Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1038: Tower of Destiny Level 100

Stepping into the space door, the space on the 91st floor appeared. No accident, it's empty here, except for the grey mist, there is no breath of living beings. Ye Tianxie walked around in it and quickly found the space door to the next floor, so he easily entered the 92nd floor without any obstruction.

With it, it was ninety-three, ninety-fourth ... ninety-seven, ninety-eight ...

Tower of Destiny on the 99th floor.

When the Eight Great Ghost Kings left the Tower of Destiny, there was nothing left, which left Ye Tianxie, who was still a bit lucky, somewhat depressed. One year ago, from the zero-level level up, the obstacles encountered were getting bigger and bigger, and the evil beasts they faced were more terrible than one, but this should be a difficult top tower layer, but Just stepped on it.

"Looking at the door over there, as long as you go in there, you can reach the 100th floor ... Yes, the 100th floor is blocked by a big bat. A very powerful big bat. It was the mount of the devil, Wan Years ago, it had the power of annihilation. Legend has it that it is also the guardian of the devil's continent, Warcraft. At that time, Yaya used a lot of strength to block it in. If it wasn't for Yaya's strength just to restrain it, maybe Ya Ya have been eaten by it. "

When Yaya's voice sounded, Ye Tianxie had already seen the flashing space door. The hundredth floor blocked the demon bats with the power of annihilation, Ye Tianxie had already known. Early in the day, he entered the 100th floor in an accident, encountered a demon bat, and rescued Xiao Ming incidentally. After that, the furious demonic bat blocked this hundredth floor, and ordinary methods could no longer enter.

The mount of the devil, the ultimate Warcraft with the power of annihilation 10,000 years ago ...

After a short battle with Yaya's true body, Ye Tianxie also clearly understood how terrible the strength of the annihilation level. If I face this demon bat at this time ... Will there really be a chance of winning?

"Well?" As Ye Tianxie weighed in her heart, Yaya made a suspicious sound in her mouth. She looked at the space door for a while, and said to herself with a small voice: "So strange ... the big bat It seems that the breath is gone ... "Then, Yaya's voice suddenly increased by dozens of decibels:" Ah! It really disappeared ... It seems that big bat is no longer here! "

Standing in front of the space door, Ye Tianxie paused, without hesitation, stepping in.

Space switching, without any barriers, Ye Tianxie has entered the space of the 100th floor.

The blockade set by the demon bat had disappeared.

Not only did the blockade disappear, but when it came in, only the thicker dark mist came, but without the amazing coercion that the beast of annihilation would release. Everything is as quiet as the previous tower.

Stepping under my feet, my eyes searched for every corner here. For a long time, standing in the center of this space, Ye Tianxie's spirit relaxed, and he closed his eyes and said, "It seems that the demon bat is really no longer here."

After the moment of fate broke away from the tower of destiny, even the eight ghost kings have the ability to leave here, their strength is better than their demon bats, and of course they have the ability to leave here. In previous years, it was just unwilling to leave. It seems that it is in this quiet, waiting for something silently.

Waiting for the person it was waiting for, so left ...

Is it Xingli?

"Is that so? Wow ... That big bat is so terrible! The previous Yaya couldn't beat it, and if it escaped, it would be really dangerous to lose the continent. Although Sister Xingli won't return to that year Power, but that big bat will also bring a terrible disaster, oh ... big brother, what to do. "

Ye Tianxie opened his eyes and looked at the front, ignoring Yaya's complaints and saying, "Where is the door to the next floor?"

The 111-story tower of destiny, unknowingly, has more than a hundred floors. The passage from the 90th floor to the 100th floor was too easy, which made him quite unreal.

"Well? Is older brother about to reach level 101 now?" Yaya's attention was easily distracted, hesitated a little.

"I want to reach the top of the tower earlier. Why? Is it difficult to get to the next floor?" Ye Tianxie said.

Yaya moved her little **** and changed to a more comfortable position on the cloud, and then she said, "No, the door to the next floor is on the wall over there ... But if If you enter the 101st floor, there is no way to come out unless you die inside or rush to the 111th floor in one breath. Big brother understand? "

Either die or go to the top of the tower in one breath, or you can't come out?

Is it a closed space that is isolated from the outside world?

"What are the upper layers? Are they different from the previous ones?" Ye Tianxie asked in surprise.

"Well, it's different. Because from the 101th floor, it is no longer the tower layer that blocks the evil beast, but the power tower layer of the Tower of Destiny. It is the existence of these forces that maintains the stability of the Tower of Destiny. And the blockade forces. The root and core of these forces are the moments of destiny. The moments of destiny were previously placed on the 111th floor. Later, the moments of destiny broke away from the towers of destiny, and the power of these towers was greatly weakened. , But it is still very powerful. Except for those powerful ghost kings, other evil beasts rarely escape. ~ The power of these towers is born from the power of the moment of destiny. Although it is on a different tower level, in order to prevent the leakage of power, it is locked in a locked space. In this locked space, unless it is dead or separated from the entrance and exit, it cannot be transmitted. If If you die inside, you can't teleport back to the original position. You can only start again from the entrance ... Does Big Brother understand? "

Yaya explained it in detail, but she didn't mention the point at all.

"What's in these power towers? Isn't it difficult to pass?" Ye Tianxie pondered. How powerful the blockade of the entire Tower of Destiny might be is beyond ordinary imagination.

"Um! It's hard!" Yaya nodded immediately, a small face covered with warnings and caution: "The power inside is so strong, if ordinary people accidentally enter it, they will be suddenly forceful. Destroyed to ashes. The demon bat that was locked up here before, but even it did not dare to set foot on the 101st floor. "

Ye Tianxie's expression was moving, and the power to stop the demon bats was unimaginable.

"The ten layers above have their own names: from bottom to top: water, inflammation, wind, thunder, sand, light, darkness, and air. Time, time, and soul. After passing through the ten layers, you can go to the top. Brother, do you really want to go up now? "After talking in detail, Yaya turned her eyes and asked seriously. .

Ye Tianxie nodded the tip of his nose with his hand, and later said, "Do you have a way to pass these power towers?"

"Ah?" Yaya opened her lips and immediately shook her head. "No. Yaya never dared to go up. My sister said that if you accidentally enter it, you will probably die."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

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