Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1068: Insatiable (Part 2)

In sleep, if you are attacked, you will immediately wake up, but theft is different. Star pick gloves are a kind of pseudo-equipment, let alone a weapon. Stealing actions and attacks based on them are completely different in nature, so they will not wake up the target in a lethargic state. Ye Tianxie helped the star picking gloves on the armrest, and went proudly to the mysterious businessman No. 1 who had no consciousness ... When he first met him, with his strength at that time, he could not peer into the mysterious businessman. Information, and now, his information is completely exposed to his eyes.

Flower Relentless: Level: Level 98, Grade: Celestial, Occupation: Ghost Messenger, Mysterious Merchant, Life: 69000000, Boss of the Three Mysterious Merchants, unknown origin, wandering around the lost continent for life, collecting crystal coins as the only survival Purpose, lonely and cold temperament, unwilling to communicate with others, seems to have some special mission on his body. The pace of collecting crystal coins stopped a month ago for unknown reasons.

Talent: Demon Body.

Skills: Ghost Shadow, Ghost Hand, Ghost Dance, Ghost Walk, Ghost Drop

Trick: ghosts and gods.

The profile of the number one mysterious businessman flashed in Ye Tianxie's brain, and did not arouse him any interest, because all his current interests are focused on what he has, without delaying time, he smiled lowly and directly The right hand wearing star picking gloves caught the mysterious businessman. He still has a lot of skills that can greatly increase his attributes and lucky values, but those are no longer necessary. With his current strength gap with this mysterious businessman, he can almost guarantee 100% success in every theft.

"Ding ... You successfully stole 6 'Fire Marble Stones' and one Shenhuang Stone."

Sure enough, the first theft was a direct success, or two precious ore were stolen at one time. Ye Tianxie laughed even more recklessly, while the mysterious businessman spent relentlessly. When he was robbed by Ye Tianxie last time, he was bound by the vines of the wish tree and could not move, but he was still conscious, and now he was lethargic, even himself. I'm not even aware of being ransacked.

"Ding ... You have successfully stolen ten 'Spirit of the Holy Spirit' and ten drops of 'Fairy Water'."

"Ding ... you successfully stole five bottles of 'mineral water', ten 'kiwis', and 'dried chili' thirteen."

"Ding ... you successfully stolen 30 'blue crystal coins' and 27 'green crystal coins'."



Every time Ye Tianxie waved his right hand, he would have a lot of things in his hand. With his current strength and amazing lucky value, not only must he succeed every time when stealing, but not one by one, but a bunch of thefts. If the mysterious businessman is awake at this time, no matter how he is " "Relentless" is estimated to be weakened by the gas out of the nerves. A star picking glove can complete a hundred steals. With this efficiency, a hundred times is enough to wipe out the mysterious businessman.

"Ding ... you successfully stole the skill scroll-ghost dance."

"Ding ... you successfully stole the heavenly skill scroll-ghosts and gods."

Scroll of Skills-Ghost Dance: After using it, you will get the skill "Ghost Dance": cruel pure attack skills. With your own hands or short blades, you can launch seven ruthless swift strikes on a single enemy near you. The damage of each attack is equivalent to ordinary 120% of the attack, 90% chance of triggering a critical strike, 100% probability of adding a wound tear effect. Consumes 90 mana when activated, skill cooldown is 1 minute. Available for Assassin classes above level 60.

Skill Scroll-Ghost God: After using it, you will get the unique skill 'Ghost God': the ultimate killing skill created by ruthlessness. It is a horrible killing trick known to kill even ghosts and gods. When it is launched, the weapon in your hand is discarded and your hands are used to hold it. The target's throat is close to itself, detonating its brutal blood, causing heavy damage to itself, and inflicting fatal damage to the target. The base damage is 4800%, with a 40% probability of dying. It costs 50% of life, 50% of magic, and the maximum life limit is permanently reduced by 100. It can be used up to three times a day. Assassin class above level 80, agility above 1000, movement speed above 60 can be used.

Ye Tianxie couldn't help but marvel at the strength of the two unexpected skill scrolls. He would not hesitate to use it if it wasn't for use restrictions, but at present it seems that Situ is more suitable for using them. Combined with his demon claws, the power of these two terrible attack techniques will be greatly amplified, and they will exert extremely amazing effects on his hands.

After stealing it, the harvest was amazing, but he never got the thing he wanted most. Ye Tianxie collected all the things he had in hand, and continued to rob with a smirk. Piece by piece became his thing. The mysterious merchant's things are extremely rare, but it is not easy to get these rare things. It took him many years to get something, and the precious things used to exchange crystal coins were eagerly searched by Ye Tianxie in his hands in such a short period of time. Time elapsed from second to second, and the effect of entering the dream lasted for more than thirty seconds. When the mysterious merchant was about to wake up, Ye Tianxie's ears rang a reminder sound he had been waiting for ...

"Ding ... You successfully stole the special prop『 新手村 送 卷》! ”


Ye Tianxie smiled with satisfaction. This scroll is what he most wanted in this mysterious businessman! During the theft, he was not under pressure to hold it. Because with his current ability. As long as the body of this mysterious businessman is anchored, the stealing will continue, unless the scroll is no longer on him, there will always be a moment when it is stolen. Holding a piece of paper scroll with pale light in his hand, Ye Tianxie thought of the remote seal place-60001 Xinshou Village. At that time, the Qingming ghost king told him that if one day he could find a way to go back again, then she would give him the core of the five guardian artifacts ... the heart of the unicorn!

Of the five guardian artifacts, the ring of the white tiger is the strongest. The Kirin Heart's own ability is not outstanding in the five artifacts, but ... the legend is that if the Kirin Hearts and the other four artifacts are combined into one person, then it will be It is the source, which gives rise to a mysterious ability. It's just that this mysterious ability is unknown. The origin of this rumor also began when the Five Holy Beasts perished, and has been circulating to this day.

Xinshou Village teleported to hand, and the mysterious businessman finally woke up from a lethargy. He didn't know what happened. He retreated lightningly after recovering his consciousness. He was about to go away, and suddenly saw Ye Tianxie's star-hunting gloves. After his shock, he took a quick look at his rucksack, and his face changed dramatically.

He spent almost his entire life exhausting all the things he had collected, and by this time he had almost nothing left! Even the land transfer volume of the seal passed down from the long distant era has disappeared.


The mysterious businessman did not run away anymore, a word of deep shock and anger exuded from his mouth, and his stiff face twisted for a while. If anyone encounters such a situation, it is impossible to keep calm. In less than a minute, Ye Tianxie wiped out his thousands of years of hard work! Hua Wuqing usually spends less time with people. With his strength, not many people are qualified to offend him. For the first time in his life, he has encountered such a big setback ... maybe it is a shame. If it wasn't for the burning white fire on the other side that made him tremble, he would have completely released his ability to fight with him for you.

"Well, don't show such a scary expression, but I am very happy that I have not stripped away all the lines on your body. As for the things you get on you, it seems to be of no use to you, and it is also a waste to put on you. I'll just use it for you to avoid violent heavenly things. Oh? Look at your eyes, aren't you convinced? Hey, yes, I said, I came here to rob, I know the rules of rob. Who is more powerful, Whoever can rob the other person as much as you like. If you think you can beat me down, then you can take back everything I have now. Would you like to try it? "Ye Tianxie looked at the mysterious businessman and was entertaining Said.

Mysterious businessmen come and go without trace, mysterious and unpredictable. They have less contact with people, and they basically have no conflicts with other people. Hua mercilessly thought of breaking his head and couldn't think of when he offended such an evil star. The other party snatched all of his stuff away without saying anything, and even took a natural attitude, as if these things should have belonged to him in the first place, but now it is just reasonable and legal to take them back. Flowers are ruthlessly stubborn, but the huge gap in strength makes him unable to speak even harsh words.

But if he just left like this ~ ~ he would not be reconciled.

"What? Do you have nothing to say to me? Hey, then, I'm interested in a certain question. The answer to this question is probably the clearest to you. If you answer honestly, maybe I will take you away from you. Some of what I got is for you ... Is this a good deal? Then, tell me, why did your mysterious merchant collect the crystal coins so hard before, what exactly did you do? "Ye Tianxie asked. At the same time, I felt very painful in my heart ... Be a man, you must do it. If this mysterious businessman really said it, he really should have something to go back, is it a kiwi, or a dry pepper ...

The mysterious businessman who had always looked cold and slowly looked up, and his stiff face suddenly showed a mysterious smile. This smile made Ye Tianxie look slightly.

"The answer to this question, you will know soon. Including why we no longer need crystal coins, you will also know immediately ... and then, it is you, approaching the moment of destruction! You will understand how humble the power you are proud of! "

Ye Tianxie frowned, and the smile on his face converged. The words that the mysterious businessman suddenly uttered made it difficult for him to understand.

"Now, what we need most is quietness and waiting. No mutation is allowed, so you can be lucky to stay a few more days. Ten days, no, five days later ... what you got from me today, Will be repaid to me several times, huh !!! "

The cold voice fell, Ye Tianxie's eyes flickered in black, and the ruthless flower had disappeared there like a disillusioned lamp. Ye Tianxie nodded at the tip of his nose and said to himself, "Well, is it mysterious? Doesn't it look like it? Five days later? Then I have to see, by what did you get me from you? Take everything back! "

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