Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 941: combustion! Unyielding Heaven Soul! (in)

Deathly quiet ...

All the players of the Divine Alliance have been transferred, and none have been left. The original distribution in front of Tianchen City was vast, and the densely populated player group disappeared like smoke. Only a few people in the Heaven Soul mercenary group were left, and the immortal samsara Of three thousand players. This sudden change of hexagrams kept all players in the field standing there for a long time.

"Buried god, what do you mean!" Blood Wheel picked up the speaker and growled loudly.

"Huh? Do n’t be excited, Brother Helun. I do n’t have any other meaning. I just think that the Lost City needs our Divine Alliance. After all, the Lost City is our central city. Compared with Tianchen City, it is What's more, you can't be stumped, what do you say? "The voice of the burial **** came from the intercom, and everyone present was listening in the ear. His voice had disappeared from the previous gentle, extremely harsh. Zuo Pojun, Murong Qiushui, Situ Brothers, Ling Jie ... everyone's face became extremely gloomy.

"Soul is thin!" The blood wheel gritted its teeth: "What the **** do you mean !!! Don't you know what is facing Tianchen City here! If Dongchen invades Tianchen City, do you know what the consequences are! That will It is the shame of my whole Huaxia !!! No matter what the reason, bring your people back immediately !!! This is not a time for jokes ... Otherwise, you will not be forgiven for doing so! "

"Sorry, I'm not kidding, I didn't think I did anything wrong ... And, haha, blood, please put away your voice, you don't have any right to order me, what is my God Union alliance to do, to stay In front of Tianchen City or in front of the Lost City, it is completely the freedom of my Divine Alliance. Big mistake? Keeping Tianchen City is defending, keeping the Lost City is defending, the same nature, but also working for the entire Huaxia District, where exactly am I? Wrong done! "The voice of the burial **** came slowly, unhurriedly.

"Buried God!" Xuelun's face was as black as carbon: "Have you ever thought that if Tianchen City was invaded by Dongyu ... and what happened today in front of this gate was made public, your Divine Alliance would be completely Will Huaxia cast aside, will not be forgiven by everyone? "

"Oh? Really? Oh, I don't understand what you said." The buried god's voice remained flat and scornful: "What have I done wrong? What can I not be forgiven? I was originally guarding It ’s good in the east of Tianchen City, but the tone clearly says that the east of Tianchen City is the safest and the most dangerous city of Lost City, and asked the defenders of Tianchen City East to support it quickly ... So I came to the Lost City with my partners there. City, why not? No, not only ... I am not wrong, but the credit that will make countless players unforgettable ... You must not see it, we use the precious teleportation scroll directly to the south gate of this lost city. At that time, how excited and grateful the players and the city guards were when we saw us, hahahahaha ... has been cast aside and not forgiven? Haha, it's ridiculous to the extreme! As for the east gate of Tianchen City ... It's not you Are the Immortal Reincarnation and the Heavenly Soul Mercenary Corps known as the "Myth Mercenary Corps" guarding? If there is any danger, you can go to guard it. East invasion? Oh, is there a prompt? Who knows? N O ... We do n’t know about the top and bottom of the Divine Alliance. The countless NPCs and players here can testify. When we came here to support, there was no announcement of Dongying invading Tianchen City? If there is really ... hahahaha, then I gave it to you, the Immortal Reincarnation and the Heaven Soul Mercenary Regiment. If you ca n’t keep it, let Dongzhao occupy Tianchen City ... Hahahaha, you will be cast aside by Huaxia and will not be everyone Forgive me !!! "


"Enough!" Zuo Pojun yelled, a communicator grabbing the blood wheel, and under his anger, when the communicator got into his hands, he was crushed by him instantly ... this scene is enough Surprise any player. Because he could use his own hands to cause the effect of destruction. Only this time, who cares about this.

"Funny **** bastard!" Zuo Pengjun's teeth clucked. His hands almost crushed his bones.

"Oh, we were all played by the buried god." Murong Qiushui played with his own bliss world, and the cold light between his eyes made people shudder.

"Before he deliberately removed the wing of the sky, otherwise, if the wing of the sky is present, we still have the ability to resist ... tune the wing of the sky, and then leave us later to isolate us completely ... now we Keep here, if Tianchen City is occupied, this shame will be attributed to us by all players !!! This funeral **** ... he finally started to deal with us. "Ling Jie said with his teeth.

"No, Xiaojie, you are still too tender ... what you said is completely wrong. His main purpose is never in us." Situ Sha shook his head at that moment.

"Not for us, that's ..." Ling Jie was surprised.

"Poker's face is right," Zuo Pojun said with a somber face. "If you want to come now, there are some things that happen to be coincidental."

"Invasion of Huaxia, Dongzhang Country is the least likely to be a participating country. Before, the reminders of the invasion of various countries basically sounded synchronously, but there was no Dongzhuang ... it seemed to be preparing and waiting for something. Later, the wing of the sky was buried by God. Transferred, in order to transfer away, huh, he did not hesitate to admit his mistakes to Yun Sihai and bowed his head, but also after the wing covering the sky had all retreated, Dong Xuan appeared in a timely manner, and he also left in a timely manner ... Oh, really coincidentally let No one can think of it without thinking, "Situ said with a squint.

"If I remember correctly, the burial **** took a call at the most wonderful time ... if you gave me another 0.5 seconds, my bullet had already passed through his head." Murong Qiushui's voice was negative. Measured.

"You ... you mean, the funeral **** and Dongyu side ... Impossible! This is definitely impossible! He is the **** son of the southern solitary family, whose power is enough to esteem Huaxia, how can there be a relationship with Dongyu side ... and what? Will do these things, these ... these are coincidences. "Ling Jie stuttered. There is no collusion between Huaxia's well-known godson, the solitary family of the powerful Chinese solitary family in the south of China, and Dongxun ... it is hard for him to accept.

Because this is a treasonous act! Once exposed, his entire solitary family will be ruined and spurned by all citizens. No matter how powerful the power is, it will not be tolerated by Huaxia. With the power of Dugu, there is no such need and reason!

Zuo Pojun shook his head and said, "Xiaojie, there are many things in this world that seem impossible, but they really exist. And the words of the burial **** ... the investigation that the older sister said about him, Should be aware of something. But this sounds too incredible after all, so she never said what it was ... maybe, the burial god, really has any special relationship with Dong Yan. Today, he will take it with him personally One hundred thousand players came here, not to help us, but it should have been premeditated. Maybe he did n’t even know we were here before he came ... The reason why he would come here is that he knew in advance that Dongzhang would attack this position. ... "

"So I brought hundreds of thousands of players here. After the danger was lifted, at the advent of the East River, I transferred other forces away for various reasons, leaving only myself, and then I chose a very appropriate time to leave. Let Tianchen City be an empty door so that East-winning players can easily invade and occupy ... More subtlely, the timing of his choice to evacuate must be before the Huaxia player knows that Dongfeng has invaded from this direction. In this way, even if they know that some of the teams of the Divine Alliance originally stayed at the east gate of Tianchen City, no one can blame the Divine Alliance at all. Because they will believe that the Divine Alliance completely did not know the East attack before the transfer. No one knows the news of the invasion, and their transfer is entirely to support ... Hehehe, it is a clever calculation that makes people want to applaud. It should be his hand to involve us and the immortal reincarnation, haha Hehe. "Situ Mo then said in the words of Zuo Pojun, when he smiled, his face oozed out.

"How can ... this way." Ling Jie still looked erratic, hard to accept.

A gust of wind blew through, and God Xiaoyao turned back at an astonishing speed. Zuo Pojun and his call were always on, so what happened just now, he knew all the conversation. He stopped, wiped off the green light from his body, and yelled, "Buried god! You dog, mother-of-law turtle son Wang Ba Zi !!! I X your eighteenth generation ancestors !!!"

"Let's ask for help soon !!! If it was attacked into Tianchen City, it would be totally bad !!!" Sophie Fei said sharply.

"It's too late." Zuo Pojun shook his head ~ ~ Mulu hated the light: "Unless the player has special teleport items, when he teleports back to Tianchen City, he will appear at the central resurrection point, from the center of Tianchen City to here , It takes more than two hours to use the Need for Mount ... two hours !!! The system just hinted that it is safest here before, it is basically impossible for players to run in this direction ... even if we ask for support now, at least two Within hours we will have little chance of getting support! "

The eastern sky has become bewildered ... In my ears, the sound of a huge team approaching from a distance is faintly heard.

NPCs are not allowed to participate in siege and siege battles between nations ... even if Tianchen City is one of the main cities lost on the continent, this rule cannot be escaped. Even if a player actively kills the NPC, the pursuit is also related players Responsibility, not all.

In the center of each city, there will be a resurrection stone. Players teleport to the city, or when resurrected, appear here (resurrection point) ... and without this resurrection stone, players will not be able to return to the city and resurrect here. This resurrection stone, players in this area cannot be destroyed even if they have the ability to destroy, but if foreign players invade, they can destroy it with an attack ...

The consequences of the destruction are obvious ... Can the player not return by returning to the city, the main city that cannot be resurrected here, or is it their main city?

And ... if you destroy the original resurrection stone and inlay it into your country ...

Then! !! Take Tianchen City as an example, take Dongyu as an example ... All Dongyu players who have stepped into the lost continent can return to Tianchen City instantly by returning to the city. All Dongyu players who set the resurrection point in Tianchen City will not be sent after death. Returning home, but resurrected in Tianchen City! !! !! This completely means that Tianchen City has become a city for their players, instead of belonging to Huaxia! !!

What a horrible and shameful consequence! !!

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