Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 911: Looking for lost memories (below)

After dinner, the girls were talking happily discussing the content of a dog blood show on the screen. Ye Tianxie came out of the room ... Sophie Fei, Chen Xin, Chen Xue, Situ Luoyu, and Meng Yuyi were all there. He used to be in the game world for a short time after supper, so he came out of the room this time and surprised a few girls.

After thinking about it a little, Ye Tianxie calmed his mind and said, "Fei Fei, Chen Xin, Xueer, Yuyi, falling rain, I may stay in the world of destiny for the next period of time, twenty-four It won't come out for hours ... I have installed the life support equipment, and it should be enough to support it for a month. "

"Ah? Why not come out?" Situ Luoyu said in surprise first.

"Brother, did you receive any special task again?" Chen Xue moved over, grabbing his hand and said, when he passed the Tianchen City abyss trial, Ye Tianxie did not come out for more than ten days. She naturally thinks of it as something special that takes a long time.

"... how long?" Sophie was surprised first, then asked awkwardly.

"I don't know." Ye Tianxie shook his head: "Maybe a day or two, it may take a long time, but at most it won't be more than a month ... It's not a special thing or task, it's just a simple desire to calm down ... … Do n’t stop me, this is really important to me. If I do n’t calm down for a while, I wo n’t be able to do anything with peace of mind for a long time. ”Ye Tianxie said with apology, but was extra firm Eyes looked at them.

They all knew that when Ye Tianxie really decided to do something, there was basically nothing that could hinder his decision. And today all day, his abnormality and his state, everyone sees. After he spoke for a long time, no one spoke ... and no one tried to make him change his decision.

"Heaven ... is it starting tomorrow?" Sophie asked first.

"Um ..." Ye Tianxie nodded.

"I know, you must want to be quiet and remember those things that you have forgotten. Do you know that I have been with you for so long, and it is the first time that I have seen you so unconscious and helpless, It ’s like losing the soul. We all can see that it must be a particularly important memory for you, so you can do your own thing with peace of mind. I believe that since you can be touched, there must be no Forget it completely, in the quiet, you will quickly remember it. We will also wait silently for you to remember what you forgot ... You don't have to worry about us, you just immerse yourself in the game and don't leave us , When we want to see you, you can see it at any time, go with peace of mind. Little demon, Sister Yueyue, I will talk to them. "Sophie Fei said with a smile and worked hard to suppress Mei Yu was deeply reluctant. Although, as she said, he will continue to play games instead of traveling for a while. When you want to see him, you can watch him silently in his room ... but you ca n’t talk to him, you ca n’t see him Showing all kinds of expressions to herself is not a kind of suffering to her.

"Huh! Brother Evil, Luo Yu will support you, and I will wait for you to come out and make sure that I won't be in trouble or quarrel with Sophie ... I can protect them with Yuyi sister. And even my brother When they come back, I will let them not disturb you honestly. "Situ Luoyu vowed swearingly.

"Brother, you go, my sister and I will be waiting for you to come back with peace of mind every day ... Brother will definitely remember all the things that have been forgotten." Chen Xue also said with a deep resentment and a happy smile. Chen Xin nodded softly beside her.

"I will protect them." Meng Yuyi's words were simpler and firmer.

Ye Tianxie nodded heavily to them, and Meng Yuyi and Xiao Xi were there. He didn't need to worry about their safety at all.

However, it is completely impossible for Ye Tianxie's decision to have no impact on the family. When he returned to the room, the hilarious girls were silent. Allowing him to make such a decision, we can see how hugely touched he was, those things that he forgot are really too important to him ... if in case, a month later. What should he do if he doesn't remember it?

the next day.

Ye Tianxie entered the destiny world very early. For the first time, he heard various crackling sounds from the backyard. As soon as I heard this voice, I knew that Xing Baoer was doing her mess again.

Looking at the time, it was only four o'clock in the morning. He frowned, walked to the courtyard, and knocked on the door of the courtyard ... There was no door to this courtyard, but three months ago, it was star Baoer A door was forcibly set up, and it was indeed a door made by Xingbaoer, so that the head of his family could not be forcibly entered. Before entering, it must be agreed by Xingbaoer. "Boa, open the door."

The sound inside stopped suddenly, and then after a strange sound, the door was opened, and Xing Baoer fell down with his hands. He stood cleverly in front of him, tilted his head, and revealed an innocent and lovely smile: "Boss, today It's so rare to get up so early! "

"I should first ask you why you got up so early ... Oh, you won't be online this morning every day during this time." Ye Tianxie said ... In his memory, it seems that every time he appears in the game world At that time, Xingbaoer was already online.

"It's not there, it's just a little earlier today, because people are making a very good thing, and they can't sleep if they don't finish it." Xing Bao'er blinked, and her long eyelashes were half like a butterfly. Transparent wings fluttered.

"Then what exactly are you making?" Ye Tianxie said, entangled. Now even the fool knows that Xing Baoer is mysterious and secretive every day. He must be making something mysterious ... He has asked this question 800 times, and he has got the same answer ...

"You will know when the time comes!" Xingbaoer said with a smile.

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"Boss, are you taking me out to play today?" Xing Baoer's expression revealed an expression of excitement and longing.

"... I came to say goodbye to you." Ye Tianxie said.

"Farewell ... Ah? Farewell?" Xingbaoer froze a moment, then panicked, approached Ye Tianxie in a panic, and trembled nervously and said, "Why say goodbye, boss, you ... …Where are you going?"

The subconscious nervous expression of the girl projected her perseverance and dependence, which brought deep warmth to Ye Tianxie. He smiled and said, "Boa, I'm not leaving. I just want to travel alone in the game for a period of time. This period will not go offline, nor will I return to the city. As for where I go, I have no idea ... It won't take more than a month, and maybe I'll be back in a few days. "

"Huh ..." Xing Baoer patted her small **** hard and sighed, "Woo ... I traveled by myself, scared me to death, I thought you didn't want me ... this little follower . Then ... then can I travel with you? I haven't seen what it looks like to lose the mainland. "

Ye Tianxie shook his head and pressed one hand on Xing Baoer's shoulder, and said very earnestly: "I only want one person, quiet, and before I take the initiative to return, I don't want to be disturbed by anyone or anything. Baoer This period of time is very important to me. It may be the most important period of my life ... I will block all calls and even remove the communicator directly. So, Baoer, do n’t try to contact me and Will you find me? "

Looking at Ye Tianxie's serious and serious expression, Xing Baoer's expression also converged, bringing a tense attitude: "Boss ... have you encountered something special, can you ... tell me? Maybe, I can do it. "

Ye Tianxie shook his head with a smile and said, "This thing, even if others can help me, I just want to do it myself, Baoer, remember what I said, do you know? As for the things on my body ... wait for you Feifei When your sister comes up, ask her well, she will tell you. "

The reason why he focused on explaining with Xingbaoer ~ ~ is because he understands the magical ability of Xingbaoer. If he really wants to find him, he must use some special props to do it. She even made such things as national border scrolls, and it should be even more important to follow people on this continent.

Xing Bao'er looked at him for a moment and nodded gently ... Of course she knew that making such a decision with Ye Tianxie's character would definitely encounter extremely unusual things.

"Also, your mother's business ... I have left messages for Po Jun and Qiu Shui. If the flight to Lyle Star starts during the time I leave, they will personally do it properly. So you don't have to worry about it ... and what I worry about the most ... "He moved closer, stretched out his hands, and put it on Xing Baoer's tender face, holding her face gently.

This intimate action, and his clearly loving gaze at this time, made Xingbaoer's eyes turbulent, his heartbeat speeding up, and he was at a loss what to do, and let him touch her face with his hands ... The touch and temperature from her hands seemed to have a strange magic power. For a moment, it penetrated into her heart and every corner of her body.

Why it feels so strange to be touched by him, and it doesn't preclude him from touching his face at all, and I really like this feeling ... Is it because he likes him secretly?

"After your mother's affairs are resolved, I will take you to my house, okay? I promised, I will let you live with peace of mind forever, and my promise will never change in my life ... you stand alone After the future of countless children, it has held up your mother ’s life, and your life is left to me ... whether you like it or not, this time, even if you refuse, I will be tough when I return. , To keep you by my side ... I already, and don't want to lose anyone I care about ... "

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