"The scroll of the rhinoceros rhinoceros-planting" was crushed by Ye Tianxie, a cloud of hazy white light shrouded Ye Tianxie's hands, and a strange feeling lingered in his heart. Before that, how could he never think that this scroll of the rhinoceros was not used in the hands of Chen Xue, but in his own hands. So precious, perhaps there is only such a scroll of the gods in the whole continent, and it is even used by him. Ye Tianxie closed his eyes, planted the seed in his hand, and said silently in his heart, "I hope you ... can really give me hope."

The power of faith is powerful.

Especially when a person is in a great confusion, even some hopeful stars who will never care about and look in their eyes can become a sustenance for their hearts. The seeds that Sasa gave him were planted in this way, and planted by the clear little lake.

After planting, there are no tips for success in the ear.

When he studied planting with Chen Xue, he planted many basic flowers and plants under the guidance of Chen Xue. You can plant seeds or seedlings. And after each planting, some will directly prompt the success of planting-then this is 100% successful, it will grow, flower, and bear fruit under care; some plants are planted without any hint, this is possible Success will grow up after a certain period of time ... It may also fail, and the consequences of failure will either not grow at all, or even if a seedling is grown, it will soon die. The worst kind, of course, is a direct reminder of failure, which means that no matter how hard you care, no matter how hard you care, you may even let the seed die completely after a certain period of time.

Obviously I used the Scroll of Rhinoceros, but why didn't it prompt success? ?

The scroll of the rhinoceros is obviously a 100% successful scroll of gods ... why is it so!

Looking at the place where the seeds were buried, Ye Tianxie's heart was agitated. When he walked away alone, he thought he could remember something that was forgotten in one's peace, but in the past twenty days, he had gained nothing and instead became more confused. Just when he was about to give up, Sasha comforted him and sent him the seed of hope ... Confused and helpless, he pinned his hope on this seed, because he had to find a reason to comfort himself, To this end, he even used the scroll of the rhinoceros ...

But why didn't it prompt success!

how could this be!

Isn't there any hope at all ... Don't even strip the last hope of hope?

Ye Tianxie stood up weakly, staring at the place where the seed was buried, just staring blankly, forgetting the time, forgetting the place, forgetting all ... how much he now desires this seed to be in Suddenly he sprouts in front of him, so maybe his heart will become brighter with it.

The sky seems to be getting lower and lower and getting darker. I do n’t know how long, Ye Tianxie ’s gaze finally moved. He glanced at the gloomy sky. He had no thoughts at all to care about and explore why the sky changed. He murmured in a godless voice: Is this ... Destiny ... Since it is such an important thing to me, why should I be lost ruthlessly ... Maybe, without any trace of loss, there will be no cone of heart now, so why should we keep it? Let me touch the trace ... "

"But ... if I let me choose again, I would still choose to remember you in this kind of inner torture and struggle, and remember everything ... because I so long to know ... who you are ..."

No one except him can hear his heart, and no one can understand his heart now.

The body turned slowly, and in front of it was the small lake, and his feet were only two meters away from the edge of the lake.

"Brother, after planting the seeds, even if the prompt is successful, don't forget to water it. Because daily watering can make the seeds germinate faster and grow faster, but be careful when you water You can water too much, not too little ... Look, brother, just planted seeds, so much water is just right ... "

Looking at the lake in front of him, Ye Tianxie thought of Chen Xue's voice. That was what she said when she taught him implantation.


Ye Tianxie stepped forward two steps, squatted down, and stretched his hands toward the lake. When he touched the water with his hands, a refreshing coolness came from his hands, making his spirits a lot better. Attached to this feeling for a while, Ye Tianxie's hand stayed in the water for a short while, then carefully held a handful of water, turned around, and poured the water into the place where the seeds were buried, watching silently The water flow was left between his fingers and sprinkled on the ground ... until the last drop.

Hope ... this time tomorrow, you can sprout.

After watching the ground quietly for a long time, until the remaining water traces in his hands were completely dried up, Ye Tianxie stood up and laughed at himself, even as if he were a naive child, turning his wishes Go in this way.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the Lost City ... The second Demon Martial Assembly must be still intense and intense.

Let ’s go back ... It does n’t make sense to go on like this, and why would they worry about it anymore. Perhaps one day, I will remember it suddenly. Maybe Xiaoxi can tell himself ... But if someone tells himself, what he gets is a feeling of listening to others' stories. After all, he got the truth, but his lost memory is still blank.

Ye Tianxie took a step and walked in the direction of the Lost City. Before that, he never knew and would not believe that losing memory can be such a torture. At least, his life can't go back to the past, unless he can remember everything and get what he wants.

This is why Li Xianer went to wipe out all traces of her existence as much as possible before leaving, and how could she be willing to let Ye Tianxie live in this state. But her only mistake was not to destroy the two wind chimes and the room that belonged to her. Not that she forgot, but that she subconsciously avoided the wind chimes. The two wind chimes were made on the eighteenth birthday that she and Ye Tianxie shared. It was too important for them. How could she be willing to take it? destroy.

One step, two steps, three steps ...

Ye Tianxie's footsteps suddenly stopped and he turned abruptly.

The fiddle of the land was ringing, and the direction it came from was just beside the lake, where he planted the seeds. The land there was clearly moving, as if something was moving underneath, trying to break through. Ye Tianxie was about to step forward. Suddenly, a soft blue light rose up there. The blue light was exactly the same as the light blue light on the seed. But in this blue light, the land was suddenly broken open, and a bunch of tender buds broke out under the envelope of the light and appeared in Ye Tianxie's sight.

Ye Tianxie froze, staring blankly ... But that's not all, it's just the incredible beginning of this.

After the sprout breaks through the ground, it is growing at an incredible speed, from a few centimeters, to a dozen centimeters, to half a meter, one meter, two meters ... and the roots are unfolded during the growth process. Roots, stems, and a few young leaves on the stems grow and grow, and then become dense from sparseness ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ Then, the branches form, and in the overall growth, the slender Become stout ...

Ye Tianxie's eyes widened, and his gaze rose up little by little as he grew ... He hasn't seen such a wonderful sight. However, it was a fantasy scene simulated in a science fiction movie, but at this time in front of his eyes, a real distance of only five meters away from him, the visual impact was simply incomparable.

The branches have grown to a thickness of nearly one meter and slowed the growth trend. Below, the scattered thick tree roots firmly adhere to the ground, and the dense and lush branches and leaves almost do not allow any light to be revealed ... This turned out to be a Tree! A tree that is one meter thick and ten meters high. The trunk of blue light is slightly glowing, and the leaves of dreamy blue light are flashing at the same time ... The wind-fall plains and wind gusts, but its branches and leaves are not affected by the wind at all, and move under the air, just like its side Quiet like a lake.

"Ding ... your implantation is successful!"

"Ding ... Congratulations on your planting skill being upgraded to elementary level and your planting ability increased, you can plant higher level vegetation."

"Ding ... Congratulations on your planting skill being upgraded to intermediate level, your planting ability has increased, and you can plant higher-level vegetation."

"Ding ... Congratulations on your advancement to implantation ..."

"Ding ... Congratulations on your planting promotion to Fairy Level ..."

"Ding ... Congratulations on your implantation being upgraded to heaven ..."

He hasn't recovered from the shock brought by the wonders in front of his eyes, and the beep in his ear made Ye Tianxie completely stunned.

His implantation went from the lowest level to the elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels ... Finally, he even stepped up to the sky stunt ... a peak level that humans can reach!

Chen Xue's implantation is also a fairy level!

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