towards Li Yao’s skillful arrow technique and violent attack power, and he was completely desperate.

“Just accept your fate. You have absorbed so much star and moon brilliance. I have one thing that is already hungry and thirsty. If it is worse than you, it will be done.”

With Li Yao’s words, countless black tentacles spread on Li Yao’s arms and legs.

“This is, this is, the body of the ancient god.” The mother tree’s illusory shadow was full of horror: “No, how can you control this evil thing? Which ancient god’s body is this? , You actually collected two parts. No, I will not be the nourishment of the ancient gods, kill me, kill me.”

The ancient gods have always been taboo since ancient times.

This World once belonged to the gods, and then the ancient gods descended on this World.

Some people say that the ancient gods are the will produced by this World, and some say that the ancient gods are the Evil God in the depths of the universe. They can attach to a main plane, slowly control and cannibalize this plane, and use the plane as nourishment to strengthen themselves.

But these are unknowable. The only thing people know now is the ancient gods and Numeric Divinity Great War, which ended the age of the gods and entered the All Gods turn to Dusk.

Then these four element lords took refuge in the ancient gods, and the four element army plus the faceless army created by the ancient gods and Aki stormed the entire world and swept the entire world back into chaos.

Later, the Titan gods of the Pantheon came, and they and the remaining gods in the ancient gods, plus the five-color giant dragon Legion created, the mechanical dwarf Legion, the storm giant, the mountain giant, etc., defeated the rule of the ancient gods .

But they can’t kill the ancient gods, they can only seal them deep underground in all parts of the world. Then re-create the world, create a well of eternity to absorb the energy of the universe to repair this broken world.

Although hundreds of thousands of years have passed, the fear and horror of the ancient gods are still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The older the existence, the greater the fear of the ancient gods.

“It’s late, didn’t expect. You have gathered so much negative energy and blended with the endless stars and moons. It’s amazing.” Li Yao said, the touch of darkness is crazy. The heart was wrapped around, and the mother tree illusory shadow also shattered.

“What’s so great, an idiot who thinks he is smart, but is actually stupid.” The Black Dragon is full of disdain.

Li Yao raised his eyebrows: “How do you say?”

“There are also things you don’t know, then I will let you know more about it.” The Black Dragon Dragon Empress looked proudly Li Yao glanced at Li Yao and said: “This product speaking of which is also a tragedy. It is a direct heir of the mother tree. Unfortunately, the life is not good. The place where it takes root is too far away from the Well of Eternity. It took 30,000 years for this product to grow hard. The root system finally touched the Well of Eternity, but it only took a few months to absorb it. The War of the Ancients broke out, and then the earth shattered, and his root system was also broken by half. Strength great injury.”

“But actually Above, as the heir of the mother tree, he within the body itself contains countless wells of eternal energy. It is a pity that this is confused and ignorant. If it weren’t for this kind of power, could he have a root system across a continent? This idiot wasted a lot of Ten thousand years, if it grows in a balanced way, this product will be against the sky. Not to mention becoming the second mother tree, but at least it is much stronger than the so-called World Tree.”

“Of course, he is not without Opportunity, as a result, this guy is born paranoid, and has to take a dark path. First, he absorbs the essence of the undead and becomes a dead tree, and then he has to swallow the sun and the moon. With the continuous perfusion of the sun and the moon, the power he can exert is only Tier 4, which is really pathetic. You use the touch of darkness to absorb his star power this time. Although it will kill his consciousness, he will produce new ones. Consciousness, and the rest of the natural force, as long as you don’t make detours, you may not be able to catch up in the future. After all, where is his foundation? If it were an ordinary tree, such tossing would be over.”

Li Yao suddenly. Although I don’t know how the new consciousness cut off these energies in previous life, it is indeed reborn from the ashes, and it becomes stronger very fast.

With the injection of energy, the touch of darkness spreads out more tentacles madly, and the touch of darkness is changed from the original pitch-black as ink, and there are many shiny spots on the body, like In the sky, like a shining star.

In the distant city of the undead, the Queen’s Laboratory, the experiment failed again.

The queen was furious and a little frustrated. After all, at such a high price, the research has not made progress. It is impossible for her to be angry.

Just when she wanted to vent her anger, she seemed to feel something.

“The touch of darkness, I completely cut off the connection, how can I still feel it.” The queen suddenly realized: “It turned out to be the tentacles on the soul, this time it seems to be completely cut off.”


At the same time, her soul was infused with a powerful force, and countless pitch-black as ink gas with a little bit of stars enveloped the queen.

The queen rushed into her Martial Practice Stage like lightning, and she all around the mist shining with stars gradually condensed into an eggshell, wrapping her inside.

The strength has been infused for five minutes, and after another five minutes, the dome burst open suddenly, and an extremely perfect body appeared.

The queen at this moment is completely different from just now, like a peerless Goddess. As her eyes opened, the entire Martial Practice Stage seemed to shine, and her eyes looked like the sun and the moon…


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