In this game, almost all players do not want to meet the opponent, undoubtedly the people of the Sky Soul mercenary group. A team that won the team championship and the members of the whole group entered the top 16 teams, which is called the strongest myth team in China. No one has forgotten the amazing strength they have exposed one by one in the last match. Now that it has passed so long, it must be more powerful, and whoever encounters it is unlucky.

And here, people are most afraid of encountering evil sky ... because they are defeated by evil sky, they will not be shameful even if they are killed by seconds. The last thing they want to encounter is the **** who is free. In the first Mowu competition, the competitions in which he participated are often the longest, because his combat method is simple ... poison, run ... poison, then run ... poison, continue to run ... … His attack ability is not good enough, but his moving speed is so fast that no one can catch up, so he just uses the poison one by one to exhaust the opponent ’s recovery medicine until the medicine is used up and then he is Poisonous death, a game lasts at least an hour and a half, and during such a half-hour, in the face of such a despicable and shameless play, even the best-tempered person will be irritated wow wow ... But this by no means represents Forget the scene where he defeated Cangchen in the top thirty-two matches. Although his play is despicable, his strength is undoubtedly horrible ... No one who belongs to the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps is simple.

So, seeing his opponent is God Happy, the player holding the shield opposite him almost didn't cry.

At this time, God's carefreeness grew up significantly more than Sophie's memory. The eyes that were full of fluttering flirty now have a little more firmness and sharpness ... but the flirty nature cannot be changed. His stare at his opponent was clearly a contemptuous contempt. The smug smile on the corner of the mouth is the confident smile propped up by strong strength. Now he wanted to kneel on the ground with his arms up and shouted, "I am back!"

"Xiaoyao ... he came back !!! But ... it was five days before the end of the registration. He hasn't seen it since then ... Is it because he didn't know it?" Sophie whispered to Meng Yuyi.

Meng Yuyi: "..."

"It feels like Xiaoyao has grown up, he's taller, he's matured a little bit, but his bad look hasn't changed. Tianxie said that when he returns, he will definitely become very powerful." Su Feifei was expecting. Said with a smile. She and Meng Yuyi also stopped leaving and looked at the gods on the stage, hoping that he could bring them unexpected surprises. After leaving for more than half a year, I don't know what he will look like now.

"Ah ... he came here, did we happen to coincide? Looking at his eyes, it seems that he has grown a lot, um ... Are you interested in fighting him?"

The opponent of God's Freedom is a shield guard. Three times the shield guard can be transferred to a Templar or Templar according to his career. The Templar is fully defended and is the most defensive profession in the profession. The Templar is It is the main defense at the same time, has a relatively rich attack system, although the defense is not as good as the Templars, but the good attack ability makes them alone enough to fight. The three-turn career is generally the end of all professions, because those who have the ability to complete the fourth transfer through the four-turn trial must be truly strong, and the number is rare. Even with Huaxia's huge player base, it is basically impossible for more than ten people to complete four turns per profession. If you can complete four turns, the shield player will advance to the strongest legendary shield professional class-brilliant knight.

"Ding ... Right: Heaven Soul Mercenary Regiment belongs to: God Xiaoyao, Level: Level 80, Class: Poison Shadow Ghost Luo-VS-Right: Sword God Alliance Battle Royal Church Master Black Cyclone, Level: 80 , Profession: Templar, the game begins !!! "

"Oh? Poison ghost ghost?"

Even today, with three rounds of attack, there are still very few hidden occupations, and each special occupation name will cause considerable attention. At present, Huaxia District has hidden occupations and is known to only a large number of more than 20 people, and these people have extraordinary identities. To gain hidden careers, strength, and luck are indispensable. Of course, huge power is also a kind of strength. The original God Xiaoyao had a special class called "Feng Ying Poison Killer", which was remembered by players, and now ... he actually appeared as a brand new class. Moreover, it must be more powerful than the original Fengying poison killer, or it may be an advanced occupation of the original occupation.

"Okay, let's get started." God Xiaoyao said to himself, then tilted his mouth, stretched out his hand, hooked his fingers at the black whirlwind in front of him, and made a very provocative action: "Come on, Follow Uncle Ben's footsteps and have a gorgeous race, oh ha ha ha ... "

After the provocation, he was already running fast, exactly as fast as he had done, and he was not running straight, but running back and forth from left to right in an exaggerated "Z" shape, shaking in front of the black God of War Going back and forth, doing absolutely unnecessary actions. Only a few back and forth black God of War had been dizzy by his shaking, he was ignited by his excited heart, raised his shield in his left hand, raised his sword in his right hand, screamed and rushed up, and was running towards the body running away in the wind. "Ben Lei Slash".

Hiss ~~

With a hissing noise, there was no doubt that the attack of the black whirlwind swept away, and the God of Run, who was originally running at a constant speed, blinked, and a cold light flashed in everyone's sight ...

That is the cold blade light brought by the monster snake. This blade light penetrates the body of the black whirlwind and cuts out a full third of the distance of the arena ... and the cold light is naturally windy His body ... The momentary movement he made just now passed like a flash of lightning. People on the field even faintly heard the sound of tearing.


In an amazing moment, the damage done was quite weak, not even as bad as that of an ordinary Templar of the same level ... Of course, the high defense of this Templar is also one of the reasons. But in any case, this stunning blow only hurts so much, giving people a sense of thunder and small drops of rain. After the attack, Feng Xiaoyao did not turn around and chase or ran away. Instead, he turned around, smiled proudly, and began the countdown with a low voice ...

"5 ..."

"4 ..."

"3 ..."

One of Shen Xiaoyao's specialties is speed and poison. This is a well-known thing. What the strong men in the Heaven Soul Mercenary are good at have been known by many people with great attention. The attacked black whirlwind dropped less than one tenth of his life. He quickly observed his condition, and found that he was not poisoned, and no injuries were continuously rising. He was suddenly refreshed ... , Dagan Shen Xiaoyao's attack ability is just like this, he suddenly raised his sword and shield again, and ran away to God away ...



"Bye bye ..." After the countdown, the black whirlwind has rushed to him, and the one-handed sword-eye in his hand is about to fall on him, but God can't escape, as if he didn't see him at all Approached, instead turned around and turned his back to him, and slammed his right hand with a snapping finger ...


The movement of the black whirlwind stopped, and a five-digit injury number floated on his head ... and this number happened to be his current health value, one was not a lot, one was a lot.

The black whirlwind body that was emptied of life freezes and doesn't understand what happened, just keeps the chopping action straight down.


There was an uproar over the field.

None of them saw God Xiaoyao's attacking action, nor did they see any signs of poisoning in the black whirlwind. God Xiaoyao just turned around and turned his finger on his back ... ... … The black whirlwind fell down like this. This scene is so much like a Western spellman who casts a death spell on his target.

"Ding ... God wins ..."

God smiled and smiled, raised his hand and left the arena, leaving a large whisper.

"Ah? What was that just now? Why was that person suddenly dead?" Sophie looked at the stage in surprise, saying with a lot of doubt.

"Poison." Meng Yuyi said coldly.

"Poison? But that shield defender showed no signs of poisoning. How could it be poisoned ... and the injury just now did not seem to be caused by poison at all." Sophie was still confused. The players watching this arena are equally puzzled, and they cannot explain what just happened.

Meng Yuyi: "..."

Meng Yuyi didn't explain it, but from the countdown of God's pastime just now, it was a rather terrible poison. If the poison is poisoned, there are no signs, no prompts, and even the victim does not feel any sense, it will not cause any harm immediately. However, if you do not detoxify immediately, after five seconds, you will have a poisonous hair ... As a result, the target will die directly!

Real-The Poison of Death!

"Sister Yuyi, let's go ... Let's catch Xiaoyao! He didn't move at all after he arrived, it must be a ghost, too much!" Sophie said angrily, then pulled up Meng Yuyi left the field. However, she is naturally very happy for the emergence of God Xiaoyao. After all, this represents another member of the Tianhun mercenary group ... Although Ye Tianxie cannot participate in the competition, she does not want to belong to his Tianhun The mercenary group lost its original eye-catching color after this game. She hoped that without him, the Heaven Soul Mercenary Corps would still be noticed and even looked up by the whole China.

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