"Yeah, yeah! Brother Xietian just said he was leaving, but did not say he would not participate in the game ... maybe, he will suddenly appear on the field like last time. We are all back, brother Xietian Maybe he will come back! "Ling Jie nodded strongly.

"For the second brother, he had a reason to participate in the first game, but this time, if there is something more important, he is not interested in coming back to participate." Zuo Pojun said.

"Anyway, go back to the field first. The surprise that our dear leader gave us is not enough. I prefer to believe that he will appear before us again because I believe he misses us as we miss him. Same, oh huh huh huh ... The next most recent match is the 501, our beautiful leader and wife's match, let's go. "Situ Moments finished, took the golden ticket in his hand and teleported himself to 501 Number field.

Sophie's first game was the tenth game on the field. After waiting for a while, the game finally started. When the game began to count down, Sophie finally appeared on the stage. A priest embellished with a golden sacred pattern, without an ankle, wearing a colorful hat, a colorful ribbon around his waist, a slender waist, white satin gloves on his hand, a colorful bracelet on his wrist, and a light chest. The colorful jade of the pendant is even more eye-catching. When she appeared, the scene was much quieter. All of Sophie ’s outfits release dreamy hazy rays, and these rays are born of the power of the Holy Word, making Sophie Fey look like a noble maiden from the sacred temple, let countless people see directly Stayed there.

Compared with her outfit and temperament, her name is the most amazing ... she is not like Ye Tianxie in the usual way, and the dream feather coat covers her face, so people see her once they see her. . Because she is the daughter of Sulu, the richest man in Asia, and a well-recognized true girlfriend of Xie Tian, ​​a heavenly coquettish woman who has envied countless envy and self-defeating, the only priest of the Sky Soul Mercenary Corps, although a woman, In the group match of the Second Demon Martial Arts Conference, she also had a very eye-catching performance ... Of course, her performance was naturally much dimmer than other team members. People took it for granted that she would be in the Heaven Soul Mercenary Team because of her Her relationship with Xie Tian.

The reason why Sophie Fei was still stubborn to participate in the competition after the whole group broke up was to prove to people that she was also qualified to become the sole priest of the soul.

Knowing her identity, she naturally knew her profession. Healing priest class. After three transfers, the priest will be converted into a high priest, and if he can pass the difficult fourth transfer trial, he can be transferred to the pinnacle of the priest class—sage. But regardless of priests, priests, high priests, and sages, they all pay attention to strong assistance and healing ability, and the ability to attack is not without, but there is no doubt that the whole profession is the lowest. There were almost no priests, and occasionally one or two were quite miserable. same. There were also no high priests participating in this competition. Sophie had only participated in a team match last time. This time, she actually appeared on the singles field, causing a lot of whispers.

Sophie ’s opponent is an assassin in black. In the face of Sophie, who is only a support professional, he has no intention, but first picks up a weapon and guards carefully ... Although it is a support professional, she is after all from People of the Sky Soul Mercenary Corps.

"Ding ... Left: Heaven Soul Mercenary Regiment belongs to: Su Di Yanyu, Level: 80, Class: Holy Priest-VS-Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment belongs to: Unbreakable Purgatory, Level: 80, Class: Assassin, Game start."

[Assassin II turns into a killer or thief, Killer III turns into an assassin, the main attack is high speed, Rogue III turns into a shadowless person, has the highest professional speed and comprehensive weakening and pinning skills, and the attack is relatively poor. 】

The Holy Priest, another unheard of professional name, appeared on the arena and entered the public eye. Zuo Pojun and others were also surprised ... if they remember correctly, the former Sophie's occupation was clearly the Holy Priest, and the current Holy Priest ... is it an advanced occupation of the Holy Priest?

The skills of the Holy Word priests are all seen by their own eyes. Twelve skills, one is amazing than one, how many times better than ordinary priest occupations. A Holy Word priest is in the group, not only will his worries greatly diminish, but his overall strength will also be greatly reduced. raised dramatically. Especially the "Pray for Hope" skills, blessing, the upgrade speed will be greatly improved. Then this holy priest skill ... will it be stronger by the holy priest.

The sound of "the game started" just dropped, and the eyes of immortal purgatory were flashes of light, like Xingying, raising his speed to the limit and heading for Sophie. No one hesitated or softened because she was a priest and woman ... This is an excellent assassin. From his eyes and his movements, it is enough to see that an assassin who does not have enough explosive power and tenacity will always be Inferior.

The two were less than ten meters apart, which was a sudden hit that would be enough for most people to strike directly. Su Feifei did not move. When the opponent's short knife approached, a "holy move" moved across a full seven meters. Not only does Holy Movement move away from the teleportation of ordinary magic classes, it also penetrates common obstacles, including human bodies. Sophie Fei removed her hand and flashed white light in her hand. A short stick that released mild white light was in my hand. The stick was smooth, less than half a meter long, and a pair of white wings stretched at one end. The Staff of Dream's Holy Spirit is somewhat similar. If you look closely, you will find that there is a very colorful light flowing on the body of the rod ... This is the colorful rod of the word that the sage has just given to Sophie.

The appearance of the staff of the Word instantly attracted everyone's attention. Staring at the strange short staff, people clearly felt a sacred breath coming towards them ... yes, that is the sacred breath, and it is they The strongest sacred breath everyone has ever experienced. Holiness, nobility, gentleness, kindness ... Many sacred elements are mixed together, so strong that they cannot be controlled by the mind.

"Barriers of purity!"

"Sacred Veil!"

Sufi Fei, holding a sacred colorful staff, has undergone a considerable change in her breath, making her look noble and scary to look at directly. She held the staff in front of her and whispered softly, two translucent. The spherical aperture appeared around her body ...

Although Immortal Purgatory hesitated for a moment, his reaction was extremely fast, and the impact caused by the appearance of the sacred colorful stick was only a short moment. He quickly collapsed and rushed to Sophie again. Sophie just two After the release of these skills, Holy Move was also within a three-second cooldown, and Sophie was hit in one shot ...

Zi! !!


A thunderous thunder sounded the moment the dagger touched the white barrier around Sophie's body. A damage figure appeared, but it did not appear on Sophie's body, but floated on the head of indelible purgatory, and At the same time, his body receded several steps in a row without knowing where the thrust came from. Even the short knife in his hand almost released.

"Xiao Xue, go up and defeat him !!"

Immortal Purgatory had just stood, and saw a white shadow slamming in front of him. He didn't have time to see what suddenly rushed to him. His body quickly became a standard. Suddenly, a cold biting wind came from him. He passed by on the left side, and he quickly turned around and saw behind him ... that was a white wolf with a height of one person ... to be precise, a snow wolf.

The Frozen Snow Wolf is now at level 80. As the level increases, its size is getting larger and larger, and it is no longer the original pup status. At this time, the ice and snow wolf had completely lost the puppy-like meekness when they were young, and their limbs stepped on the ground, their eyes were cold and fierce, and their bodies were surrounded by cold mist. heart.

You cannot use items other than those given by the system during the game, but you can use pets, and the number is unlimited, because the pets you own are part of your strength ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ like the equipment worn on your body. Between the eternal Purgatory, the Frozen Snow Wolf had roared slightly, and took a step back, and then retreated without advancement. His body was short and passed through the body of the Frozen Snow Wolf. The fierce "slaughter" stabbed on the body of the Frozen Snow Wolf ...



He understood that the attack that had just landed on Sophie Fei did not work. Instead, it was bounced back because of the two strange masks around her body. Today, her mask has not disappeared, and the only thing he can attack is left Under the ice and snow wolf. On the arena, if a pet dies, it cannot be summoned again.

Immortal Purgatory succeeded in a blow, stopped his body, and was about to turn around, and suddenly felt a cold cover. His body opened wide before the ice, snow, wolf and wolf that he turned around, and a large icy mist blasted out, completely covering the body of Purgatory. In the mist, the action of getting rid of Purgatory is getting slower and slower until it stops completely ...

So it was frozen into an ice sculpture.

"Holy Light!"

"Sacred Word!"

The professional advancement, the original group healing technology of the Holy Word of Light advanced to the sacred light, the healing range and the amount of healing have been improved, the light dripped, the ice and snow wolf lost the life instantly regained, while a layer of white light enveloped With its body, let its next attack, whether physical attack or magic attack, will have double effect. Faced with an opponent who was unable to move, Frozen Snow Wolf roared. A white wolf figure rushed out of it, passed through the body of the indestructible Purgatory, and rushed for a distance of more than thirty meters ...

Ping! !!


The ice sculpture shattered, and the imperishable purgatory that restored freedom fell down.

"Ding ... Eternal Purgatory died, Su Di Yanyu won, qualifying points +3."

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