Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 919: 1Soul capture, row of mountains

Unknown open space.

Ye Tianxie leaned against an old, dry tree and sat on the ground in a lazy posture. His body shrank into a snowball and was taking a nap against his body. Beckham stood on Ye Tianxie's knee, and occasionally stretched his claws to touch his fingers.

"The game should have begun." Ye Tianxie held Beckham in his arms, holding his cat's claw in one hand, and stroking his fluffy body with the other. His entry number card has been discarded by him, so he did not receive the system tone just now. He returned the watch to his backpack and never took it out, so he can't judge the time at all these days. But roughly speaking, the second Mowu contest should have started.

He didn't feel regretful that he didn't participate in the game, because the game really didn't make much sense to him. Even if he won the championship, he would at least increase his popularity. He was not interested in it.

"Beckham, do you say, will they come back to participate in this game after breaking the army Qiushui?" Ye Tianxie lowered his head and said to Beckham with a smile.

"Meow?" Beckham tilted his head and blinked, saying he didn't know.

"I guess, it should be. Broken Army, Qiushui, Moment, Ruthless, Xiaoyao, Xiaojie, should all come back. Now, maybe I'm on the field ... I'll probably be there the day I return. Seeing them gave me a surprise I could not imagine. "

No longer thinking about the game, Ye Tianxie looked forward, and his eyes revealed a little confusion: "Nature can purify people's hearts, calm them, and precipitate their souls ... but why ten days passed, I was here In this silence and purity, I still can't remember those forgotten things ... Becky, you said, can I really think of them? "

"Meow ..." Beckham's voice was much lower, and his bright big eyes were full of confusion. He didn't know how to answer his master.

"Becky, do you know that I didn't even remember the process of meeting you at the beginning? I just remember that you seem to have forgotten your past. Until now, I don't know why you appeared in the first place. Beside me ... Beckham, do you think of the past you have? "Ye Tianxie said looking at Beckham.

"Meow meow!" Beckham rushed to Ye Tianxie's body, and his claws tugged on him like a coy. Ye Tianxie knew what it meant ... It was saying, as long as I can be with the host now, nothing else matters.

"Haha ..." Ye Tianxie laughed and stroked Fu Biao's head: "Some things can be forgotten, and some things can't be forgotten. And what I forget, it is the thing that can't be forgotten. Beckham, you have a 'dream fairy' skill, which should belong to your incarnation skills. The human body is the most flexible of all beings, so all beasts yearn for the human body, and the magical ability, Except for the dragons, it is generally possible to have a annihilation level. Your dream fairy change should be your phantom skill. I would like to see how you look after you become a human ... Yes, I remember you are Mother, would that turn into a catwoman? "

"Meow ... meow meow!" Beckham lowered his claws and watched his master nod.

"Haha, wouldn't it really be a catwoman? Well, there's a puppet, although its human form is not complete, but when it launches the light of the roots, it will temporarily transform into an adult state, like a small and exquisite girl ... … Lost beings on the mainland are really more wonderful than one. "

Standing up from the ground holding Beckham, Ye Tianxie looked into the distance ... He didn't know where to go next. These days, his schedule has never been targeted. His only goal is to make his heart completely calm, in this complete calm, to awaken those suppressed memories ...

Can it really succeed?

For ten days, he didn't find any cracks in his memory.

When Ye Tianxie stood up, the small crickets who had shrunk up from the ground also stood up, stretched out and followed Ye Tianxie ... On the way, Ye Tianxie was not without a partner Accompanying me is Bian and Beckham.

Just two steps forward, Ye Tianxie ’s badge of hope flashed, and Yaya, who had been quiet for a long time, floated out, and when she appeared, she looked up directly into the sky, without saying hello to Ye Tianxie.

"Yaya, didn't you say, it's best not to come out these days." Ye Tianxie said quietly with his eyes closed.

"The cloud in the sky seems a bit strange." Yaya sat on its somersault cloud, straightened her body and looked at the sky ... Ye Tianxie glanced at the sky randomly, the sky was blue, there were only a few scattered white clouds and a little Dark clouds. He looked back and said, "Yaya, go back to bed, these days, I don't want to be disturbed. As for the clouds you said ... it may be raining."

"Ah ... oh! Okay, okay, Yaya just had a very strange feeling, not deliberately disturbing the elder brother, that Yaya continued to sleep, and the elder brother should be happy every day." Yaya spit Tongue, finally glanced at the sky again ... I did not see anything unusual, but had to treat it as my own illusion and my nerves were too sensitive, and turned back into a white light into the badge of hope.



Mowu Competition Arena:

"Left: Celestial Mercenary Regiment belongs to: Qiushui Yiren, Level: 82, Class: Hand of Death-VS-Left: Covering Sky Wings belongs to: Overlord Knife, Level: 80, Class: Warfare. Game start!"


The sound of "Beginning of the game" just dropped, and the sound of the gun went off. The Overlord Knife didn't even have time to move his finger, and there were already two blood holes in his forehead.

It wasn't a single shot, but two shots that shot instantly and perfectly overlapped together.

"Ding ... Overlord knife died, Qiushui Yiren won, qualifying points +3."

In a blink of an eye, the game ended like this, the audience in the audience was stunned, and when their eyes fell on the stadium timer, they all took the air conditioning ...

0.2 seconds!

Murong Qiushui flipped his hands, his son and mother's double guns have disappeared in his hands, his mouth swelled, and he sighed boringly, saying quietly: "KO, it's that simple." The body turned and made a very chic The action disappeared above the arena.

Now, no one does not know that Qiushui Yiren is actually a man. This man belongs to the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps. He was the man who left the most terrifying impression on all players at the first Mowu competition, but he was longer than a woman. This time, the biggest change is that the original non-professional has become the "hand of death", and the original single gun has become a more scary double gun.

In the last game, he set a record of killing his opponent the fastest-0.5 seconds. In this game, his first game broke the record he set. What an appalling number in 0.2 seconds. And he is also the only player in Huaxia who ignores the system to block **** blood when attacking and countless pains are weakened. Such an opponent would dare to compete with it.

And the fact is the same ... In the following qualifiers, almost all players turned around at the first sight of Murong Qiushui, and directly conceded to end the game. Fighting against such a person is purely mentally ill.

Therefore, the easiest way to win this competition is Murong Qiushui. Basically going to that stop, the game is finished without moving your fingers.

"Well, it's boring ... Dear brother, it's up to you. I admit that you use your wide shield to smash opponents off the shield with a fascinating beauty. Come on."

In the rippling sound of Murong Qiushui, Zuo Pojun came to the arena and began his first game.

When he stood on the arena and turned into a combat state, Zuo Pojun was completely changed. There was no laughter on his face, and some were steel-like perseverance. His body shape, his breath, his eyes, to that stop, gave him a mountain-like unshakable feeling virtually. When the Yusei was held in his hands, this thick feeling increased several times.

His opponent is a sword mad, facing a motionless left breaking army, his heart gave birth to a sense of suppression of the ants facing the mountain. No matter how strong the ants, never want to shake a mountain.

"So strong!" Situ, who had a smile on his face, smiled suddenly, his frown whispered.

"It's really amazing ... It's totally different from Brother Zuo in my memory, it's like changing a person. I can feel his momentum across this distance." God Xiaoyao said seriously.

After the beep at the start of the game, the left breaking army remained motionless. The opposite sword gnashed his teeth and rushed up with a drink ~ ~ The strongest single skill in the primary stage of a sword mad "golden cut" Break to the left to break the army ...


The sword mad attack hit ...


A red injury number floated on the head of the left broken army, this number made the whole scene uproar, making Jian Kuang almost startled even the eyes fell.

His attack caused only "1" damage to the left breaking army! !!

Is it dazzling?

Still ... his defensive ability has really perverted such a terrible degree! ?

"I wiped it! Actually ... I didn't break the defense! Is there anything wrong! That ’s a high-attack sword mad, or a gold weapon! The shield guard of that heavenly mercenary regiment, is he a pervert! There must be a limit. "

"Accept it, he's a celestial soul ... this reason is enough. Those of the celestial mercenary regiment, which are invariable. Even a priest can defeat a super assassin."

In the madness of the sword, Zuo Pojun finally launched his attack, and the reincarnation in his hand instantly switched to the two-handed mode. He yelled, his body rushed forward, and the royal reincarnation slammed heavily on Jian Kuang ...

Shield impact, the signature technique of shield-guard occupations, and general heavy-shield impact can knock the target back several meters or even fall down with a high probability. And the scene before me ...

At the moment when the sword mad was hit, for the first time in my life, I really understood what the power of a mountain is.

His body was like a stone shot by a slingshot, flying away with the sound of rapid wind ... flying out of the arena and flying over the auditorium of this small arena, grabbing a rapid shadow from people's sight Inside crosses out of people's sight, and then hits the ground heavily ...

The collision was nearly a hundred meters away.

"Ding ... The dragon armor fell off the field, the shield broke through the thousands and won, and the qualifier points +3."

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