Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 927: Hell's Gate, Holy Light Realm

Cangchen was entangled by the ice and snow wolf. Although he avoided its attack time and time again on this not spacious arena, he was also suppressed without the opportunity to call, the speed and agility of the wolf. Better than ordinary humans. On the other side, Sophie's Divine Ya shot out one after another, passing through three demon ice sculptures ...

-45000, -45000, -45000

-45000, -45000, -240000!

A demon was very lucky to trigger the sacred vector's sanction on dark creatures. He was instantly killed by a blow, the ice sculpture was broken, life was turned into a dark mist by the empty demon, and it disappeared on the arena. The remaining two demon are still In the frozen state, withstanding the destruction of Sophie Sacred.

-45000, -45000.

-45000, -45000,

The ice layer of the demons finally disappeared, the demons who restored their liberty released their cold anger, rushed to their nearest target, just as the sacred vector passed through their bodies again when they began to act.

-150000, -45000.

Unfortunately, another demon triggered the sanction effect of Divine Yaya. Life emptied and turned into a black mist and disappeared on the stage. Only the last demon rushed to Sophie ... Sophie stood there. Every movement, did not stop the action of shooting the divine target in the hand, and the ice snow wolf did not return to save his master, because there is a sacred obstacle, what can hurt Su Feifei at all.

And offstage, the blockbusters are in a dumbfounded state ... the powerful demons summoned by Cangchen have died one after another?

That's the 82-level Samsung BOSS!

"Unexpectedly, it was not just us who deliberately concealed our strength."

"It's not surprising, you can see how strong her magical ability is from the amount of healing he had before when he healed. He was passed on to her by one of the twelve sages who lost her continent. The wise man had a full set of equipment at the time. On the comprehensive strength of the equipment, except the second brother in the entire Huaxia District, it was her. It is not surprising that her magic attack ability is so strong. "Zuo Pojun said.

"... It's true." Murong Qiushui also nodded: "It seems that our previous fears are simply superfluous. How can the light power inherited from the Holy Word and Sages fail to solve a demon calling profession that is just restrained. And ... … Woo, there must be many strongest tricks in Sister Feifei ’s body, um, such as the “Holy Light Out” that she has never used, if you use it on this arena ... oh, how let The scene that people look forward to. Can this Cangchen push the beautiful and gentle Sister Fei Fei to that point? Huh? "

The demon began to attack Sophie in a frantic attack. Its attack was completely blocked by the sacred barrier and bounced back to it. The sacred vector did not stop for a while. Soon, the last demon fell on it. Sophie's sacred vector is under its own attack.

At the same time, the audience booed. How powerful the three demons summoned by Cangchen were, and just twenty seconds later, there was no one dead. And Cangchen, still in the entanglement of ice and snow wolf. In the ear, I received a reminder that all the demons were destroyed. Cangchen's face was overcast, and he faced the ice and snow wolf slamming in the shadow. His magical value was quickly consumed in the continuous teleportation. Teleportation consumes a lot of mana. This is the consensus of the magic profession.

Sophie Fei, who destroyed three demons, also moved forward and attacked the Dust with the Divine Ya. Under the combined attack of one person and one wolf, he was suppressed without any chance of shooting. At this time, he As long as there is a little carelessness or pause, he will be killed directly, whether it is Sophie's sacred vector, or the ice and snow wolf's wolf claw, he can be killed instantly. In the rapid decline of magic, he retreated ...

Finally, the translucent barrier on Sophie's body began to dim, flickering completely for a few seconds. There was a strange light flashing in Cangchen's eyes. In the face of the ice and snow wolf's attack, he did not choose to avoid it, so he was hit by the ice and snow wolf's attack ...


Cang Chen's body was smashed and his life was emptied for a moment, but immediately, his landing body disappeared strangely, and another Cang Chen appeared in the corner of the arena, and the body was surrounded by black light.

"It's a stand-in!"

"In the last game, he had two doubles ... this time, he might have three or more, that is to say, Sister Feifei must win him and kill him at least three times." God Xiaoyao said.

"Abominable woman!" Cangchen gritted her teeth, staring hazy at Sophie and the icy snow wolf beside her. He didn't fail to pay attention to Sophie ’s strength. He basically knew about her attack methods. He thought it would be very easy to win this battle ... The three demons were enough to deal with them. ...

He completely underestimated Sophie's own offensive ability. The three demons were so vulnerable in her hands ... Of course, mainly because Sophie's previous games relied on the ice and snow wolves, and never used the divine target.

At this time, Su Feifei lost the protective barrier, but the demon summoning still had 30 seconds of cooling ... Even the demons could not deal with them. Other lower-level summons were bound to be more helpless. He had to show his true strength ...

"... Dark hell, the abyss of sin, please open your door to darkness, stretch out your hand of sin, and kill and destroy as much as you like ... hell-hell-the door!"

The black staff in his hand was lifted high, the black light dangled around his body, and a cold wind that made people feel suddenly from above.

The dark clouds over the arena were black and dark. At this time, the original dim light suddenly dimmed again. Everyone looked up at the sky, and then saw in horror ... the sky above the arena However, a few dozen meters, a dark round hole began to appear, and quickly expanded, and then exaggerated, until it has reached the size of the entire arena.

"So ... what's that !!!"

In a burst of exclamation, Cang Chen wielded his staff's hand again, "Go! Go and tear them all up and destroy them!"


The cold wind blows, and among the black holes above, black shadows one after another fall like raindrops quickly, covering the sky for a while ... also as these black dots fall, the black holes above the sky begin to quickly Zoom out until it disappears completely. At the moment of disappearance, hundreds of dark creatures have been dropped.

"Why ... what!" Zuo Pojun and others were all horrified, stood up quickly in shock ... Over the sky, the black spots were falling freely, accompanied by the sound of strange noises. Among them, there are the same little devil as before, there are dark **** bats, there are **** wicked men with steel forks, there are **** dwarves with blood swords ...

"A total of one hundred and thirty-seven!" Situ Moments said.

"This ... how is this possible! He even summoned more than a hundred demons at a time ... how is this possible!" Ling Jie said with wide eyes ... so many demons are on such a small arena. Who can deal with it.

"Unexpectedly, Cangchen still has such terrible strength ... These demons are not as good as before, most of them are one-star elites, and there are more than a dozen two-star elites. They do not disappear until they die. There are thirty seconds ... As long as they can hold for thirty seconds, they will all disappear, "Situ said with a frown. However, Sophie's sacred barrier has disappeared, and what she took to support those thirty seconds.

"Oops ... so much !!! If the area is large enough, you can easily break them all, but so many ... we still have the ability to kill in groups, but Sister Feifei ..."

"Oh, I say you guys." Murong Qiushui shook his head helplessly: "If you notice the peace of Sister Feifei, there won't be so much nonsense. Put away your voice, what you need to do now Just to widen your eyes ... "

Hundreds of demons have all come to the stage ~ ~ This scene is frightening. The terrible height that the summoner could reach was once again clearly shown in their eyes. The demons who fell on the ground flew toward the Sophie and the ice and snow wolf like a wave. Once approaching, it was enough to completely submerge them ...

In the face of a large crowd of black demons, and in the face of the screams of the audience, she was unmoved, slowly raised the staff of the word in her hand, and silently watched them approaching ...


The colorful rod of the Word of God waved down, centered on her body, dazzling bright bursts of light, spreading in all directions in an instant, covering the whole arena with intense light, stimulating countless pairs of eyes watching the arena to the blindness on the stage. Cang Chen, who had originally shown a cold smile, made a strange cry, reaching out his hand and covering his eyes ...

The Holy Light Enchantment can cover a range of 100 meters around it. It does not have any attack capabilities, and some of it is a light that completely fills the surrounding space. The space enveloped by the Holy Light Enchantment will turn into "absolute light space", and souls without the ability to see through the light will fall into a forced state of blindness, and themselves and all partners will not be affected.

For dark creatures, such an absolutely bright space is tantamount to the hellest **** in the world.

In the absolute light, the screams screamed and screamed in horror. All the demons were trembling like crazy, rolling on the arena, rolling, and in great pain. Quickly dying. Those demons who can still maintain their ability to move and rush away from the race all rushed down the arena, and when they fell to the ground, they turned into black awns and disappeared directly. The incapable life was swallowed relentlessly, and they disappeared quickly one by one. ...

Before these demons from **** had time to show their fangs, they fell into real hell.

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