"Unknown brother carries the power of the Western wolf god. Four years ago, he could defeat the Ice and Fire God of the Lost City and the Ziji Sword God. Now, those powers should have been fully integrated by him. The strength should be close to the annihilation level. The blue spirit not only has strong offensiveness, but its core ability is more terrible than the attack. It must be careful, big brother. ”Yaya said seriously in Ye Tianxie's ear. She knew from an early age that she was waiting here without a name, but she didn't fully know what the showdown meant to the two of them, it was just vague and knew some answers ...

Li Xianer left, and he should disappear with it.

But he persisted persistently ... Looking at the indifferent namelessness, the lively and naughty Yaya couldn't laugh at all, because she knew what the cost of his existence till now was. Therefore, if being defeated by Ye Tianxie is the reason for his stay, then she strongly desires that Ye Tianxie can completely defeat him ...

Give him relief.

"let's start."

After three short words, Anonymous has disappeared into place, a majestic wave of pressure is pressing on Ye Tianxie's body, and in his pupils, an unnamed moment is close at hand, and ruthless. Cut to his sword of sanctions.


The space was cut relentlessly, and the space flashed through. Even with nameless strength, it is not easy to break the space. His attack was unreserved. Once he came up, it was the lore of lore without any reservation. He seemed to want to kill Ye Tianxie instantly.

He hoped that Ye Tianxie would defeat him on the premise that he would release his full strength.

The sword of punishment cuts across Ye Tianxie ’s body, and what he hit is just an afterimage. How horrible is Ye Tianxie ’s ability to perceive, react, and focus in the state of sacred inflammation, and the speed is even more shocking, and this is also He can rely on the weakest comprehensive strength for the greatest reliance of the challenge. Anonymous attack failed, followed closely by Ye Tianxie's swift counterattack. His body quickly moved away at an acceleration that violated physical rules, and "Dragon Soul Burst" hit the nameless chest ...


A yellow crit damage figure floated on the unnamed body. As Ye Tianxie's strongest single attack technique other than the seven kills of fate, he already had the power to destroy the mountain and crack the stone, but this violent blow only made the unnamed back. Two steps away, his eyes were not turbulent, still cold, and the sword of sanction in his hand waved out. The black thunder on the blade boiled away from the sword of sanction and turned into a dozen black thunder dragons roaring. Flying towards Ye Tianxie ...

Ye Tianxie's eyes were shrunk, and the body just about to be chased turned into an illusion of light and shadow, avoiding the dark thunder dragons with incredible sensitivity. The speed of thunder and lightning was extremely terrible. Fifteen thunder dragons, but 14 He escaped, and was finally forced by the last Thunder Dragon to escape from the dead end. He was hit by a blow, and his life dropped by a tenth. He groaned without giving himself any respite. The moment of fate was unknown. Stabbed under that brief gap ...

Blue spirit stayed on the edge of this space, without movement. Beckham, Bian, and Kaka also stayed in place, before silently watching the two entangled.

Raising his comprehensive strength, Anonymous is better than Ye Tianxie. After all, his strength is only one step away from the annihilation level. But with sacred inflammation, Ye Tianxie's offensive ability is far better than that of the unknown, and his talents have already stepped into the realm of the true God he didn't know. Ye Tianxie's ability cannot be measured at the level of a player.

Hit by Thunder Dragon, Ye Tianxie probably figured out the unknown attack ability. With an unknown level of strength, no matter how strong his offensive ability is, he cannot exceed his heyday. As long as he can't kill him with one blow or any powerful containment means, then as long as he puts his best effort, there will be no reason for defeat. What's more, under the magical "miracle of life" and the sacred inflammation, his current health value can already resist the attack of the mysterious level and even the sacred power. ,

Breathing gently, Ye Tianxie slowly said, "Nameless, take your strength ..."

Uh ...

The violent wind flashed, Ye Tianxie's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it was ten meters behind the nameless one. The space between the electric light and the flint was suddenly out of place. On the anonymous head, a "-720000" damage number gradually faded.

Looking at the anonymous expression, he did not react at all to Ye Tianxie's attack.

For Ye Tianxie, the most terrifying effect of sacred inflammation is not the increase in vitality and attack power, but the increase in speed.

Under the sacred inflammation effect, even if you do not ride Kaka, the basic movement speed has reached a terrifying height of 2400. Such a speed is really galloping, even if ordinary people concentrate all their energies, they cannot respond to such speed in a timely manner. If you rush through a person's eyes at such a speed, then that person will only feel a gust of wind passing by, but it is impossible to know that it was a person who rushed past.

At this speed, even if it is anonymous, it has not responded.

Anonymous quickly turned around, but in front of him, Ye Tianxie's figure had disappeared again. Anonymous eyes narrowed, and he didn't look forward. He waved his right hand fiercely. When the moment of fate waved, a dark arc with a radius of dozens of meters covered the front.

"Black Emperor Cut!"

"Life sanctions!"

With such a wide range of cuts, even if Ye Tianxie was fast, he could not avoid it. His body was hit by the sword of judgment, and the moment of destiny in his hands was severely cut on Ye Tianxie's body. , Flashing the scarlet manskins that people dare not look straight.



Ye Tianxie's chest was dull, and she was swept away by a huge impact. She stopped hard when her body was about to collide with the rear wall, and her health was reduced to half. Under the sanction of life, the shocking number of injuries appeared in the unknown. Body ...

Sixty million lives are cut, which means that the unknown has 600 million lives! This life value, which is close to the magical beast spirit, is enough to show the nameless strength.

Drinking a drop of dew to fill up the loss of life, Ye Tianxie glanced at the blue spirit that has not been moving. Although it has not attacked with the unknown, it has always released a very dangerous breath on its body. As if, at any time, it may suddenly rush up.

A blue spirit that can attack at any time, an unknown with 600 million vitality. Although his attack is strong now, it only takes a long time to defeat an unknown person. However, with his relatively fragile vitality, the most taboo is to fight protracted battles with opponents of this level. His strongest state is when his blood remains, when the blood sacrifice of destiny and zealous warfare are launched at the same time, but this state is also his most dangerous time. In this way, he faces the nameless and blue spirit and suffers at random Attacks will be buried. Wuming and Lanmo are not beasts without mature wisdom. At least for now, Ye Tianxie has no guts to keep himself in a state of residual blood to fight. His purpose is to win, not to be desperate.

Looking straight at the Anonymous, Ye Tianxie shot again, as a thunderbolt, tearing the air, bursting out. When the Dragon Soul split near the Anonymous, he bombarded him accurately and smashed his body slightly. Leaning back, Ye Tianxie's body continued to rush behind the nameless, and he suddenly returned without any pause, hitting another on the nameless back that was about to return ...

His moving speed is extremely fast, even the most powerful poison electric sage among the twelve sages will be stunned when they meet. Coupled with his talent ability and the surge of attack speed under the Phantom Ring, what Anonymous greets will be Ye Tianxie's most terrible attack method.







One hit ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ two hits, three hits ... Each time Dragon Soul Slash attacks on an unnamed body, it will make his body lean back. In front of his eyes, he will immediately lose Ye Tianxie's trace, Then, another attack came from the same direction. Ye Tianxie's speed is really too fast. What is more terrifying is that he can turn around immediately with such a rapid impact, and seems to completely ignore the inertia in physics. Under such an attack, Wu Ming has completely failed to capture Ye Tianxie's location. The opponent's attack, he has not been able to react once and was hit again and again.

A fast, unreal figure crisscrossed around the unknown, and every time he passed through his body, he would leave a heavy blow on his body, depriving him of his vitality little by little. After trying to capture Ye Tianxie's figure without fruit, Wuming simply closed his eyes, and "Black Emperor Sword" swept towards the surrounding space ... But this time, his Black Emperor Sword only swept through the air, Ye Tianxie I do not know when it appeared on top, and then fell like a meteor, a "Dragon Soul Burst" slammed on the nameless back ...


The huge impact force hit the unknown body for a distance of dozens of meters before stopping. He opened his eyes and looked at Ye Tianxie, who had temporarily stopped attacking. There was still no turbulence in his eyes. Just a few minutes ago, Ye Tianxie's ghost-like attack made his health drop by nearly one-tenth. But he didn't even touch his clothes.

"Very strong speed and control, it is indeed a sacred flame." Anonymous eyes glanced over the white fire on Ye Tianxie's body and said gently.

"Use your full strength." Ye Tianxie did not attack again, said calmly. He certainly knew that what he had just shown by name was by no means his true strength ... not to mention that there was another blue spirit who had not shot.

"as you wish."

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