As a holographic simulation online game, the physics engine of "Dawn Break" is still very realistic.

Although the combat power of Sarco with weapons is higher, and the spear is a long-handled weapon, the attack range is longer than that of swords.

But in the same way, once the attack range of weapons is long, the most feared thing is to be close to the body.

Even if it is a melee weapon like a spear, once someone is stuck within the attack range, it cannot attack.

It feels like an archer is close to the body, and the heart is willing but the strength is insufficient, and can only barely block.

And the fighter is a close-range short-range profession, and the professional combat characteristics are cutting in and close combat.

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This is why the fighter is difficult to play.

An inch longer, an inch stronger.

The assassin has short arms, but at least he has the stealth skill to get close and go around.

The fighter's arms are shorter than the dagger, but he has no stealth skills, so it is extremely difficult to cut in and get close.

But Wang Yujie took advantage of this and turned his shortcomings into advantages.

After all, the longer the opponent's attack distance, the easier it is for the fighter to cut in.

So the advantage of Sarco's spear's long attack distance has become a disadvantage that inhibits his performance in front of Wang Yujie.

Wang Yujie just took advantage of this point to easily control Sarco in close combat.

It must be said that Wang Yujie looks stupid, but his combat IQ is amazing. This guy is simply born for fighting.

Wang Yujie's magical positioning, coupled with the restraint of Sarco by the spear, Wang Yujie's fists fell on Sarco like raindrops.

The damage is only about 100 points, which is not painful for Sarco, but being unilaterally hammered by a level 10 fighter is an insult that Sarco can't bear.

"Damn it!!"

Finally, when he was knocked to the ground by Wang Yujie for the nth time, Sarco also reacted to what was going on. He threw the spear casually, condensed a fireball in his right hand, and smashed it on Wang Yujie's head.

Wang Yujie was not in a hurry. He turned sideways, retreated, and dodged Sarco's attack.

Sarco swung his hand, and the fireball in his hand flew towards Wang Yujie.

In a moment, the fireball flew to Wang Yujie's face.


Wang Yujie was about to lean back to dodge, but suddenly his eyes went dark and a huge shield fell in front of him.

A skeleton soldier wearing heavy armor blocked Sarco's attack for him.

"I'll help you!!"

At this time, Wang Yuan's voice sounded beside him.


Wang Yujie knew that his attributes were far different from Sarco's. Just now, Sarco had a spear in his hand, so he could suppress him. Now that Sarco threw the spear, it would not be so easy to suppress him at his level, so he nodded to Wang Yuan.


At the same time, an arrow flew straight to Sarco who was rushing towards him.

Facing the long-range attack, Sarco still raised his left hand to deviate the trajectory of the arrow.

However, at the moment when Sarco dodged the arrow, Wang Yujie rushed in front of Sarco with a Bengquan.

Sarco retreated to dodge, and Wang Yujie followed him, changing his Bengquan into a Hongquan, and punched Sarco in the chest.

Sarco's body shook slightly after being hit.


At this time, Xiaobai had already rushed up and hit Sarco hard.

What is an elite warrior.

Although Xiaobai claimed that he could not do the magical positioning like Wang Yujie, he was still very confident in timing.

When Wang Yuanjie rushed over with a Bengquan, Sarco would have a dodge mechanism.

At this time, Xiaobai started to charge.

When Wang Yujie changed his position and used a Hongquan to slightly control Sarco, Xiaobai's charge had already hit him.

The two's skills just connected.

Although they had never practiced before, they cooperated perfectly.

"Old Wang! Beautiful!!"

Seeing Xiaobai's charge so timely, Wang Yujie couldn't help but secretly cheer.

To be honest, although Wang Yujie just played the game last night, she already had her own understanding of the game after one night.

In battle, Wang Yujie actually doesn't like others to help her.

Because Wang Yujie's fighting style is relatively special, ordinary people can't help at all.

The inequality in strength can easily disrupt Wang Yujie's attack rhythm.

To put it bluntly, the music is too high for the masses. People with insufficient strength can't keep up with Wang Yujie's rhythm at all, let alone cooperate with her.

You know, cooperation is either one party lowers itself to cater to the lower, or the strength is equal and the level is similar.

Instead of this, it's better to practice by yourself.

Some people asked why Wang Yujie could find this problem in just one day.

Nonsense, such a beautiful girl must have someone scrambling to form a team in the Novice Village. After a few groups, Wang Yujie knew that she was not suitable for forming a team.

Because of this, Wang Yujie was like a small transparent person when everyone rushed in just now, and she didn't even make a move...

In addition to the fact that the fighter profession can't get involved in the team battle, it's because other people can't cooperate with her at all.

Wang Yuan's skeleton soldiers can keep up with Wang Yujie's rhythm, which really surprised Wang Yujie.

You know, the skeleton soldiers are all controlled by the necromancer himself. The skeleton soldiers can keep up with their own rhythm, proving that Wang Yuan's control ability can definitely keep up with his level.

"Haha! No way!"

Wang Yuan couldn't help blushing when Wang Yujie praised him like this.

I was able to catch up with Wang Yujie's rhythm because Xiaobai was good, but Wang Yujie was really awesome.

After being charged, Sako was pushed back a step.

For a level 50 BOSS, the defense judgment is ridiculously strong. You know, charging can knock other BOSSes into flying state.

But even so, it is enough.

Sako's body has not yet stabilized.


Another arrow attacked.

Sako raised his hand to evade.

And Wang Yujie had taken the opportunity to move around and followed up with a [lower kick], kicking Sako behind the knee.


Sako was stepped on and half-knelt on the ground again.


As Sako knelt on the ground, Xiaobai, who followed, hit Sako's back of the head with his shield.

Sako staggered forward and almost fell to the ground.

A mosquito coil (dizziness) symbol was smashed on his head.

"I'm offended!"

Seeing Wang Yujie and Xiaobai, one in front and one behind, one attacking and one receiving, under the interference and assistance of Ma San, the perfect cooperation of attacking and defending kept Sarco in place.

Everyone was stunned.

Is this a master?

Is this the cooperation of top masters?

Everyone who can stand here must be a master, but when they see Wang Yujie and Wang Yuan (the skeleton soldiers) in front of them, they suddenly find that the so-called masters also have different levels.

Especially the people like Renzhewudi.

Although these guys are all idle and wild cranes, they are also extremely proud people. They usually have their eyes on their foreheads and don't take the masters in the world seriously.

But now seeing the cooperation between Wang Yujie and Wang Yuan (the skeleton soldiers), they know what a real top master is.

They also know the gap between themselves and the real masters.

Of course, Wang Yuan will not tell them that these guys cannot be judged by ordinary people.

After all, two elites who fought their way out of the bloody sea in the future apocalypse, and a martial arts practitioner who had practiced martial arts since childhood... all of them were killing machines born for fighting.

Let alone ordinary players like them, even those top professional masters would not dare to say that they were professional in front of these three people.

No matter how professional you are, can you be more professional than these three guys who specialize in studying how to kill people?

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