The vast South China Sea is boundless. Ye Tianxie has not been here for the first time. He still clearly remembers that he was hit here by the blue dragon transformed by the ball, and then on the bottom of the sea between yin and yang. Encountered Xingli. Later, he brought Xingli and Chen Xue many times to blow the sea breeze.

There was a dull noise behind him, and Ye Tianxie turned to look at the sky subconsciously. On the sky that has been quiet for a while, the rolling black clouds stopped, and huge black holes appeared on the dark clouds. Then, black shadows shot out like black raindrops. Ye Tianxie knew that there must be another wave of Demon Demons being driven to the lost continent. But these have nothing to do with him. He just glanced at him and followed the blue-phoenix phoenix.

Finally, only seawater was left in front of him, and there was no more land. Even here, the Blu-ray Phoenix is ​​still flying forward rapidly. Because the body has become too small, the reduction of its body is already discernible to the naked eye, which makes Ye Tianxie more anxious ...

He was convinced that this Blu-ray Phoenix must take himself to a place.

But where does it take itself! Here, obviously it is already far from the lost continent!

The sea breeze blew the surface, did not let Ye Tianxie's heart be quiet, even a trace. His eyes always stayed on the bluish phoenix ... Gradually, his body passed through the memory to encounter the blue dragon, got the power of the abyss knight and transformed into the place where the dragon was hard to resist the attack of the blue dragon. At this point, its body has become half the size of a palm.

"Where the **** are you taking me ... tell me! Don't disappear!" Ye Tianxie shouted loudly even though he knew he would never answer.

One minute, ten minutes ... twenty minutes ...

In the eyes of his shrinking eyes, the blue Phoenix in front of him has become smaller and smaller. In the end, Ye Tianxie can only see a little blue light in front of him. Inwardly, follow this blue light tightly ...


A refreshing sea breeze blew past me, and in front of me, a blue light suddenly shone, just like a meteor passing by in the night sky.

In the last blue light, the blue phoenix completely disappeared, disappearing without a trace.

Ye Tianxie stopped there, staring blankly at the place where the bluish phoenix disappeared, and his heart was empty, at a loss.

Here, it should be a place that has crossed the original borders of the Huaxia Kingdom. At a glance ... front, rear, left, right ... no matter which direction, there are only endless blue waters, and occasionally there are only a few Seabirds flew over the sky, and there were no more than these. Blu-ray Phoenix actually took him here, brought him to an unknown point in the boundless sea, and disappeared completely.

But here ... nothing ... He couldn't see any hope he had hoped to see. Standing on this vast sea, Ye Tianxie was silent for a long time.

Why did you bring me here?

Did he deliberately bring me here, or ... it had dissipated due to lack of strength before it reached its destination.

Ye Tianxie constantly looked around, looking at every direction and corner here, hoping to find something different, but time and time again, he couldn't find any ... and couldn't see any. hope.

The wish I made was the desire to recover the lost memories.

But here is the vast sea.

Is the legend of Liuli true? Is that fairy-tale legend true?

It must be true ... It must be!

Ye Tianxie shook his head vigorously, then suddenly looked at his feet. Staring at the sparkling water, he frowned ... Will it be under the ocean!

It seemed as if I had seen the dawn of hope again and found a new goal. Ye Tianxie quickly put away the wings of Abyss and sank his body heavily.


The sea water was separated, Ye Tianxie's body dived into the ocean, and then quickly fell down. With the blue dragon ring in his body, he can freely shuttle under water, such as walking flat. His gaze swept across the ocean, searching for every corner he could see ...

He is using all his thoughts to convince himself that the legend of Liuli is true, and that Liuli brought him here. He must be able to find the lost memories here ... definitely ...

Ten minutes later, a figure appeared in the white light where Ye Tianxie was submerged.

Situ Luoyu appeared at the place where she was off the line at 0AM, and her floating body fell to the sea, but when her feet touched the sea, she did not fall into the water. So easy and freehand stood there steadily.

The shoes worn on her feet are specially made by Xing Baoer, so she can walk on water. Situ Luoyu quickly summoned her pet Canghai Shark, sat on its wide back, then took out the "Star of the Sea", hung the advanced fishing bait, held the fishing rod in one hand, and supported the cheek in one hand, soothing Extremely started fishing. She is fascinated by the feeling of being immersed in the sea breeze, which will make her feel in the most pleasant state at the same time. At the same time, the harvest here is richer than anywhere else, so she usually comes when she is fishing Above this ocean, I have hardly ever been to lakes on the continent.

"Huh?" After a few minutes, Situ Luoyu, who heard some weird noise, looked into the distance ... far away, there were many small black spots. The little black dots were moving at a fairly rapid rate in the direction of the lost continent in the north. Situ dropped the fishing rod in the rain, picked up the advanced telescope made by Xingbaoer, and looked away.

Under the stars telescope, the original appearance of the black dots is clearly visible to the eyes ... that is a huge ship. With the size of those ships, each can hold at least thousands or even tens of thousands.

"What a big ship ... the destiny world has such a big ship ... hey, there are so many." Situ Luoyu was curiously talking to himself, changing his perspective, looking closely, these ships There are actually dozens of ships.

"Is it carrying things? I don't care anymore." Situ dropped the binoculars, picked up the fishing rod again, and began to concentrate on fishing ... The huge ship in the distance was approaching the south coast of the lost mainland at a rather rapid speed at a rather amazing speed. .


The lost continent, which was quiet for a long time, has fallen into war again. Because the sky has dropped countless demons and is raging. It seems that this is the start of the second wave of attacks on the Demons.

And if someone can look at the overall situation from a very high place, they will find that the demons who dropped this time ... the most in the middle and the most powerful, the more outward, the smaller the number, the weaker the overall strength, and the marginal zone, Hardly any demons descended.

The east gate of Tianchen City is close to the extreme edge of the lost east of the mainland, so when the black hole in the sky appeared again, they saw the black raindrops falling in a distant direction, but no magic was seen around them. Bing's trail.

The Lost City suffered a flood attack.

"Ding ... The center of the attack of the magic soldier is the Lost City, please players in other directions to return to the Lost City support as much as possible!"

"Ding ... please return to Lost City Support as much as possible!"

"Ding ... please return to Lost City Support as much as possible!"

The system beep sounded frequently, and other cities and towns with less pressure guarded the players to choose to return to the direction of the lost city.

The danger of the Lost City is by no means alarmist. At the moment, the huge Lost City is like a huge black flood, and the number of magic soldiers is terrifying, except for one fairy after another. The spirit-level magic generals, the level-level magic generals that did not appear before, also began to appear behind the magic soldier group. The masters of the Lost City finally could not have any reservations, and all were dispatched ... But, despite this, the entire Lost City , Still as if covered by a dark hand, plunged into the shadow of darkness ...

After waiting for a long time, the soldiers of the Tianhun Mercenary Regiment guarding the east gate of Tianchen City did not wait for the invasion of any magic soldiers.

"Do n’t have to wait anymore. This attack is obviously centered on the Lost City, and we are going to support it. Even if there are magic soldiers here, there will not be too many, just the city guards staying behind will be enough ... , Funeral god, we go to the lost city. "Zuo Pojun said positively.

"That's true!" The buried **** nodded heavily, and he turned to prepare to give orders.

"The news just came, not only the number of demons attacking the Lost City is several times before, but the overall strength has also been greatly improved, and even heavenly demons have appeared. The next battle must be fiercer than the previous battle. Many ... Although I don't want to say it, but ... Everyone has the consciousness of death in battle. "Zuo Pojun said ~ ~ We haven't waited for the response from the Celestial Mercenary Corps. The violent turbulence prompt sounded in the sky ...

"Ding ... Warning! Warning! All Huaxia players please note that a huge team of players from the United States has stepped into the land of the lost continent, the number exceeds 100,000, is currently attacking Tianri City, please go to Tian Sun City support! Please go to Sky City support! Please go to Sky City support! "

"Ding ... Warning! Warning ..."

"Ding ... Warning! Warning ..."

"Why ... what !?" This announcement surprised Zuo Pojun and others. They had not waited for them to respond. The same prompt sounded one after another ...

"Ding ... The Yue and Indian teams have stepped into the western part of the lost continent, and the number has exceeded 100,000. They have launched an attack on Tian Xuan City and Tian Yue City. Please return as soon as possible to resist!"

"Ding ... The joint team of Yingji, France, and Russia has stepped into the northern part of the lost continent, with more than 400,000. One part has launched an attack on Star City, and the other has continued to penetrate the interior of the continent. withstand!"



Players who are in a state of burnout due to the second wave of invasion by the demons are almost stunned by the sudden sound of these sudden prompts ...

The teams of these countries seemed to have been discussed, and suddenly appeared on the lost continent at about the same time ... And because the lost continent had no national borders, they did not draw a warning when they entered the original borders. Prompts, warnings, belatedly sounded when they started the offensive.

Moreover, the timing they chose was so appropriate ...

It is when Huaxia players are caught in a fierce battle against the magic soldiers.

For Huaxia District, it is tantamount to a dip in natural disasters.

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