From leaving to wandering without a goal, he calmed his heart, deposited his soul, and hoped that the lost memories could gradually emerge ...

One day passes ...

Two days passed ...

Five days have passed ...

Ten days have passed ...

Fifteen days have passed ...

Seventeen days have passed ...

Ye Tianxie sighed a long time, stopped the marching pace, and finally looked forward to a deep confusion and helplessness.

At the beginning, he limited himself to a month. He firmly believes that since he can be touched, he must not completely forget that memory. When he concentrates all his attention and spirit on searching for that memory, he believes that he will surely remember it. Because the lost memory is so important to him, how could he be willing to forget it, it must be printed somewhere deep in the soul, waiting for himself to wake them up.

If he really ca n’t remember, he wo n’t make this move anymore, because what he does affects not only himself, but also the people around him. He ca n’t let the people around him be dull because of himself. In. He would rather keep this sense of conscience, he would no longer leave them. He can go and ask Xiaoxi ... he knows that Xiaoxi will tell him even if she doesn't want to ... she is too obedient.

But he was really unwilling!

Why can't I remember it with my own ability at all? Is this method I choose completely wrong? Or ... have you really completely forgotten? But since forgetting ... why was it so impressed by the wind chimes and the purple room. If it is completely forgotten, those things should be unfamiliar and not cause any ripples in the heart.

"Beckham, oh, why can't I remember ... at all, how can I remember those things that I have forgotten." Ye Tianxie looked forward and murmured. He and his sister looked at his master, and didn't know how to answer. They could only use his body to throb on him to comfort him comfortably.

This deep sense of loss, powerlessness, confusion ... even made him harder to bear than a hundred times a thousand frustrations.

The dark clouds on the sky and the black pressure were pressing on the heart, but he was unaware that even if a pour of rain fell immediately, he could not dispel the dullness in his heart. The feeling that the soul is incomplete and the most important part of life is cut is more tortured than any skin bone pain. Looking up at the sky, Ye Tianxie sighed again ... For the first few days, no matter what he faced, he smiled in peace. But as the day passed, he could no longer keep calm in his heart. How strong that dullness was, only he knew.

The Demon Martial Assembly should have entered the knockout stage, haven't both Feifei and Yuyi entered the knockout stage? They should be back when they break the army. They must have stronger strength to suppress the men all the way to the knockout.

Ye Tianxie thought silently ... He also understood that his heart could not calm down. Before that, all his attention was on his lost memories, and he never thought of anything else. Now thinking of Sophie in their confusion.

The heart is chaotic, and it's hard to calm down. Always resolute and decisive, never doubting his own judgment, he finally shaken his current approach.

"Is it going to rain ..." Ye Tianxie said gently. He lowered himself, hugged Bian and Beckham, and said, "Go back and rest. It will always be tiring to follow me like this. Now I need a place to calm down."

After speaking, Ye Tianxie moved his mind a bit, and retrieved Xun and Beckham into the pet space. He continued for a while and took out an empty magic pearl ...

The light flashed, he disappeared in place, and then appeared in a quiet place of green grass.

Falling wind on the edge of the town.

He didn't even know why he came to this place. When he used the empty magic beads, he sent himself here completely subconsciously. Maybe it's because this is his favorite place all the time, because the grass and the wind here are pure and flawless, and this is also the place where he and Chen Xue and Xingli come most often. Here, there is a girl named Salsa. However, since her mother recovered from her terminal illness, he has never been here with Chen Xue again, and it has been a long time since she was counted. Perhaps, she should have grown up and grown up like Chen Xue. .

Looking around silently, except for the dark clouds in the sky that make the light a little dim, nothing else has changed. He closed his eyes and quietly enjoyed the wind here for a while. The chaotic heart was strangely slowly calm. Down, but I still don't know where to go from here, I don't know what to choose, and the confusion is still lingering deeply.

Whether to continue searching in this confusion where it is almost impossible to have results, or go back earlier, and no longer worry Fifi them.

Time passed minute by minute. I don't know how long it took, Ye Tianxie opened his eyes.

Let ’s go back ... the heart is chaotic. Keep going, the heart will only become more and more chaotic. Instead, go to stay with Fifi more. At least, you can witness their glory in this game.

Sighing again, he picked up the empty magic pearl and was ready to return to the lost city.

At this time, a slight footstep sounded behind him, and the footstep stopped, and a girl's surprise came from behind him ...

"Big Brother ~ ~ Is it you?"

Very familiar voice, crisp and sweet. Ye Tianxie turned around, a twelve-year-old little girl was standing on the green grass, a pair of cute shofar braids, a light yellow princess skirt, and a thick white tender face. Glad ... It's been a long time since I've seen Salsa.

"Sasa, it's been a long time," Ye Tianxie said. He tried to show a mild smile, but moved the corner of his mouth ... The smile was very stiff.

"Wow! Big brother, it really is you!" Sasha shouted in surprise and ran to him in a small step: "It's great, great, Sasha hasn't seen my big brother for a long time, and finally see you again today. To the elder brother ... Yes, the elder brother, my mother's illness is completely healed, and she is playing with Salsa every day now. Thank you, elder brother. If it was not the elder brother's help, Salsa is now ... now ...

Sasha said, her eye circles became red again, and her eyes contaminated with water mist looked at Ye Tianxie with a star-like light, deeply grateful ...

Ye Tianxie smiled and said, "Sasha, I said it, don't thank me, because we are friends ..."

"Uh-huh!" Sasha nodded strongly, and then arched her eyebrows. "Brother, are you here to see Sasha?"

"I'm ... looking for something that I have lost." Although a good-faith lie could make the girl happy for a long time, Ye Tianxie did not deceive the girl, with a hazy look, said a little disoriented.

"Looking for ... lost things?" Sasha blinked, and she looked straight at Ye Tianxie for a while, converging the sweet smile on her face, and said worriedly, "Brother, you don't seem to be at all Glad ... have you lost something important to you? "

"Well, it's important ... more important than my life." Ye Tianxie said.

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