
sharp whistle kept sounding, and more and more short black shadows returned to the mine, and behind the mountain bags, countless heads quietly poked out, and a pair of big puzzled eyes looked ahead in surprise, as if they were still determining the true identity of the other party.

The spectacular scene in front of him, Mo Wei sighed in his heart, after Princess Zixin's whistle blew, not only did she summon all the escaped mine spirits back, but even those mine spirits in the nearby mine cave were all attracted here.

What kind of voice is this, how can there be such a big magic power?

Looking at the wincing gaze of those mine spirits, Mo Wei knew in his heart that these little guys had not seen the elf master for more than ten years, and they were still not sure who had summoned them.

What's more, Princess Zixin is already an exiled elf, and her appearance has changed dramatically from the past, and the mine spirits still dare not recognize each other directly.

"I'm so impressed......" Liana said with red eyes.

"Yes, looking at this scene, I thought of a puppy I used to have, but unfortunately it died of old age. Ouyang Jiaojiao nodded and said.

"Ugh. Mo Wei touched his head and was speechless.

Looking ahead, although those guardian mine spirits did not dare to confirm the identity of the other party in a short period of time, they continued to move forward with the whistle, and the short figure like a tide was getting closer and closer to Princess Zixin.

They tilted their heads, as if listening carefully to this familiar and unfamiliar voice, and their confused eyes became brighter and brighter as the distance between them and Princess Zixin narrowed.

Seeing this scene, Mo Wei finally settled down in his heart......

The large number of mine spirits who were close to Princess Zixin shone with excitement in their eyes, as if they had finally confirmed her identity, and a series of excited cries sounded in the group of black shadows, followed by a large number of short figures frantically rushing out of the mountain bag, roaring to surround the tall and graceful female figure in the middle.

The excited cries gradually filled the entire cave, and countless mine spirits recognized the identity of Princess Zixin one after another, and suddenly wrapped her in the dwarf, and the mine spirits who rushed behind had no place to stand, and actually jumped to the top of the mountain bag, turning the entire mine into a marine ...... of the mine spirits

Squeak squeak!

The cave was very lively, and the two goddesses were almost crying when they saw it.

Even Mo Wei was completely shocked by what he saw in front of him, and he just stood in the cave in a daze, looking at the large group of mine spirits in the distance as if he was holding a meeting, and soon the entire mine was completely crowded, and Princess Zixin's figure was also tightly blocked.

I only heard the whistle sound again, and the elven people behind Mo Wei seemed to have received an order, and the large group walked out of the cave and entered the middle ...... of the mine spirits

As soon as they entered the cave, they were excitedly swarmed by the miners, holding their long legs, rubbing their heads affectionately against their leather armor, as if they were pouring out the pain of a long separation.

"I didn't expect that the relationship between the elves and the miners is so deep, how is the system set up?" asked Liana in surprise.

"It seems that the official promotional video once introduced that the elves belong to the guardian gods of the mountains and forests, specializing in protecting those weak creatures from being bullied by other races, and these mineral spirits should also belong to one of the creatures under the protection of the elves. Ouyang Jiaojiao said thoughtfully.

"It seems that this is the setting, and now that the elves and the miners recognize each other, it will be very helpful to my plan. Mo Wei said with a smile.

"Are you going to use the Mine Spirit to help?" asked Ouyang Jiaojiao with a blink of her beautiful eyes.

"Xiao Mo, it's okay to let the mine spirits help, but don't let them get hurt, it's unbearable to watch. Liana pleaded.

"Don't worry, I won't let them do dangerous things. Mo Wei nodded and smiled, looking ahead ......

In the cave, 600 elves were surrounded by a large group of mine spirits, and the excited squeaks resounded throughout the cave hall.

This was the first time he had seen such a deep relationship between NPCs in the game, which made him seem to understand in an instant that the eternal world was no longer the simple game world ...... before

In this virtual world, even the NPCs that were originally just ordinary data were endowed with such anthropomorphic emotions, which shows that if anyone sees this virtual world as just a game, then he is destined to achieve nothing

in this world! At this moment, Mo Wei realized in his heart that in the future, in this virtual world, NPCs and players must be treated equally, and NPC......s must be treated as friends

Just as he was feeling emotional, the figures in the mine were scattered, and the tall figure of Princess Zixin walked out from among the mine spirits and elves, and walked towards the entrance of the cave with a large number of NPCs behind him.

"They're coming. Liana reminded excitedly.

"Let's go out, the princess must have made it clear to the miners. Mo Wei smiled and strode out of the cave, meeting countless surprised glances.


miners watched three figures emerge from the entrance of the cave, causing a commotion, but under the appeasement of the elves, although they were still a little scared, they did not turn around and flee.

"Come here, honorable warriors, they are timid, don't frighten them. Princess Zixin's smiling voice rang out.

"Got it. Mo Wei replied, slowed down, and walked into the crowd surrounded by large crowds of people with the two surprise goddesses.

Under the gaze of countless frightened eyes around them, the three of them came to the middle of the mine.

"They can't speak, if there's anything you want them to help with, you can tell me and I'll pass it on to them." Princess Zixin said.

"Okay, first of all, I want to know, have all the ores they collected here been taken away by the Protoss?" asked Mo Wei.

Princess Zixin immediately let out a whining sound, relaying his questions to the large group of mine spirit ...... nearby

I saw all the surrounding mine spirits nodding their heads in unison, as if confirming Mo Wei's guess.

"They told me that they have been oppressed by the Protoss for the past ten years, and they have to collect a large amount of ore every day and hand it over to the Protoss warehouse, and if they fail to complete the task, their people will be directly executed!" Princess Zixin said angrily.

"What! the Protoss is so ruthless!" the two goddesses clenched their fists, equally filled with righteous indignation.

"Why do the Protoss want so much ore, is it also useful for them?" Mo Wei asked again puzzled.

As Princess Zixin conveyed her question, a squeaky voice rang out, and the miners continued to nod their heads in answer to his question.

"The Protoss not only need ore, but the quantity is very large, but the miners don't know what they want ore for. Princess Zixin replied.

"I know, I still have a few questions...... Mo Wei hurriedly continued to ask his questions, but he was very surprised in his heart.

The Protoss secretly built a city here, and the location happened to be in the mine, not only did they block all the underground passages here, and everyone couldn't get in and out, but they also collected so many ore resources, what did they want to do?

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