Having made up his mind, Mo Wei immediately took the two goddesses and returned to the original path, followed by General Anode and Princess Zixin, as well as hundreds of elven assassin NPCs.

This time, his task became more and more complicated, not only to safely protect General Yang Ji from the Sleepy Dragon Mountain Range, but also to take Princess Zixin and her 600 elves with him, the size of the team increased dramatically, and the danger factor was also increasing......

The group returned to the canyon along the way, and after a half-hour journey, finally returned to the entrance to the large basin in the center of the mountain range.

Looking at the distance of the basin, a large stone forest scene was revealed again, and Mo Wei hurriedly deployed a plan of action, telling the two goddesses and Princess Zixin in detail how to enter the center of the stone forest not long ago, bypass the blockade of the boulder demon, climb up the mountain from the gap on the other side of the mountain, and how to enter the mine cave and the underground secret passage.

After the three beauties nodded in unison to show that they understood, he once again led the large army to the edge of the stone forest to officially march ......

From the canyon to the stone forest, during such a long journey, Mo Wei tried to get Princess Zixin and General Anode to stand together, trying to make these two NPCs able to talk carefully, so that he could get some secret plot information about the eternal world next to him.

Although his idea was very good, it was a pity that General Yang Ji could not attract the attention of this general at all except for only having a conversation with Mo Wei, no matter how politely Princess Zixin asked, the general never said a word, just lowered his head and strode forward.

Looking at this situation, Mo Wei couldn't help but be extremely disappointed, and he also understood that General Anode was currently only his main quest NPC, and apart from communicating with him, there was almost no intersection with other players and NPCs ......

If you want the general to return to normal and be able to officially start a conversation with Princess Zixin, I'm afraid you can only wait until you complete the escort mission.

A large army poured into the depths of the stone forest, and under the leadership of Mo Wei, they quickly passed through the middle of the large dark stone pillars, all the way to the center of the basin, in front of the giant mine.

In order not to make any trouble, he directly led the two goddesses and a group of NPCs to the side of the mine, and after rushing out of the stone forest, he led a long team to the foot of the bare stone mountain cliff, right in front of the crack in the ridge.

"Honorable princess, can your people climb this mountain directly?" Mo Wei asked with a smile after seeing the elves' ability to climb mountains and cross mountains as if they were walking on flat ground.

"The mountain is a bit steeper and smoother, but it's not too difficult for us Shadow Elves. Princess Zixin's head, covered by a hat, lifted up, glanced at the smooth stone wall, and replied lightly.

"In that case, then you will take your people to the top of the mountain and wait for us. Mo Wei nodded, opened the package and got busy again in the gap.

The climbing props he set up here last time have long since been invalidated due to the system refresh, so he can only use groceries to reset ...... again

Because no matter what the item is, as long as it is thrown in the map by the players, it will be forced to refresh and disappear by the system for more than half an hour.

In other words, even if it is an equipment item, if the player discards it on the map and no one picks it up, it will disappear after half an hour at most, and it will never be recovered.

Just when Mo Wei was busy setting up the climbing props again, the black shadows around him flickered, and a large group of elven clansmen had already rushed up the steep mountain rocks, shaking the black shadows jumping lightly in mid-air, and quickly rushed up the stone mountain in mid-air in three or two strokes, until they disappeared in front of the eyes of the three ......

"Wow, that's amazing!" Ouyang Jiaojiao exclaimed enviously.

"Although the level and strength of this group of elves are limited, this ability to climb the cliff seems to be an innate skill given to them by the system. Could it be that NPCs of other races also have different tricks?" Liana said excitedly as she looked at the large shaking black shadow in mid-air in surprise.

"Perhaps, we should also be careful when dealing with NPCs in the future, and we must first figure out the natural skills they have. Mo Wei said with a smile.

Returning to the mine from the canyon, he has been talking to Princess Zixin along the way, trying to find out what the princess knows, so as to grasp more core game information.

But unfortunately, perhaps the system has taken precautions against this, and each NPC has made certain restrictions on what it knows, and different tasks are required to figure out different game setting rules.

So after more than half an hour of hard work, Mo Wei didn't get any particularly valuable information, and Princess Zixin didn't know anything, whether it was the situation of the imperial family, or the settings of the major legions, or even the strange rules of the other four races ......

But no matter what, Mo Wei still got some special settings about the elves from this princess's mouth.

In the entire world of the Divine Death, the elven race, like other races, is systematically divided into two parts, and there are elven people in the two camps of the Yaosun Empire and the Holy Moon Empire.

Moreover, in each of the two empires, there is an elf king who leads the entire elven race.

The only difference is that the elves of the Sun Empire camp use sunlight as a source of spiritual power to absorb spiritual power, and can exert more powerful combat power during the day.

The elves of the Holy Moon Empire are just the opposite, they use moonlight as the source of spiritual power, and their combat power is very strong at night.

In the two empires, the elves are divided into countless scattered tribes, usually living in the mysterious map of the tribe as a unit, and only when the elven king gives a royal order, the scattered elves will gather together.

And within the NPC elf clan, there are also different combat occupations, such as the elf phantom that Mo Wei sees now, which is one of the assassin professions, and is naturally good at climbing and showing off cliffs, and in the eyes of the ghost elves, there are no road obstacles in the mountains and rivers.

In addition, the Elves also have the Wind Chasers, who are archers who move extremely fast and have the talent to leap between trees in the forest.

Of course, the elves also have no shortage of legal professions and summoning professions, and they also have a strong talent support skill ......

What surprised Mo Wei the most was that in the major NPC races, such as the elf clan, there are also special combat profession settings, but this special combat profession is very rare in each ethnic group, and it is generally difficult to see.

For example, Princess Zixin, who was standing beside him, was obviously one of the very few NPCs in the elven clan with a special combat class.

She not only has the talent of the shadow elf, but also has the special ability of the wind chasing elf, and is worthy of the noble princess ...... the elf king

Seeing groups of black shadows rushing up the cliff quickly, rushing into the air and disappearing in front of the three of them, Mo Wei also began to step up the arrangement of climbing props.

"Respected warrior, do you need my people to help you climb up?" Princess Zixin was still standing behind Mo Wei, watching him busy quickly, as if she felt very novel, behind her, there were still hundreds of shadow elves who did not set off.

"Take us up...... Okay, but can you get the general up too?" Mo Wei asked in surprise.

"The General's size is too heavy for my people to help him, but you and they can still take it, especially you. Princess Zixin glanced at the tower-like burly figure beside her, and immediately shook her head and said.


Mo Wei was completely speechless, isn't this saying that he is short in disguise, but he didn't expect that even NPCs would notice this situation.

Looking around again, I saw Ouyang Jiaojiao and Liana desperately covering their mouths and holding back laughter, as if they were also amused by Princess Zixin's words just now, but they couldn't help but laugh for fear of embarrassment ......


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