Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 963: Causal reincarnation (middle)

Yaya's words undoubtedly admit Ye Tianxie said ... she really knows a lot about Li Xianer.

Wait, she just called ...

Sister Genesis?

He has heard the name "Sister of Creation God" more than once at Yaya, and heard her mention it when she first encountered Yaya. When he returned to Novice Village No. 60001, he heard something about the God of Creation from the blacksmith ... The blacksmith told him that the creator of this destiny world was not the person who created it, but Someone who changed the rules of this world. For example, the blacksmith Pharaoh and Yuanzhang, as well as the village chief, in No. 60001 Xinshou Village, went there because of the call of the creation god.

But no one knows who the creation **** is. No one knows why she has the ability to change this rule.

Ye Tianxie froze for a moment, then said with a slight excitement, "Yaya, isn't that the fairy God of Creation you mentioned?"

Yaya blinked, and eventually nodded obediently: "Unknown brother said, if you can remember it for yourself, tell you everything ... Oh, the master guessed right. Sister of Creation God is actually immortal Sister. When Yaya was about to die, it was Sister Genesis who saved Yaya, but Yaya's strength returned to the original state and became a child ... Woo, but Yaya loves the way she is now You do n’t want to be the same, it ’s not cute at all. ”

Ye Tianxie: "... !!!"

Fairy ...

Creation God! ?


How is this going! ?

How could Xianer be the creator of this game world!

If Xianer is the creation **** of this world ... then Alpha and Pros, who created this game world, they are ...

If this game world is made by Xianer, then it seems understandable that she staged a creation **** here. Is the developer of this destiny world actually a fairy? Are Alpha and Pross assisting Fairy? still is……

Ye Tianxie's brain was chaotic. In fact, a long time ago, he was wondering again and again whether this game world is a virtual world. Because he has found a lot of reasons why this world actually exists ... just, so many players use game equipment to enter here, but not physically to enter here. Just this basis is enough to overthrow all his doubts.

"Oh! Master, isn't she the girl who loves intellectual challenges? Why is she here?" Guoguo looked at the girl and said.

Before Ye Tianxie answered, Yaya said before, "Yeah! Because he is Yaya's elder brother, and of course Yaya must follow him. And, when you are away, you are accompanied by elder brother Then. "

"Huh? Are you staying with the master?" Guoguo's lips opened. Immediately, she reacted suddenly, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since you you you can hear my voice!)"

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"Hmm! Of course, Yaya can hear your voice, and I can see you ... I can see it a long time ago, when Yaya just pretended not to know." Yaya said proudly. Her body fluttered, affixed to Ye Tianxie's side, and said delicately: "Ya will always be with her elder brother ... Your elder brother is not allowed to drive her away."

Ye Tianxie didn't answer, Guoguo's eyes flickered quickly.

Women are jealous animals, which has nothing to do with age. Looking at the intimate actions of Yaya and Ye Tianxie, thinking of what she said, Guoguo's heart immediately gave birth to a sense of crisis similar to that which would take away a large part of her pet, and immediately shouted, "No! No! That's the master of Guoguo, so he won't stay with you ... The master is Guoguo, and he won't like you. "

"Huh! Who said that older brother didn't like Yaya. Older brother always liked Yaya, and gave a lot of delicious food to eat ... You see what you see." Yaya said, and then came out A lot of sweets that Ye Tianxie gave her.

Looking at these candies, Guoguo blinked for a while, then tears almost fell down: "Wow! That's Guoguo's thing! Master, you actually gave Guoguo's candy to other little loli ... … Wow, master, do you really like her, do n’t you like Guo Guo? ”

Ye Tianxie: "! @ # ¥% ……"

Before today, Ye Tianxie wanted to break his head and couldn't understand why these sweets that clearly exist in the real world appear here ... these must not be products of this world, not only have no place to sell, but ... that It is clearly printed with those familiar trademarks!

Later, these were used by him to bribe Yaya.

And now, Guoguo is back ...

If you knew that these were Guoguo, give him a courage and dare not give them to others, otherwise Guoguo's tears would burst out and the scene would be totally shocking.

"Um ... Guoguo, I forgot that it was yours, so ..."

"No matter what! The master just gave Guoguo something to another little loli. The master can only have one loli fruit. He can't bring other little loli, can't he? Wow ... Master I like other little loli, will Guoguo ... ”Guoguo shouted in remorse, and the tears that had just stopped after a short while were pouring out worthlessly.

"Ahhh! These are from your elder brother to Yaya, not yours! Yaya is so cute, of course, elder brother prefers Yaya, and Yaya can also protect elder brother. What a little one you are, what You ca n’t do it, it ’s you who is the elder brother who does n’t like it. ”Yaya pushed her lips back without showing weakness.

"The master always likes Guoguo! Guoguo used to accompany the host every day, eat and play together, fight with monsters, sleep and bath together, do you play with the host, eat, eat, sleep with big monsters, and bath together! "

"I ... of course! Yaya is always with your elder brother, and you don't know where to go for so long. If you didn't, your elder brother would be alone and would be particularly lonely."

"The master will not like you! I am the master's loli Guoguo, and I will be with my master all my life, and the master will always like Guoguo."

"Big Brother likes Yaya!"

"It's Guoguo! I don't like you!"

"It's Yaya!"

"It's Guoguo!"

"It's Yaya!"

"It's Guoguo!"

"It's Yaya!"

"It's Guoguo!"



"Stop, stop, stop!" Ye Tianxie was sandwiched between the two girls, and his head was so big that he was shocked with two very clear and pleasant sounds but with a strong offensive voice, and even the things he had been thinking about just now were caught Strange and confused, no more clues. He took Guoguo in one hand and grabbed Yaya's little hand in one hand, and said, "Do n’t bother you, no matter if it is Yaya or Guoguo, of course I like them all ... Yaya, these sweets are indeed old fruit Guoguo left, so you also have to thank Guoguocai. Guoguo, when you are away, you are always with me, you should be good friends and not be noisy. "

Ye Tianxie opened her mouth, and Guoguo and Yaya, one big and one small, finally stopped making noise. Listening to Ye Tianxie's words, the two looked at each other for a while, then curled their lips together and said unconvinced. :"Never!"

Ye Tianxie: ╮ (╯_╰) ╭ (forget ...)

"Okay, okay, that ’s okay. Whoever tells me more about Fairy, I like more." Ye Tianxie said with a smile ... I have to say, this sentence is too shameless. Very, very shamelessly using the intimate dependence and petting of two girls on him. Sure enough, as soon as Ye Tianxie said this, the two girls who were still hesitating immediately became anxious. Guoguo's "的" floated on Ye Tianxie's shoulder, and then he said in his ear: "Master master, Guoguo immediately tell the master everything he knows, Guoguo must not lie to the master."

"Yaya knows more! Yaya knows a lot of fruit, but let Yaya say ..."

"Cheat! Obviously Guoguo knows much. Guoguo lived with her sister and host long, long ago. You didn't know where at that time, huh!"

"Okay, I said, don't make a noise." Ye Tianxie had a headache for a while, and he couldn't help but think that if Yaya and Guoguo had been so head-to-head in the future, um ... basically don't want to settle down for his days. He thought about it and said, "Let ’s talk one by one, ya, first say ... you tell me, what is the connection between Xianer and this destiny world?"

After Ye Tianxie asked this question, Yaya didn't immediately answer it ~ ~ She thought for a while before she said, "Big brother, in fact, Yaya doesn't know that much, a lot. Things are not very clear to Yaya, and many things have been accidentally forgotten ... But Yaya knows that there is a way for the elder brother to know a lot of things he wants to know, and this thing is on the elder brother. "

"What's on me?" Ye Tianxie was surprised.

"It's something called 'causal reincarnation'." Yaya said seriously.

"Reincarnation of cause and effect? ​​You mean reincarnation of cause and effect?" Ye Tianxie froze for a moment, then immediately took out the most mysterious thing on his body, mysterious enough to be forgotten by him.

Ye Tianxie has a small crystal ball in his hand. Its size is similar to that of a votive glass, a standard sphere, but it does not have the dreamy colored light of votive glass. To be precise, it does not have any light. Although smooth, it was dimly colored. When you get closer, you can find that there is something in this small sphere flowing fast ... It is a mass of black or white smoke, chaotically mixed together, like an irregular roulette Turning in the cycle.

This is the second of the seven hidden props in the world of destiny that Ye Tianxie received after receiving the glass of prayers—named "Reincarnation of Cause and Effect".

Cause and effect reincarnation: one of the seven hidden props in the world of destiny. Everything is chaotic. There is a cause and a cause. There will be a cause after all, good or evil, big or small, separation or gathering, or sorrow or joy ... Once the cause and effect cycle is broken, both cause and effect will be in fate. Overturning in reincarnation.

This causal reincarnation he has tried many times to explore its role, but without results, he did not dare to smash it. At this point, Yaya said ... Apparently, Yaya knew what effect this causal cycle would have. after all. She is the Goddess of Hope who lost the continent.

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