Quickly returning to the entrance of the mine, standing on the mountain platform halfway up the mountain, and determining the current position of the two goddesses, Mo Wei immediately led the general to the side of the mountainside.

It was very difficult to climb to the top of the mountain at the beginning, but now it is very easy to get out, as long as you avoid the warning range of the boulder spirits, you can find a random hillside and quickly descend along the rope.

Mo Wei grabbed the long rope with both hands and slid quickly all the way on the smooth and sloping mountain wall, and in less than a minute, he had already rapidly descended from the middle of the mountain to the middle of the basin, and not far from the opposite side was the edge of a large stone forest.

Waiting for General Anode to also slide down the hillside, the two immediately rushed towards the stone forest.

At this time, the two goddesses also saw the situation on the other side, rushed out from the edge of the stone forest together, and rushed in front of Mo Wei excitedly, and the three-person team successfully met again.

"Two eldest sisters, how many suspicious locations have you found?" Mo Wei asked impatiently after leading the team all the way back to the safety of the stone forest.

Now that the mine has been found, and an underground city has been unexpectedly discovered, I have learned a lot of internal information about the imperial power, which can be said to be worth the trip.

But he still failed to discover how to get through the other half of the mountain range, and he could only see what the two goddesses found there.

"I've found a few suspicious locations, but nothing has happened with the token, so I'll need you to check it out. Liana said.

"There are also a few strange places on my side, I have used the Elf Token, although no one pays attention to me, but I seem to see a few dark shadows following me all the time, and I am so scared that I dare not continue to check, so I have to go to Nana. Ouyang Jiaojiao said.

"What...... After you use the Spirit Token, a dark shadow follows you?" Mo Wei asked in surprise.

"I just vaguely saw a few dark shadows following me all the way, but I still can't be sure. Ouyang Jiaojiao shook her head and said.

"Well, let's go to the place where you feel a dark shadow haunt and try again. Mo Wei said immediately.

"Okay, I remember that location. Ouyang Jiaojiao nodded and turned around, leading the two of them to stride towards the side of the stone forest ......

The three of them walked through the large stone forest, returned to the front of the canyon, and then followed her to one of the canyon entrances on one side, and entered the long curving canyon again.

"In these canyons, there are places where the number of monsters is too dense for us to explore alone, so we didn't go to many places, but just chose some safe routes to check them out. Ouyang Jiaojiao explained while leading the way.

"Me too, when I saw that the monster refresh area blocked the canyon, I immediately withdrew and searched for it again, and I didn't look carefully at many places. Liana said helplessly.

"It's okay, it's good to be able to find some special cases. Mo Wei smiled and comforted.

Under the leadership of Ouyang Jiaojiao, the three of them and General Anode continued to walk through the long canyon, dodging one monster refresh area after another, until after walking out of this canyon, there was a fork in the valley again.

According to the system, there are many branching valleys in the Sleepy Dragon Mountains, but no matter how you go, these valleys will eventually be a dead end, and there is only one correct passage through the entire mountain range to the next new map.

But even this is the only correct passage, which is constantly changing directions every day, and the mystery of it makes Mo Wei not think it clearly until now.

Ouyang Jiaojiao led the three of them into one of the forks in the road, and entered a canyon again, until after passing through this canyon, there was another three-way intersection ...... ahead

"Come with me, this is the last canyon. Ouyang Jiaojiao looked back and said with a smile.

I saw that she made a choice again, picked one of the canyon entrances, and led the team to quickly rush into the valley, directly rushing to the deep ...... of this valley

After a quick journey, the team crossed half the distance of this canyon, and in the middle of the canyon in front of them, a gourd-shaped open area suddenly appeared, and on the left side of this valley, two ridges folded together, forming a triangular strange zone.

"That's it, you see, there's a little black hole halfway up the mountain, so I'm using the Elf Token here. Ouyang Jiaojiao led the small team to the foot of the triangular ridge quickly, stretched out her finger and pointed at the tall ridge ......

"Where is the entrance to the cave, why didn't I see it?" Liana stood behind her, carefully looking at the angle between the two ridges, until she saw dozens of meters on the mountainside, and found nothing strange.

"You can't see the difference in the angle you stand, you can know when you stand behind me. Ouyang Jiaojiao reminded.

Mo Wei also kept looking at the mountainside, and found that although the mountain wall here is not particularly steep, the raised rock surface is still very smooth, and there is not even a trace of stone gaps, and it is almost impossible to climb the ridge.

But according to Ouyang Jiaojiao's reminder, what he saw was the same as what Liana said, and he didn't find anything on it, let alone the appearance of a black hole.

However, he was reminded, and immediately took a step sideways to stand behind the goddess, and looked up at the top ......of the ridge again, and suddenly found that from this angle, he avoided the shelter of several raised rocks, and on the halfway of the mountain, which was hundreds of meters high, there was a small dark hole looming

Because the entrance of this cave is too high from the ground, and there are countless rock potholes on the mountain wall that block the view, it is really impossible to find without looking closely.

"I saw it, there was a hole like a small black dot. Liana exclaimed in surprise.

"The hole isn't very obvious, but it looks like it's round. Mo Wei nodded, carefully inspecting the strange cave located on the high mountain cliff.

The shape of this cave is not large, it seems that it is only two meters high, and the width can only accommodate two people in parallel, which is too different from the mine entrance and underground secret passage he saw not long ago.

But this is still a good discovery after all, but I don't know what this cave represents

?" "General, do you know the situation here?" Mo Wei quickly turned around and asked.

"I've never paid attention to the situation of these remote caves, and as for whether or not they are the territory of a race, you need to find out the situation yourself. General Anode shook his head and said.

"Even he doesn't know. Liana said helplessly with a wink.

"That's it, Sister Jiao will try to use the token again. Mo Wei couldn't get valid information from the general, so he turned around and ordered.

"Understood. Ouyang Jiaojiao immediately opened the package and took out her exclusive mission prop, the green token of the elf clan, ......

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