Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1030: Goal, top of destiny

The guardian beast on the eightyth floor of the Tower of Destiny was destroyed in this way. Under the special ability of the cricket, it was simple and smooth. The character of a badger is a regular pet level, but the special nature of its ability allows it to exert its amazing ability in many times. After entering the world of destiny, many miracles around Ye Tianxie were made by Jiu ... Just like the glass of prayer that he changed his destiny, it was entirely due to Qiu's ability. Otherwise, he has almost no possibility of wishing Liuli.

Gathered the light that can be collected on the Tyrannosaurus Rex, stepped back a few times, and looked at the shape of this huge bone dragon again, Ye Tianxie said, "Kaka, swallow it,"

The long-awaited Kaka immediately cheered, fantasically returned to the body, and swayed and rushed up, releasing white awns in his mouth, covering the giant Tyrannosaurus.

There is no doubt that this is the strongest beast that Kaka has devoured so far. Although the level of the Tyrannosaurus Rex is heavenly, its 90-level level makes it more comprehensive than Kaka's two mysterious beasts-Crying Feather Bing Lin and Abyss. The stronger the beast's ability, the longer it will take for Kaka to devour. The sacred mark spread quickly over the entire body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and then the body of the Tyrannosaurus began to shrink slowly, part by part, turning into white light stars, which were swallowed by Kaka ... ...

"Ding ... Your mount pet 'Kaka' has been upgraded to level 80."

"Ding ... Your mount pet 'Kaka' has been upgraded to level 81."

"Ding ... Your mount pet 'Kaka' has been upgraded to level 82."

"Ding ... Your mount pet 'Kaka' successfully swallowed the body of 'Tyrannosaurus Rex'. Get a phantom change-Tyrannosaurus Rex, own attack +130, defense +600, death resistance + 10%. , Forcibly offset 5% of any physical damage. After transforming into a Tyrannosaurus Rex, all talent attributes are retained, and its own movement speed is 200. As a mount, it has an additional movement speed of 100 and a flying height of 50 meters. "

In about three minutes, the body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, which was tens of meters high, disappeared in the white light package, and was completely swallowed by Kaka into the abdomen. In the process, Kaka's level was upgraded to level. . The level gap with Ye Tianxie finally got closer.

Ye Tianxie's mount attributes after transfiguring the Tyrannosaurus turbulence, the talent attributes are retained, which means that after Kaka becomes the Tyrannosaurus Rex, he will be able to forcibly offset a full 80% of the damage of any physical attack like the real Tyrannosaurus The ordinary attack will also be a sweep of a range of 30 meters in front. Ye Tianxie is most concerned about. It is undoubtedly the additional movement speed and flying height when mounted ... It is more than the crying feather ice! Coupled with its huge body, the number of people who can ride on it at one time will be considerable.

This means ... After that, the Tyrannosaurus Rex will largely replace the position of Weeping Binglin's main mount ... However, it is also because of its oversized body, its flexibility will be extremely poor, and it is completely unsuitable for riding in battle. Multiply.

"Wow! In this case, you can play around with that big bone dragon in the future, so look forward to it!"

"So scary, it's not fun!" Compared with Guoguo's excitement, Yaya's white neck shrank subconsciously.

Kaka ran over, and two short front paws patted the belly that was afraid of tumbling, and there was a fullness in her mouth. Behind it, a dim space door slowly formed and appeared. Ye Tianxie didn't stop and said, "Let's go to the next level."

After eighty floors, the monsters enclosed in the Tower of Destiny are undoubtedly more powerful. However, at this time Ye Tianxie's comprehensive strength, he did not feel any pressure. Although Shura's magic sword is isolated, he is not comparable to him before he awakened his own sacred inflammation. Based on his current vitality, he can easily do it without opening Divine Flame.

The eighty-first floor of the Tower of Destiny.

The atmosphere this time can be fully described in two words-gloomy!

The light was still dim, the overcast wind did not come from the confined space, and a horrible wind like a ghost cried out.

In the dim air, soul after soul was released one after another throughout the body. A dark wizard's robe covered the whole body, except that his head was exposed ... but it was a skeleton skull twisted into a smirk, and his hands were holding a huge gray sickle. They float in the mid-air at a height of several meters, and the dark breath is released from them.

Ghost Slaughter: Level 91 Lord Boss, Life: 900,000, from the Devil Continent, the ultimate slaughter that made all life tremble in fear. The Scythe of Death can easily send souls into the abyss of death.

Talent: Undead Ghost: Absorbs any death-type damage, triggers 5% death upon attack, and is immune to all non-attribute physical attacks.

Skills: Soul Harvest: The sickle of death in the throwing hand cuts all targets in a straight line of ten meters in front of it. The damage is magical damage. A 10% probability triggers death. After use, it falls into a rigid state for three seconds.

Scythe of Illusion: Attack a single target with Scythe of Death, add 100% chaos for 5 seconds, and become stuck in a rigid state for 3 seconds after use.

Undead healing. The magic power is converted into the breath of the undead for its own absorption, recovering 30% of its vitality and consuming 20% ​​of its magic power.

Trick: None

Disadvantages: Life is fragile, fear of breath and attack of light.

Ye Tianxie felt an uncomfortable dullness in the spirit and breath in the air. The eighty-first guardian was actually a monster with the strength at the lord level! And it's not just one or a few appearances ... and the appearances in groups, at a glance, there are dozens of them! !!

Undead monsters with a high probability of dying during these attacks are undoubtedly the player most unwilling to touch. Especially at the advanced level, one death will mean that one month or even months of hard work is ruined. In this space, such terrible monsters appear in droves. There is no doubt that no matter how powerful players come here, if they do not have the ability to die immediately, they will retreat obediently.

However, for Ye Tianxie, who is immune to imminent death and chaos, these ghost killers are a group of whiteboards with no special abilities and skills ... vitality is much lower than other bosses of the same level.

"The Ghost Slayers were sealed here at the time. They once caused a great deal of panic on the lost continent. Their semi-physical bodies are not afraid of physical attacks at all, and have strong immunity to magic. They are most restrained. Except for my sister, there should be no second person in the magic of life. They can heal themselves, and after being killed, they can be reborn immediately. So I have to move them all here, big brother, be careful! By the way ... the condition to the next level is to destroy one thousand ghost killers, and collect no less than three hundred undead fires that fell from them, and then use them to burn the other side The stele can open the door to the next floor. "Yaya said in Ye Tianxie's ear.

"A thousand ..." Ye Tianxie twitched. It is necessary to destroy at least one thousand level 91 lord bosses to go to the next level. For an ordinary player of the same level, this is simply a nightmare task more than a nightmare.

At this position, it is a full thirty floors away from the top of the tower. According to his previous climbing speed and progress, it will take at least three months to reach the top of the tower ... This is still under the premise of not encountering major setbacks and distracting from other places.

"Is there really no shortcut?" Ye Tianxie said rather weakly, looking at the wandering ghost killers. Of course, these monsters will not pose any threat to him, but will give him a lot of gains ... But, after all, they are the boss of the level 91 boss, and it will undoubtedly take a relatively long and boring process to destroy a thousand. The environment of the Tower of Destiny is dim and depressing. Ye Tianxie now has a feeling of vomiting every time he steps into the Tower of Destiny, which is unbearable for him.

"No!" Yaya answered him neatly.

"Okay ... quickly, quickly, Becky, Kaka, let's go!"

Glorious Blessing is on the body. The Ghost Slayer is immune to physical attacks, but physical attacks with light attributes are the nemesis of these undead creatures. When the white light shines, it means the beginning of the slaughter of their ghost bodies ...

Ye Tianxie has been increasingly repelling the environment of the Tower of Destiny. The interest is repelled, and the physical instinct rejection of the soul, if it was not the attachment to the gate of destiny in his heart, how could he not be willing to stay in this place for a long time. Therefore, now he just wants to reach the top of the tower in the shortest time with the fastest speed.

Speed ​​up ...

Unreservedly release the sacred flame and all of your strength, and strive for ... it is best to climb one level a day!

This is a goal set by Ye Tianxie for himself, an extremely mad, among players. No, it should be said that looking at the lost continent, only he can achieve. The vitality of the fairy level, the attack power of the annihilation level, and the skills beyond the annihilation level, only he can be so crazy.

This was not just his whim. After solving the matter of Xing Baoer, he can already say that there is no other concern for the time being. The only goal is to bring back the chase of strength to Li Xianer. Reaching the top of the Tower of Destiny is the first step that must be completed. For the next few days, he spent almost all his time and energy on the Tower of Destiny.

In a day, thousands of ghost killers were destroyed and proceeded to the eighty-second floor ... then, the eighty-third floor ... the eighty-fourth floor ... the eighty-fifth floor ...

Ten days later, Ye Tianxie had stepped into the eighty-ninth floor of the Tower of Destiny.

Facing three 100-level fairy beasts and one 100-level heavenly beast.

This is a pretty scary lineup. However, compared to this lineup, Ye Tianxie cares more about the 90th floor and what will be after the 90th floor.

Level 100 is already the pinnacle of the level. After ninety levels, will it still be a level 100 monster?

still is……

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