The Lost City is already a chaos. More and more demons have invaded the city. Similarly, a considerable number of demons are killed under the repercussions of the fighting power of the ghost king and the sages. And here, players are almost invisible. Their bodies are much weaker than these demons. The five ghost kings, the three sages, and the strongest two in the lost city are within a few kilometers. , They approached is tantamount to death.




Dark mist surrounds, poisonous gas pervades, holy light strobe, knife shadow bursts. This level of fighting is close to the fierce battle between annihilation. However, both sides have some scruples ... The main purpose of the three sages and two gods is to protect the city, so we try to force the five ghost kings away from the lost And control the attack range to prevent the lost city from being destroyed by energy. The five ghost kings also want to reduce the attack range to prevent the demons belonging to the demons from dying under their own attacks, but despite this, the kilometer area of ​​the lost city from the south gate to the north has been destroyed, and they are fighting. The center point is beyond destruction. The sound of energy collision and explosion roaring is clearly heard throughout the lost city, making ordinary NPCs without combat ability to close their doors in fear, curled up in the corner and shivering.

The end of the lost city seems to be coming soon.



Two dark explosions, the Ziji Sword God and the Ice and Fire God were blasted out by Qi Qi, landed on the ground, and could no longer stand up. It is their limit to persist until now. Now they have exhausted all their tricks and even taboo skills, they almost have no fighting ability, they can only fall to the ground, watching the Three Sages in pain to support ... but they are not strong enough, On the contrary, they are the strongest among human beings, except for the nameless and wise men. They are the Ziji sword **** and the ice fire **** who are famous throughout the continent. They are the gods that all practitioners can only look up to. However, their opponent this time is the ghost king, the strongest demon outside of the demon continent! The power of the Ghost King is not at all comparable to that of humans.

The strength of the sage is slightly inferior to that of the ghost king. The twelve sages of that year, and then restrained with powerful devices, defeated the nine ghost kings. Without the help of the two sages, the pressure of the three sages has doubled, and danger is surrounding.

"Hahahaha, only the three of you are undead and want to block us !? The sages who are not together don't threaten us at all, let me die!"

The five ghost kings roared at the same time, the black shadows moved, and their bodies gathered together instantly. The deep black gas condensed on them at the same time, and broke out at the same time.

"Let's go to death ... Five Devil Destroy Souls !!"

The black gas erupting from the five Great Ghost Kings merged together, and then rushed around, a rotating dark array formed instantly, spreading at a rapid speed, and spread to the feet of the Three Sages in a blink of an eye.

"Have suffered !!! Holy Word !!!"

Hearing the words "Five Devil's Soul Array", the poisoned electricity sage who was already close to exhaustion was horrified and roared. This magic array can be launched with three or more demons. The greater the power of the demons, the greater the number, and the more terrifying the power and range. They know the terrible power of this magic array.

The Sage of the Word has also suffered heavy damage. This magic array covers too much area. They have no time to escape. She gasps and lifts the rod of the Word and yells: "Holy barrier!"

The sacred barrier she casts is naturally not comparable to that of Sophie. The sacred barrier of Sophie can only protect herself, and the sacred barrier of the Holy Word and Sage directly covers the area around 50 meters around her, and will poison the electricity. The ghost sword and the sword are also shrouded in it, and it is also the moment when the sacred barrier is formed. The dark magic circle underneath rotates rapidly, the countless dark breath condenses into countless dark magic arrows, and shoots madly upward, just like one. Dark rainstorm upside down.

Bang bang bang bang bang ...

The dark arrows are all blocked by the sacred barrier, and the sound of dense collisions is carried out. The ghost knife and poisonous electricity have not left the sacred barrier, because they know the damage of these dark magic arrows. They are even more It will not be forgotten that among the twelve sages, the Kwai Lei sage with the most destructive power and the weakest self-protection is the "Eight Demon Soul Array" launched by the Eight Demon.

The sage of the Holy Word dazzled all over her body, holding her arms high, and doing her utmost to maintain the power of the Divine Barrier, but her face was obviously paler and her body was shaking more and more violently.

The conflict between light and darkness, the collision of light and darkness, the darkness will be eliminated, and the light will also be erased. Light and dark collisions of the same degree and density produce mutually canceling effects. Therefore, under the sacred barrier, the dark magic arrow is blocked, and the power of the sacred barrier is weakened little by little by the dark magic arrow, and it becomes weaker and weaker ...

Ping! !! !! !!

With a crisp sound, the sacred barrier can no longer be supported at last. It is shattered like a glass ball. The countless dark magic arrows completely envelop the three wise men, cutting their bodies relentlessly ...

"Hahahaha ... Only three dare to die, all of them! You killed Qingming's enemies, but we have never forgotten, go to **** and pay for Qingming!"

In the distance, the Ziji Sword God and the Ice and Fire God looked desperately at the three sages who fell into the Five Demon Soul Arrays ... the power of the two of them could not completely stop a ghost king. For the Lost City, the Three Sages can be said to be the last hope, and now, this last hope has also reached the edge of disintegration after supporting it for a long time ... The demons reappeared, and then sealed the ten of the eight demon kings. The two sages only appeared three ... where were the others? Why aren't they willing to appear again, where is the goddess Xi Yao?

If they really don't show up ...

Is the Lost City and the Lost Realm really going to fall into the hands of the Demons?

Thinking of the scene where the demons on the lost continent run rampant, their eyes show a desperate death gray ... the demons are really too powerful. The strongest of the human race, they are so powerless and unbearable in the presence of the devil king. Now, what else can save the lost city and the lost continent! ?

In the Lost City, there are countless townspeople tremblingly watching the battle between the ghost king and the sage in the distance. The ghost king and the sage and the battle between them are all legendary. But this time, it was truly staged in their sight, and they also led them step by step into the abyss of fear. Each of them knows what it means if the sage is defeated, and they also know that the three sages are most likely to end in the face of the Five Ghost Kings. They can only pray in trembling and fear ...

Until the three wise men's protective barriers broke, the dark breath shrouded them, and in a more intense shudder, they tasted despair ... In the palace of the lost city, the lost emperor took a long breath and body Weakened a few times.

Human wisdom is endless. But in the face of powerful power, the humbleness of human power is also clearly manifested ... What is the role of wisdom in the face of absolute power? Is it tempting to persuade these terrible demons with words? It's tantamount to dreaming.

"The emperor ... they are defeated." The pheasant Taoist walked to the side of the lost emperor, and said in a sigh, hard. He can already predict what will happen next. "Poor Dao has just begged the dragon for help ... They told them that the bright dragon **** is retreating. Unless there is something shocking, maybe it will come out after thousands or even thousands of years. Without the order of the dragon god, they would never step out of the dragon. Domain. As for the other two holy gods with the power of annihilation, the poor do not know how to find them ... Well, is there really no way to recover? "

The Lost Emperor shook his head and sighed, "I have known a long time ago that after the First World War, the sages who did not die all chose different ways of hermitage and vowed not to intervene in disputes again. It is an accident that these three sages can appear. Without the goddess Xi Yao and the twelve sages, with our strength, we may be able to resist the magic soldiers and generals, but do n’t even try to stop this terrible ghost king ... If heaven is to perish my lost city, what can we do? "

At this point, the Five Demon Soul Arrays have disappeared in the air, and all three sages have fallen from the air to the ground.

The poisoned sages and ghost knife sages were pale as paper, and their vitality became weak. The remaining dark forces entangled their bodies and continued to eat away at their lives. The sage of the Holy Word suffered the least because of the cancellation of the power of light. She struggled to stand up and release the prayer of light to release the dark death that entangled in the three men ... and her magic has reached the edge of the gap.

"Yuan Yuan Lao Gui, are you okay?" Yuan Ya was lifted by the Word and asked gaspingly.

"Huh, it's not dead yet." The poisonous electricity also struggled to stand up. The demon snake in his hand had lost most of the green light. He looked at the five ghost king with a proud laugh and said with a bitter grin, "We still counted No matter how bad it is, it wo n’t be so disastrous ... 100 years, huh, 100 years, you and I were decadent in silence, our bodies quickly grew old, became fragile, and our strength was greatly diminished ... A hundred-year curse, even the body can't move, its power is degraded, and the body has become old and fragile ... and these ghost kings, instead of being weak, they have become stronger than before ... "

"What's the use of saying this now ..." Ghostblade also smirked, looking at his wife nostalgically, and said, "Just hate, we still can't keep this lost city ... But okay, so it's also considered I returned the evil kindness, and today I will die, there will be no regrets. Holy Word ... Do you regret it? "

The Sage Sage gently shook his head: "A hundred years of life is better than death. I have supported the past. I just want to see you again ... I am very satisfied to be with you for such a long time. These are all given to us by the evil sky. "Dying for him, or dying with you, I have nothing to regret."

"You two ..." The poisonous sage waved his mouth and bit his teeth: "Don't say such a disgusting idiot in front of me, we are not dead yet! We would really die ~ ~ at least To pull a ghost king on his back ... I promised my granddaughter to keep the lost city and keep her house, and it will always be done !!! "

Chen Xue is the only love he has in this world, because her body carries the last strength of his dead wife, and also the last trace of existence. For her, he could spare everything, including his life.

The black shadow was shaking, and the Five Ghost Kings had already appeared in front of them at the same time, looking at them with victory and ridicule with the cold devil's smile. Luo Sha Ghost King laughed in a grinning voice: "Hey ... poisonous electricity, ghost swords, holy words, you are so disappointed. We thought it would be a very interesting battle, but I didn't expect ... well, you already Become so vulnerable, in the past hundred years, even if we are sealed in the Tower of Destiny, we are still struggling to improve our strength ... and you, hehe ... Now you guys have not contended with us at all. Qualifications."

"Well, don't talk nonsense with them, solve them immediately and win the lost city ... This is the best gift we use to welcome the return of the Lord Lord of the Devil." Said the ghost of the Ziming ghost.

"Hey, hey, hey ... want us to die? Did we agree?" The poisoned sage raised the devil blade in his hand and sneered sneer. His body was shaking in trembling.

"Well, you still have a hard mouth when you die. Then let me die ..." The Ziming Ghost King held his hands together, and a huge dark bomb formed between his hands. The sages shrouded them, making their already unstable bodies almost suppressed to the ground for an instant.

At this moment, the blue light flashed in front of the three sages, and two sharp sword-like eyes shot coldly at the five ghost kings ... Below him, the ice-blue wings of the crying feather ice-lin released a dreamlike Azure Blue Mansions.

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