Looking at the large group of short figures in the mine cave in front of him, Mo Wei's eyes were excited.

Because these monsters, which are called mine thieves by General Anode, have blue names on their heads, and they are all ...... allies of the same faction of players


Wei was excited and puzzled in his heart, although he saw the color of the names on the top of the other party's head, but the environment was pitch black, and he still couldn't see their specific names clearly.

Lying on the ground, he quietly moved forward again, and with the cover of mountain bags, he was once again approaching the large group of NPCs who were mining frantically.

These eccentric NPCs have been intently gathering ore, only occasionally raising their heads to look around, and then continuing to busily swing their hoes.

The cave had not been entered by outsiders for many years, so they had no need to worry about enemies around them.

Mo Wei took advantage of this opportunity to quickly crawl close to the large group of busy figures, hide behind a mountain bag, adjust his body posture, and quickly poke his head out to look at these ......guys not far away

At this moment, the specific names of the large blue names were finally fully revealed......

Guardian Mine Spirit [Elite NPC]

Level: 25Life

: ??? Attack: ??? Defense

: ???

Looking at the names on the heads of these mining NPCs, Mo Wei's mouth opened wide in surprise, not understanding what race these guys ......

Since entering the mine, the copper ore and iron ore collection areas are empty, and only after entering the silver mine mining area has he discovered the existence of these guardian mine spirits, which shows that the system is set up to be such a special NPC here, there is definitely a special setting.

Maybe they represent a hidden mission, or a hidden rule in the mines, but it won't be that simple.

While Mo Wei was thinking about it, a large group of mining NPCs suddenly stopped their actions collectively, and raised their heads one after another, their green eyes scanning the surroundings suspiciously, as if they were alert to the arrival of enemies around them.

Oh no!

Mo Wei immediately understood that this was because of the system setting of the warning range, in order to see the names of these NPCs on the top of their heads, he had entered their warning area, and now even if it was blocked by the mountain bag, it also made these NPCs aware of the danger.

Squeak ......

Suddenly, a shrill flute sounded in the silent cave, followed by the sound of dense footsteps, and the low figures, as if frightened, began to run for their lives to the side ......of the cave

Or let them find out.

Mo Wei was speechless in his heart, raised his head to look in the direction where the large group of figures had fled, got up from the ground stupidly, and looked at the huge cave that was already empty.

But this time he finally understood some information, the NPCs of mining are not the monster spawn area set by the system here, but elite NPCs with IQ.

There must be some special setting hidden in these NPCs, and we must find a way to figure out where their nests are.

He immediately turned around and returned to the cave, taking General Anode with him and continuing to explore ......

Entering a cave in a silver mining area, you can always see large groups of dwarf figures busy mining, but as soon as they appear, these creatures let out a squeaky whistle and fled without a trace.

"I'll them, there are a lot of them!" Mo Wei said in amazement.

"These hateful guys, I didn't expect that after more than ten years, their race would grow to the size it is today!" General Anode said with a sigh.

"General, can you tell me more about the situation of these guys?" Mo Wei hurriedly asked.

"To be honest, I've been busy with military affairs and don't know much about these guys, if only my lieutenant were still around...... Since you want to know, I'll tell you something I know......" General Yang Ji shook his head and sighed, and the two of them walked all the way, and he told Mo Wei some information about the protection of the mine spirit, one by one, and ......

With the general's description, Mo Wei finally understood some news.

These guardian mine spirits turned out to be the most special kind of NPCs, they do not belong to any race, but are social NPCs born with ore veins.

Near each large metal vein, there is a race of guardians of the mine spirits, and their group is led by a queen who gathers high-grade ores to sustain the race.

This special NPC is not very capable of fighting, and belongs to the craftsman-type NPC type.

Some of the information he learned from General Anode made Mo Wei full of curiosity about these strange mine spirits......

Can this kind of NPC be caught as a pet, and if it can become a pet of the players, wouldn't it help the players to collect ore?

A peculiar idea came to him spontaneously in his heart.

"By the way, General, you just said that you also have a lieutenant general, is he still alive?" asked Mo Wei curiously.

"The Ghost Fortress I'm going to this time is a descendant army that I have arranged there before, led by my close lieutenants, guarding a special passage away from Sunset City, and I believe they will not be affected by the last turmoil. General Anode replied.

"I see, I understand, don't worry, General, I will definitely send you to that place safely. Mo Wei nodded and replied.

As the two spoke, they continued to march towards the depths of the mine, gradually walking through countless resource gathering areas, and in the cave in front of them, the stone walls turned into black light flashing, and more advanced resource mining areas appeared in front of their eyes.

Walking out of the cave, in the huge cave hall in front of you, a dense mountain pack of golden light, the gold mining area officially appeared ......

And in the wide cave hall, the situation that made Mo Wei even more surprised was also revealed in front of him at the same time.

I saw that in the center of the stone cave in the gold mining area, a large number of short figures were still busy collecting gold ore, and the figures of these guardian mine spirits were different from the situation seen in the silver mine mining area just now

As the hoe danced rapidly, the sound of tinkling metal continued to sound, and pieces of golden ore fell to the ground, which was quickly picked up by them and thrown into the bamboo basket behind them.

"What's going on, they can also be upgraded?" Mo Wei asked in surprise.

"Yes, miners can increase their ranks by gathering ores, and these are all high-level miners. General Anode nodded.

"Can you still do this...... Well, this time I'm going to follow them and find their escape route, making sure to figure out where their nest hole is. Mo Wei said excitedly.

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