When Mo Wei led the large army to quickly approach the center of the woods, a systematic prompt ...... suddenly popped up in front of the three players

Bite...... System: Don't be sad, you have entered the special mission zone, please pay attention to the relevant special settings in the map, so as to trigger the mission story!


The system prompt message that suddenly popped up in front of Mo Wei and the two goddesses suddenly made the three of them stunned.

"What's the matter, did you receive the system message?" asked Liana in surprise.

"I've received a reminder that I'm in the mission zone, and I need to keep an eye out for some special situations on the map. Ouyang Jiaojiao said.

"What kind of setting is this, why does it have to be in the center of the map to show such a prompt, but there doesn't seem to be anything strange around. Ouyang Jiaojiao looked around suspiciously, in the dark forest, there was still a scene of a large maple forest, and there was no special terrain.

"Don't worry, look for it slowly, since the system has given a reminder, there must be something different around. Mo Wei said.

He led a huge army, walking alone in the front, and the scene of this forest was carefully watched by him.

Under the guidance of the elves who were jumping back and forth between the big trees in front of them, Mo Wei led the team through a large area of forest unimpeded, and the coordinates displayed on the small map could be determined that they had come to the middle of this blood-red maple forest.

However, the situation here is not much different from the rest of the woods, the ground is still thick with red fallen leaves, and there are still countless trees around, so I don't see any strange settings.

The only difference is that in the heart of the maple grove, the trees here are a little more dense than at the edges of the trees, and the spacing between the trees has become wider, like a large glade.

Looking up at the sky above the tree spirit, the sky that was originally completely obscured by the dense canopy of trees could also see the night sky that was about to turn white and the starlight ...... that had not disappeared from the gaps in some branches and leaves

Could it be that the difference in the center of the woods is like this?

Mo Wei carefully observed the surrounding map, and continued to lead the large army to move forward according to the guidance......

In less than a few minutes, the black curtain of the map that was continuously opened on the small map, clearly showing the green light point representing Mo Wei, had appeared in the center of the maple forest map, and not far in front of him, between the large open space, it was vaguely seen that countless black figures were gathering there, and it seemed that they were engaged in a crazy battle!

"Is there a war ahead?" Liana also saw the situation in front of the side, and immediately asked excitedly.

"That's right, it seems that the warrior souls of the two camps are fighting, and you can see that the colors of their clothes are obviously different. Ouyang Jiaojiao stared at the front carefully with wide eyes, and smiled excitedly.

Mo Wei had already seen it clearly, in the large glade on the right side of the front, two dense groups of figures were entangled, black and red balls of light in mid-air came and went, and with each ball of light falling into the crowd, he saw pillars of light shining, flashing black and white dazzling ...... from time to time

Of course, he understands that this is the warrior souls of the two camps are fighting to the death, but the battle of the ghosts has no knocking sound of weapons, no tragic shouts, and no bloody scenes, only two colors of light pillars shining, representing that the warrior souls of the two camps are constantly hanging up.

Such a quiet battle scene, the three players looked a little inexplicable, but it can be seen from the situation here that fortunately, Princess Zixin rescued in time not long ago, otherwise, with the strength of the three of them, as long as they were hit by those black light balls once, they would be killed in an instant!"

"Let's continue to hurry, this kind of battle scene is not beautiful at all." Liana glanced at the battle scene in front of her eyes, as speechless as if she were watching a silent film, and urged her to get out of here.

"It's really boring, let's stay away from them and make sure it's safe. Ouyang Jiaojiao reminded.

"Don't worry, wait before you go. Mo Wei suddenly stopped, as if he had discovered some special situation, and stood in place in a daze, looking at the ...... in front of him with a pair of eyes

Because he inadvertently found that in the battle scene in front of him, a large group of dense warrior souls were crowded together, and as the two-colored balls of light in the air continued to fall, the black and white pillars of light also kept rising into the sky in the crowd ......

The appearance of the black and white pillar of light represents the scene when the heroic souls of the two camps of warriors hang up, but between these shining pillars of light, there are still some faint black and white lights and shadows flickering slightly under the ground in the dense crowd!

This situation is extremely difficult to detect, and players who are a little inattentive think that this is just an incidental effect when the pillar of light shines.

But after Mo Wei opened his eyes and looked carefully for a while, he suspected in his heart that there were definitely other situations ...... this

"What's the matter, Xiao Mo, have you found anything?" Liana looked at him with a strange expression and asked curiously on the side.

"I'm not sure yet, you guys take the team and move on, I'll go to the front and get closer to see the situation. Mo Wei said.

"Be careful, don't alarm these monsters. Ouyang Jiaojiao reminded that the two took his place and continued to advance with the large army.

Mo Wei immediately strode towards the right, quickly rushing through a large glade, and soon came to the back of a large tree near the battle site.

This place is less than twenty meters away from the area where the warrior souls are fighting, but at present, the attention of these monsters is completely focused on the enemy in front of them, and no one pays attention to Mo Wei's existence.

He hid behind a big tree to make sure that there was no danger, so he sneakily poked his head out and carefully observed the situation not far away......

These were so close that the whole battle scene was clearly displayed in front of his eyes.

Wow, so many warrior heroes!

Mo Wei looked ahead in surprise, in the large forest glade, there were countless black and red figures densely crowded, and the two camps of black and red were clearly arranged on both sides of the map, with a narrow horizontal line less than one meter apart in the middle.

It was as if they were bounded by this long line, and the left and right lines were constantly launching light balls on the top of each other's heads......

The dense halo of light flickered in mid-air, and large balls of light landed endlessly, smashing into the crowded crowd on both sides, and the black and white pillars of light reflected each other!

But what Mo Wei was concerned about now was not their tragic death, but how they were resurrected again and again

As he focused his gaze on the soles of the monsters' feet and looked at the corpses that had fallen to the ground, a strange scene immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

I saw that the warrior souls who had just hung up rose several meters high as the black and white halo soared into the sky from their corpses, and at the same time, there were clusters of black and white faint halos on these corpses that appeared ......

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