Mo Wei was very headache now, and it only took a day to do the task, but he was directly thrown off by the little wolf of the Mo family.

Although the opponent is a professional guild player, there is always a large army following the leveling, and the leveling speed is far beyond that of ordinary players.

It's just that at the beginning of the game, the number of monster groups on the map is limited, and the team advantage of these professional players is not very obvious, and it will not be long before these professional guilds occupy a favorable leveling map, and this advantage will continue to expand ......

At that point, the average player will be more leveled by them, and the polarization of the entire game time will be even more severe.

This is something that can't be helped.,This is the case with all games in recent years.,Mo Wei knows it very well.。

"Brother Mo, are you in trouble with your task and do you need our help?" asked the little wolf of the Mo family curiously.

"The mission is ongoing, and I'll be sure to say hello if you're in trouble. Mo Wei smiled.

"Then what are you looking for me?" asked the little wolf of the Mo family, puzzled.

"I want to discuss something with Wolf Da, after this mission is completed, I plan to follow you to level up and mix experience, I wonder if Wolf Da welcomes it?" Mo Wei asked tentatively.

"I thought it was some big event, but that's it...... We are friends now, and we welcome the little Mo brothers to farm monsters and level up with our Mo family at any time. The little wolf of the Mo family replied happily.

"Thank you, Wolf, there is something to discuss with you in detail when I return from the mission. Mo Wei said with a smile.

"Is there anything you can't say now?" the little wolf of the Mo family asked inexplicably.

"When it comes to the formation of the Alliance Tribe, you should have read the official information today, right?" Mo Wei said with a smile.

"No, form an alliance tribe! Could it be that Brother Mo already has a doorway?" asked the little wolf of the Mo family with wide eyes in surprise.

"Today's official game information, it is a detailed introduction to the alliance system, I didn't expect the eternal world to make the alliance system so important this time. Mo Wei didn't answer his question directly, just smiled and looked at him.

"That's true, the setting of the alliance system this time is not only related to a large amount of wealth and interests, but also related to the future trend of the game, and even the lifeblood of the entire world's various game regions, so we have been fully preparing for the formation of the alliance tribe from the beginning. The little wolf of the Mo family said solemnly.

"You're a professional guild, so you should have known something about it a long time ago, right?" Mo Wei asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Don't hide it from Brother Mo, in the first two months before the Eternal World was launched, our Mo Family Guild had already received some inside information about the game information, not only us, but other professional guilds had also received a brief introduction to the game information, and we just saw these materials two months earlier than ordinary players. The little wolf of the Mo family said frankly.

This kind of thing, he wouldn't have told any players outside the professional circle, but this little Mo in front of him was indeed an unexpected ......

Although he had not been in contact with this little guy for a long time, Mo Wei told them the combat skills he had comprehended regardless of remuneration, and showed the operation skills that only a master could have, which had already made him have the ...... to recruit

After all, the strength of the Mo Family Guild does not occupy much advantage in the professional guilds, and the number of their members cannot be compared with some old and powerful guilds, and even after the opening of the Eternal World this time, the strength of several emerging professional guilds jointly supported by some powerful consortia has exceeded the scale of the Mo Family Guild.

Therefore, the little wolf of the Mo family has made a plan in his heart, that is, once the Mo family guild has gained a firm foothold in the virtual world, the first thing to do is to expand the strength of the guild as soon as possible and recruit more reliable players to join their team.

These people don't have to be professional gamers, as long as they can be trusted and have some understanding of the game.

What the Mo Family Guild needs now is more manpower in order not to be left too far behind in the competition.

And the appearance of this little Mo brother is the best candidate in the mind of the little wolf of the Mo family, he has probed some information about this person in the short time he has spent with this person, and learned that this little guy was only a semi-professional retail player in the past, and he did not have too many complicated backgrounds.

And with this person's game comprehension ability, ability to judge the task, and good operation skills, he is the best person he needs.

The most important thing is that there are two amazing super beauty players next to Brother Xiao Mo, which adds to his ...... of wanting to recruit each other

After all, who doesn't like beauties, there are two big beauties joining the guild, which can play a great role in publicity, and when the guild is expanded in the future, the existence of the two big beauties can also become a signboard of the guild, maybe it can attract more players to join the Mo family legion.

You know, there has always been a saying in the game circle that the game world lacks beautiful women, and shemale dinosaurs line up ......

It can be seen from this sentence that beautiful players are very rare in the game world.

In the past, there were too many guys pretending to be female players in the game, but this time, the eternal world could no longer pretend to be a woman, and the setting of real faces also eliminated the possibility of those ugly women and goddesses.

In this way, it is difficult to see many beautiful female players in the eternal world, let alone the ...... of those two goddess-level super beautiful players

The dazzling look between them, the thousands of styles inadvertently revealed, in the short time they got along, have made many players in the Mo Family Guild forget, and some people even asked where the two goddesses went today, why can't they see boring questions such as today,

it can be seen that beauties still have a huge attraction for most male players

What's more, Ouyang Jiaojiao and Liana, the two hot goddesses who are worshiped by thousands of people in the night bar, their charm even the rich sons have fallen under the pomegranate skirts, not to mention the professional otaku who stay at home every day to play games, they can't resist their super power ...... that is emitted anytime and anywhere

Regardless of the reason, the little wolf of the Mo family wanted to bring all three of them over and help the Mo family guild develop steadily in the virtual world as soon as possible.

So he didn't shy away from telling the other party the secret news, now let's see what this person has in mind?"

"You really knew it in advance......" Mo Wei blinked his eyes, and immediately understood the official intention in his heart.

No matter which country on the earth, as long as the country within the official launch of the Eternal World server, day and night regardless of time zone, the open beta operation is opened in the same second.

Players in all regions have no time advantage, and once the game is launched, how to develop depends on the players' own efforts.

The official has ensured fair competition between the major regions, and the main competitive force in the major regions is the existence of those professional guilds, so the official handed over the game information announced today to those professional guilds in their country two months in advance, so that they can grasp some important settings of the virtual world faster.

In other words, all professional guilds in each region have become officially confirmed as the main players of the game, which is also an early preparation for future competitions.

Professional players and ordinary players are not treated equally, and ...... is not treated equally

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