Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1047: The truth of the world of destiny

"Well, it is the blood soul of return soul. There are many wonderful things in this world, and blood soul return soul is one of them." Ye Ya nodded. When referring to the word "blood soul back to the soul", the tone is extremely bland, as if this object against the sky, and the consequences of using it are worthless to him.

A cold air spread across Ye Tianxie's body. It took a long time for him to suppress the coldness on his body and painfully said, "Brother, you ... are so stupid."

"Oh? Silly?" Ye Ya smiled slightly and shook his head: "It seems that you already know the existence of Huishui Xuezhu. Huishui Xuezhu does cause pain. But compared to that year, it can only be silent. Watching you suffer, a person struggling on the edge of life and death in an indifferent world, this physical torture is nothing at all ... and today, I can see you standing in front of me and defeating me, the power of the wolf **** I can hear you call me 'brother' again ... for the first time in so many years, I feel that God is not so cruel to me. "

Ye Tianxie closed his eyes and could not say a word at all. His heart was as heavy as ever ... When a man wandered, he always thought that he would always be so lonely, and his affection had always left him, and it was impossible. Appeared ... Unexpectedly, at that time, he was accompanied by such a heavy affection every second.

Ye Ya stretched out his hand, pressed it on Ye Tianxie's shoulder, and shook his head with a smile: "Xiaotian, don't feel sorry for me, our brothers can meet again. This is God's care for us, we should be happy. Death The rebirth is actually against the sky, and it ’s nothing at all to endure such physical pain. If you were me, you would definitely make the same choice as me, wouldn't you?

Ye Ya looked up, his expression converged, and a soft sigh was issued in his mouth: "I know, you have a lot of things to ask me, and you replied to the part of the dragon that belongs to Chen Long. Many of these are already in your heart. The answer. I didn't expect that my brother's previous life turned out to be the prestigious General Dragon of Tianyu, no ... To be precise, that should not be called the former, you are reborn through blood reincarnation, and you and Xun Longben It's the same person. "

"I am Chen Long and Ye Tian. My body is bleeding with the blood of Chen Long, as well as the blood of our parents ... no matter what I was before, now I will always be your biological brother, you are me The only biological brother. "Ye Tianxie said in a voice.

Ye Ya's face showed a soft smile. He knew what Ye Tianxie wanted to ask him, so he closed his eyes and slowly told: "Your identity determines the fate you will inevitably face in the future, even if you can Escape for a while, but once your abilities in your body ... especially your Claw Emperor's power is awakened, you will repeat the fate of the last life. Therefore, the fairy who has been born again and has carried all the memories of the last life has been suffering. Looking for you, also looking for a way to change your destiny. The method she found is this destiny world ... this is the star of the glory that you found together. "

"The star of Xi Yao has another title, called" the forbidden area of ​​the gods ", because even if this world overlooks all living beings, the gods that exist beyond the realm of heaven will not set foot, and even the sense of breath cannot set foot here. . And the dragons of this world are the Celestial Dragon Dragons, Moluo Demon Dragons ... that is, the place where your previous adoptive father and biological mother belonged. So Xianer thought, to hide the breath through this world and guide you in A little bit of awakening in this world belongs to your power. In this world, no matter how much your power breath grows, it will not be discovered by the people of the heavens and the creation gods. Xianer's biggest desire is you Power can grow beyond the previous life, and even the power of the Claw Emperor is fully awakened ... Then, no one can threaten you, even if the heavens come out of the nest, they can no longer hurt you. This is her Desire ... but she also knows that it's just craving after all, almost ... impossible. "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"In the year when you and Xianer were eighteen years old, Xianer's power finally grew to a sufficiently dangerous level. If she was on the earth again, she could be discovered by the people in Tianyu at any time, so she chose It ’s time to leave ... Maybe you blame why she did n’t explain anything and just left so silently, and you almost collapsed the world ... But you have to know that you are suffering because of her sudden departure. When you are in pain, she is better than you It is still a hundred times more painful, but she has no choice. She carries all the memories of the previous life, but you don't. You without a dragon dragon memory are you who grew up in the human world. The so-called celestial realm only exists in In an imaginary world of myths. Even if Xianer tells you all ... Even if she is a fairy, would you completely believe it and accept it completely? Even if you completely believe it ... Without the memory of Xiaolong, you feel more It ’s like listening to a story of someone else. It ’s impossible to understand what the so-called “Claw Emperor” means. It ’s not clear how horrible what happened that year. It does n’t really know what kind of person you were then. And how the outcome will not really know what you are going to face a fate. "

"So, Xianer left, and guided you to this destiny world. The original star of Xi Yao was digitized by Xianer's reorganization rules and became this destiny world. It is the world's original master who helped Xianer. -Pros, you know, Alpha, is a servant of Pross. But this truth, except us, will not be known to anyone else. Nor will anyone know what the truth of this world of destiny exists. I hope that you can wake up in this world as soon as possible, and the motivation is her departure ... The first time we met, I hinted at you. If you want to see her, make yourself stronger as soon as possible. This goal , Will make you strong without any thoughts ... Although Xianer is not by your side, many times, she has been silently with you and looking at you. Although separation is painful, she is more eager, You can live in peace in this life, at least, don't repeat the tragedy of Chen Long. "

"After entering this world, your power has been awakening and growing. Of course, it is not their bodies but their souls that enter the world ... Yes, it is the soul, under the singular rules established by Xianer and Pross, After entering the world, the soul exists as a body that does not really die, and it is exactly the same as the body from which the soul originates. The equipment items and other items obtained in this world are not virtual, but exist in this real World. The acquired abilities are also real, but under the rules, when people leave this world, it is impossible to bring these props and abilities back. These make this world of destiny seem to be inferior to ordinary virtual games. Any difference. But these abilities that cannot be taken away do not include abilities that belong to themselves ... For example, your dragon power, your sacred mark, your magic mark. Your dragon power is awakened in this world, then This is your ability, the dragon power exists in the soul, the power of the sacred mark and the magic seal also exists in the soul, and your chance of these abilities in the world of destiny Awakening, in the world you live in, you are actually awake at the same time, but these abilities can be freely exercised in the world of destiny, and your physical body is too fragile to bear, so it will be hidden in the soul, It will not be actively revealed. At the same time, these awakening powers will make your body stronger in the subtle way ... Usually, you should be aware that your physical strength will often inexplicably skyrocket. "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"Your dragon power is awakened, and the power of the Claw Emperor is also awakened a little, but in real life, you do n’t know how to exert it because you do n’t have the memory of the dragon. You do n’t need to worry about being exposed to accidents. How the world of destiny is performed will not be noticed by the outside world ... but it was unexpected that the accident would still happen. "

Speaking of this, Ye Ya sighed a long time, and slowly appeared in his head the beautiful shadow who paid everything for Ye Tianxie.

What happened later did not require him to explain anything. He believed that Ye Tianxie already knew everything. The accident still happened. Ye Tianxie's power broke out on his own when he was on the verge of death, which has always caused a series of shocks, which made the fate of Ye Tianxie and Li Xianer turned upside down again ~ ~ Xianer was very stupid ... as silly as my brother. "Ye Tianxie whispered softly. He doesn't want to owe anyone ... in this life ... but he owes too many fairies, and it's not over for ten lifetimes. He doesn't know what he can do, how can he be lucky? To such a girl and can get her so passionate.

"Yeah, she is really stupid, so stupid too stupid ... Before that, my biggest desire is that you can live this life in peace, no more disasters and changes in life, but facing her ... … I hope that you can risk your life and rescue her even if you die. We owe her so much, ”Ye Ya said suddenly. Why isn't he always lamenting that meeting Li Xianer is really the greatest luck in Ye Tianxie's life.

"I'll bring her back, no matter how difficult ..." Ye Tianxie clenched her hands and said slightly, gritting her teeth.

Ye Ya nodded: "When Xianer said before leaving, the only way to save her was to cut off the lifeline of Tianyu and Mo Luo ... she would tell me this, in fact, to cut off my last hope, so that I could hide it You, let you just forget her forever. However, she was wrong ... she paid so much for you, how can we let her encounter such an ending! I will not be willing, never will, and never Will be desperate ... There is no real despair in this world, I can be resurrected even if I die, so what is impossible ... So, I did not leave the world at that time, but waited silently ... etc. For you, for the sake of fairy, you can climb up from a waste that has lost all its power, and even impossible to recover and have power, and then go and bring her back in person ... I believe you will do it, because you are a dragon, is Ye Ye ’s younger brother will not be the one who has forgotten the least to forget.

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