Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 574: Huang Yuan, Lvbo (9)

The bodies of Huang Yuan and Lvbo have disappeared, and only one yellow and one green clump of light remained on the ground.

The core of the fate of yellow and green, on the same day, in the hands of the same person, lost the spirit body and returned to the original form without self-consciousness. Although this has caused them to lose their tremendous power when they have a spirit body, they are free to take it back to the moment of destiny and turn it into the power of the moment of destiny.

Ye Tianxie didn't walk right away because he felt behind him that Anonymous and Blue Spirit were approaching.

"You, regret it?" Anonymous asked behind him, standing behind him.

"Remorse? Why regret it?" Ye Tianxie asked without expression.

"The level goes to zero, do you know what this means? It means that your efforts in the past six months have been ruined overnight."

"Oh," Ye Tianxie smiled indifferently. "Is the grade important? In this world, the grade is just a gorgeous number. There are too many things that are more important than this simple number. Hundreds of times. If I could use such a number in exchange for something more important to me, what reason would I not give up. "

He turned and stared at Anonymous: "You came here specifically because you felt the contact between me and the moments of destiny, in order to replace the moments of the two destinies. You said before that my power is fundamental Even one core of fate cannot be conquered ... but, two cores of fate. Now all of them have returned to their original form under my hands. As you can see, from beginning to end, it is only my own strength, and no one is needed I do n’t need your help! I ’m not as unbearable as you think, I need people to worry and shelter all the time ... Instead of spending so much attention on me, you might as well do what you want Do, or do something good for yourself ... "

Ye Tianxie's voice paused here, and then sighed, his eyes became extremely complicated, and the slight and ethereal four words spit out from his lips: "I beg you ..."


He gave him a deep look, turned around anonymously, and slowly walked away. As he went away, the light voice from him passed word by word into Ye Tianxie's ears: "You have grown up , I look forward to the day you defeat me with your own strength, I will be at some end, waiting for you to appear, when you can reach there, that is the moment we decisive battle ... Come on. "

The sound dropped, and his body had turned into a bit of blackness in the sky, and then completely disappeared there.

Ye Tianxie looked at the place where he disappeared.

Somewhere ...

Ye Tianxie closed his eyes ... what end would it be, and where is it.

If there is one day, what kind of truth will be faced, and what kind of end?

With a sigh, Ye Tianxie turned around and walked in the direction of the two cores of fate.

The core of destiny is basically the same size, except for its shape. Ye Tianxie held Huang Yuan and Lubo together in his hands. In the past, Ye Tianxie did not recognize what shape the yellow hole was, but when he saw the real Huang Yuan, he knew that ... the vagueness was a contour similar to a bear. The green wave is one of the most regular in the seven vacancies at the moment of destiny, presenting a standard circle.

And the green wave is also a turquoise bead ... And when the spirit of the green wave is set up, it is also a round plate.

Before, I hadn't found any trace of the core of fate for the whole five months, but today I got two at once!

Although, the cost is extremely huge ... First, all attributes are permanently reduced, and subsequently, his and all his partners' levels are reduced to level 0. However, he did not regret it at all, and really did not.

"Guo Guo, come out."


"Guo Guo ..."


Ye Tianxie was helpless, and had to call with the softest voice possible: "Come out, it's really okay."

Earlier, Guoguo was so frightened by his appearance as the claw queen. After making a series of strange calls, he headed back into the moment of fate.

Ye Tianxie yelled several times in a row, and finally Guoguo finally tried to come up with a small head. I didn't hear the strange sound that made her afraid, and the flames of the seven colors had disappeared, and Guoguo came out with confidence, and patted her own small breast: "Woohoo ... I just scared me to death, just the master The fire on my body is so terrible, I feel like I'm almost gone ... Ah ah ah! Huang Yuan and Green Wave !? "

Guoguo stared at the nucleus of Huang Yuan and the nucleus of Green Wave in Ye Tianxie's hands, and exclaimed.

"Well, in this case, we just got two cores of fate at a time, which is already four." Ye Tianxie called out the moment of fate, took it in the other hand, and smiled.

"Wow!" Guoguo clapped his hands in excitement. "Two 唉! Really two 哇! Wow! The master has succeeded, and I still think the master will die ... oh! Master! It's too great! "

I thought the host would die ...

Will definitely die ...

What does it mean! !! Ye Tianxie had a black line.

"Master, please put them back to the moment of destiny, so that the moment of destiny will become even more powerful!"

Ye Tianxie suppressed the tangle in his heart, first picked Huang Yuan and moved to the gap that belonged to it. Huang Yuan touched the third gap in the moment of fate, and a golden light flashed in the sight of Ye Tianxie and Guoguo. Like the previous fusion of blood feathers, orange teeth and the moment of destiny, the flash of light is just a momentary effort. At the moment when the golden yellow light dissipated, Huang Yuan in his hand had disappeared, but was completely embedded in the third gap in the moment of destiny. Perfectly sealed the original odd-shaped gap, and faintly released the golden yellow light that was bright and dark.

"Ding ... Because of the new power injection, the attributes of your moment of eternal destiny have changed, your ability has been further improved, the grade has been upgraded to the device of heaven, and the skills 'flaming soul of destiny' and 'third kill of destiny' God breaks' on. "

A Huang Yuan struck the grade of the moment of destiny from the fairy to heaven. Ye Tianxie resisted the attribute of not seeing the moment of destiny, and picked up the fourth moment of destiny. With the flashes of green light, green light flickering, green waves, the same perfect inlay in fate. Above the fourth notch.

"Ding ... As a result of the new power injection, your eternal destiny moment attributes have changed, your ability has been further improved, and the skills‘ Destiny Poison ’,’ ‘Destiny Seven Kills’, and the fourth kill ‘Poison Eclipse’ have been opened.

Red, orange, yellow, green, the four cores of fate, four different rays of light flickering at the same frequency. The addition of two new cores of destiny makes the breath released by the moment of destiny significantly more powerful than the previous times. Ye Tianxie raised the moment of destiny, and then looked forward to it with excitement. Attributes ...

Moment of Eternal Destiny (Disability): Requirements: None. Grade: God. The power core of the destiny world has unknown mysterious origin and unknown mysterious power. Currently in the incomplete state of the loss of the core of fate, the Lord has been compulsorily acknowledged, Master: Evil Sky, cannot be traded, cannot be dropped, cannot be stolen, and cannot be abandoned. The core of the destiny you have: Blood Feather, Orange Tooth, Huang Yuan, Lubo.

Attributes: attack +1200, attack + 30%, four basic attributes +160, normal attacks will cause damage to all targets within the attack range at the same time, 2% probability of absorbing damage when attacking will be converted into own health, 2 during attack The probability of absorbing damage is reduced to its own magic value. 2% probability of attacking triggers double damage, and 2% probability of attacking is added to the deadly poison. (PS: Passive effects can be turned off and on freely.)

Skills: Gift of Destiny: The Lord at the moment of eternal destiny will be blessed by destiny. Improved talents fixed attributes: lucky +40, perception +40, charm +40. (Forcibly added, the effect cannot be turned off. Unless the moment of eternal destiny is removed, the effect will not disappear even if it is not equipped.)

Blood Sacrifice of Destiny: Residual blood is used as a sacrifice to stimulate the fury of energy. When the health is lower than 30%, the attack power is increased by 100%. When the health is lower than 15%, the attack power is increased by 200%. When the health is lower than 8%, the attack power is increased by 300%. When the health is lower than 3%, the attack power is increased. 400% increase. Forced to trigger, not cancelable.

Destiny's Demon: Unleash the magical engulfing ability of Fate's Core Orange Teeth, instantly causing irresistible magical engulfment to all enemies within 50 meters around it. All enemies engulfed by magical enemies will have 100% reduced elemental resistance and suffer 10 The powerful magic seal to 30 seconds, no consumption, can be used once every 300 seconds, each time can last up to 60 seconds.

Flaming Soul of Destiny: Unleash the power of Huang Yuan, burn your own fighting soul, and turn each attack into an overbearing and must-kill blow. After launching, add "absolute crit" status. 5% probability triggers double damage for 30 seconds. Seconds, can be used every 100 seconds without consumption.

Destiny's Poison Lan: Stimulate the power of the green wave, attack the single target with the moment of destiny enveloping the poisonous force, that terrible poison will ruthlessly corrode the target in any form of physical defense (including the physical defense barriers, The Department of Physics absolutely defends), and at least 100% probability will completely destroy at least one piece of equipment (human) or one armor (beast). No consumption, can be used once every 60 seconds.

Seven Kills of Destiny: Use the power of sanctions at the moment of eternal destiny to cause seven consecutive different destiny sanctions on the target. The effects of sanctions are irresistible and cannot be superimposed. At present, blood brakes, magic brakes, **** routs, poison devours, and magic can be consumed at the same time. 1500, skill cooldown is 1 hour.

First kill: Sanction of life—Bloodlock, using the power of sanction at the moment of eternal destiny to launch life sanctions against a single target, regardless of level, grade, and arbitrary defense methods, forcibly depriving the target of 10% of the life value, and adding the equivalent of The damage from normal attacks cannot be superimposed on a single target. It consumes 100 magic when launching with Seven Kills, and can be used alone. No mana cost when used alone, no cooldown.

Second Kill: Magical Sanctions—Magic brakes, use the power of sanctions at the moment of eternal destiny to launch magical sanctions on a single target, regardless of level, grade, and arbitrary defense methods ~ ~ Forcefully deprive the target of 10% of the magical power Value, 10% magic attack power, and 10% full magic resistance, plus additional 200% damage equivalent to normal attacks. The effect cannot be superimposed on a single target. It consumes 200 magic when launching with "Destiny Seven Kills" and can be used alone. . There is no magic cost when used alone, and the cooling time is 1 minute.

The third kill: Sanctuary sanctions—God's defeat, launching sanctuary sanctions against a single target with the power of sanctions at the moment of eternal destiny, ignoring ranks and grades, ignoring arbitrary defense methods, forcibly depriving the target of 20% of the attack ability, forcing a 10- 15 seconds of "sealing" and adding 400% of damage to a normal attack. The effect cannot be superimposed on a single target. It consumes 400 magic when launching with "Seven Fate" and can be used alone. There is no magic cost when used alone, and the cooling time is 5 minutes.

Fourth Kill: Guardian Sanctions-Poisonous Corruption, launching guardian sanctions against a single target with the power of sanctions at the moment of eternal destiny, ignoring ranks, grades, and arbitrarily defensive methods, and forcibly marching with irresistible force of corruption The target's defense power is swallowed to zero, and the damage equal to 800% of the normal attack is added. The effect cannot be superimposed on a single target. It consumes 800 magic when launching with "Seven Fate" and can be used alone. There is no magic cost when used alone, and the cooling time is 10 minutes.

Fifth Kill: Life and Death Sanction-Undead, unknown effect, costs 1600 mana, core of fate is missing, cannot be used;

Sixth kill: Yin and Yang sanctions—kill the soul, the effect is unknown, it costs 3200 mana, the core of fate is missing, and it cannot be used;

Seventh Kill: Destiny Sanction-Nature, the effect is unknown, it costs 9999 mana, the core of fate is missing, and it cannot be used;

Forbidden technique: destiny is forbidden? Skyslaughter: the effect is unknown, the core of destiny is missing and cannot be used.

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