Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 931: Imminent disaster

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Ling Jie left the arena. He did not immediately find Ling Jie to show him and show off ... This result, as well as his sword move just now, is already the best proof. No linguistic proof is required.

Returning to my seat, I was naturally praised and praised by all the souls, and I felt embarrassed by Ling Jie.

"Huh, now it seems that you should have encountered many wonderful encounters on that wonderful island. When will you tell us about it? Forty-nine consecutive cuts, I believe that even if we are the dear leader, do not even think about it Get out. Xiaojiejie, it turns out that you have grown up accidentally. "Situ Mo said.

"This ... it's nothing," Ling Jie said, touching his head. The more difficult and harsh the environment, the more it can stimulate people's potential buried in the deepest place. He clearly remembers Ye Tianxie's original words. And if it wasn't for Ye Tianxie's words to him at the beginning, and let him enter Tianhun, he might have given up the Kendo that he insisted on at the beginning. At this moment, looking at the sword in his hand, his heart was full of gratitude to Ye Tianxie.

"Good job ... I lost."

In his ear, Ling Yun's voice rang, with such a simple sentence. Ling Jie's expression moved, then she smiled and didn't speak. He proved himself to his brother, his family ... and to the Heaven Soul Mercenary Regiment that he had the strength to stay in Heaven Soul, instead of being the weakest towing oil bottle in Heaven Soul, Protected by them everywhere.

"Xiao Jie, it's really amazing. If Tian Xie saw it, he would be as surprised as us." Sophie also happily appreciated. After receiving Sophie's compliment, Ling Jie smirked. At this time, his posture really couldn't be related to the "Star Soul Sage" who even stabbed 49 swords on the stage just now.

"After today, it is estimated that no one knows the name of the Star Soul Juggernaut, and you will also become the object of attention of foreign players. Your strength is enough to represent Huaxia to participate in the debates in various countries. Therefore, foreign players will try their best. Go find your weaknesses, flaws and skills to crack. This game, if you can, still retain some strength. "Zuo Pojun said.

"The nations are arguing?" Ling Jie hesitated, and then asked, "Brother Zuo, Sister Feifei, if ... I mean, if Brother Xietian does not participate in the nations arguing, will you still participate?"

This question made several people silent for a while at the same time. Soon, Zuo Pojun said, "Go! Of course, have you forgotten what we said before?"

"Our goal is the pinnacle of the world, not Huaxia. Even if the second brother does not go, we will replace the second brother. To obtain this honor is proof and affirmation of ourselves, but also a very interesting challenge. Murong Qiushui said immediately.

"It's my wish to participate in the debates with the nations from a long time ago, and now this desire is getting closer and closer, how could it be so easy to let it run away, even if the evil is not willing, I will forcefully He participated. "Sophie Fei said with a smile. The beautiful beauty was filled with deep hopes and expectations, as if she had seen that she and Ye Tianxie joined hands to fight the whole day of Huaxia.

"I have nothing to say. For people like me and bitter gourd who have lost their homes, the home in the real world was given by the head. Oh, or gorgeous four bedrooms and two halls. Alas, the home in this world is heaven. Soul. I can already shout out the vow of being born of the soul of the soul, and death is the ghost of the soul of the soul. Do you think that I would have no interest in the name of the soul of the soul to strike the highest peak of honor? "Situ Mo said.

"Haha, I'm not going to be my friend. Xiaojie, you ask this question ... Don't you want to go?" God Xiaoyao said.

"Of course not!" Ling Jie quickly waved his hand and said, "On the contrary, I want to go in my dreams, and I am worried that if Brother Xietian is not interested in going, you will not participate ... Since this is the case, then I am completely at ease You ... Sister Yu Yi, will you participate? "

Gaze turned to Meng Yuyi. Meng Yuyi's eyes were unmoving, and he spoke extremely succinctly: "He goes, I go."

Another meaning ... if he doesn't go, I won't go!

Every time they heard Meng Yuyi's voice, their bodies were soft and almost paralyzed. Because her voice is too tender and tender, like the tender voice of a young girl, completely inextricably linked with her indifferent atmosphere that is thousands of miles away and the ruthlessness when killing.

"Uh ... keke, sister Yuyi, the next game is yours, are you ready?" Ling Jie asked.

Meng Yuyi didn't answer, and Ling Jie who asked this question almost couldn't help pulling an earscraper. For Meng Yuyi, this question is simply a word that can't be used anymore ... Faced with endless killing by her strength Still need to prepare?

"... that, Sister Feifei, what's wrong with you?" Ling Jie asked Su Feifei with a look of daze, and asked smoothly. When he asked, everyone's eyes were focused on Sophie.

Sophie covered her chest and said, "... Do you guys feel a little stuffy in your chest?"

When Sophie Fei said this, they noticed that there was a dull feeling like something was pressing on her chest. She felt it carefully and felt that her breathing had changed. It's a bit heavy.

"It's true, the chest is heavy ... This feeling seems to have been going on for a long time, but it's not as powerful as it is now." Zuo Pojun frowned. He believes that not only do they have this feeling, but everyone here will. He glanced around and found that many people in the field were rubbing their chests, their faces showing doubtful or irritable faces.

"This weather is really terrible ... I really hope that it will come down immediately after a heavy rain, or a gust of wind to dispel these abominable dark clouds ... Huh, I hate cloudy days." Murong Qiushui also touched his chest. , Said.

Sophie raised her head, glanced over the sky for a while, and murmured, "I always feel a little strange over the sky ... there is a particularly uncomfortable feeling."

In fact, the discomfort suffered by Su Feifei is many times stronger than that of the left breaking army.

Because of the power of the Holy Word on her, she was extremely sensitive to a certain repulsive breath.

The dark clouds over the sky have stayed for many days, and tomorrow's day will be lower than the day, and at this time. These dark clouds no longer remained silent, but moved slowly, as if a gust of wind was blowing at high altitude. But the direction in which these clouds move is not only one-way ... If you can observe it in detail, you can be surprised to find that the black cloud above your head is slowly turning around a large circle ...

Royal Palace of the Lost City.

The Pheasant Taoist has been observing these dark clouds these days. The anxiety in his heart is better than the day, but he never finds the root cause, so he ca n’t cope with it. At this time, when the dark clouds in the sky begin After moving, his expression became turbulent. Ten minutes later, when he finally noticed the movement of these dark clouds, his face suddenly changed, and his heart jumped with a horrible frequency ...

"Ziji ~ ~ Binghuo !! Go and stay with the emperor !!! Let the emperor announce the whole city, and the whole city will be on guard immediately, quickly !!!"

The Pheasant Taoist priest sent an extremely loud roar, and the roar was so loud that people on the entire palace land could hear it clearly.

It was also this roar, which made the panic quickly spread to the entire Lost City. The gates on all sides were closed, and no one was allowed in and out. All the city guards were dispatched and stood in front of the gates. The tense spirit of killing filled the entire Lost City, and the residents of the Lost City were all in confusion. Keeping the door closed and leaving the house closed, the originally lively and extraordinary Lost City became much quieter in a blink of an eye. Only countless players in this city were at a loss as to what to do.

The game in the central arena is still ongoing, and not many people on the field are concerned about the changes in the outside world.

the other side.

Ye Tianxie is still following the Blu-ray phoenix, and the Blu-ray phoenix at this time is only less than half its original size. As it flies, the light on it still fades little by little.

"Where are you taking me?" Ye Tianxie shouted at the Blu-ray Phoenix.

"If you can understand me, you can tell me the location in any way ... I can teleport directly to it!" Ye Tianxie shouted, watching the phoenix's disappearance slowly, he couldn't help worrying that it would not reach his destination. It disappeared without a trace before.

By the same token, he had yelled many times, but Blu-ray Phoenix didn't bother him once, and flew forward by himself, not knowing where to fly. Ye Tianxie can only insist on following him ... he can no longer know how much time and distance he has followed it, and now he just wants to know ... where does it lead himself.

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