The zombie warriors in the valley, you can tell by their names that they are all warriors...

Not only are there no long-range professions such as archers and mages, but there are also no professions such as assassins.

What stands out is the word "rigid".

Of course, it's useless even if there are remote professions on the opposite side.

At this time, the player's defense formation has been expanded, and there are also auxiliary professions such as priests and paladins that can restore and add BUFF. Although there are not so many long-range archers and the output ability is a bit worse, their survivability is better than the previous skeleton battle in the mountain road. The formation is stronger.

The defensive formation is all about survivability.

If you can take a beating, you can stand, and if you can stand, you can fight back.

If two thousand players were surrounded by tens of thousands of zombie warriors in the square, everyone might not be able to bear it anymore.

But now everyone is hiding in the mountain road. Taking advantage of the terrain of the mountain road, a wave of up to ten zombie warriors rushes forward. Isn't this just the gourd boy saving grandpa - adding fuel to his death?

A wave!

Two waves!

Three waves...




These zombie warriors were like mindless robots, launching wave after wave of attacks without fear of death.

Players are not used to blocking, stun, and fire coverage.

The zombie warriors fell one after another.

The two sides went back and forth for who knows how long. As more and more zombie warriors died in front of them, the players also discovered that something was wrong.

"Holy crap! I'm almost out of mana!!"

The front row tank players were the first to notice something was wrong.

After all, blocking is also a skill and requires magic points to be released.

The tank profession is a profession that adds points to physical fitness. It is notorious for lacking mana, and its magic value is the first to bottom out.

"Why do these zombie warriors seem to be becoming more and more resistant?"

The second person to notice something was wrong was the mage.

In the beginning, a wave of magic could take away a corpse monster. Later, a wave of magic could still leave a few remaining health points. Now, with magic and arrow output, it takes two waves.

It can be seen that the attributes of these corpse monsters are constantly improving.

"I say! These corpse demons have not decreased at all!"

The third person to notice something was wrong was the archer.

It stands to reason that even if there are tens of thousands of zombie warriors, they are still numerous. They cannot withstand the slaughter of players. After such a long time, they must have killed thousands of them.

But when the archer opened his eagle eye and looked out, he found that the number of zombie warriors had not decreased at all, and they seemed to be killing more and more.


After hearing everyone's feedback, Wang Yuan and others also realized the importance of the problem.

He threw a detection technique at random.

"I'll wipe it!!"

When everyone saw the attributes of the corpse warrior, their scalps couldn't help but feel numb.

The zombie warrior who was level 30 just now has now reached level 35.

Damn... the attributes of this thing are indeed improving.

Mudd, the system is indeed more despicable.

Actually boiling frogs in warm water, first giving players the illusion of blocking the corpse warrior, and then secretly improving the attributes of the corpse warrior.

No wonder it gets harder and harder for everyone to fight.

How can he fight like this? If he continues to fight, he may not know how many levels these guys will reach.

Besides, there is a cost for players to kill monsters.

Not only does it consume mana, but it also consumes arrows and weapon durability.

One is ebbing and the other is ebbing, and if this continues, it will only be a matter of time before the players are wiped out by the group.

"We have become passive again now!" Wang Yuan frowned and said: "There must be a resurrection point on the opposite side, or a BOSS that summons the undead!!"

"Let me see!"

The random shooter set up a pergola and looked into the distance.

I saw a guy dressed as a mage standing in the square in the center of the valley. With a wave of the skeleton staff in the mage's hand, a dozen zombie warriors got up and joined the battle.

"I'll wipe it! It's true!!"

He shot randomly and said in surprise: "There is a BOSS who is recruiting corpse demons!! He killed more than us at one time."

" wonder!!"

The others were suddenly enlightened upon hearing this.

The people here are not killed as fast as others. No wonder the zombie warriors not only have not decreased, but are killing more and more.

"What should we do? I'm afraid we won't be able to withstand it if we continue like this." Long Xingtianxia said from the side.

Unexpectedly, after killing for so long, all the efforts were in vain. This is really depressing.

"Brother Niu... We won't be wiped out by the group just like that, right?" Yun Zhong Yihe panicked.

"Fart! Brother Niu is here, how can we all be wiped out!" He shot randomly and gave Yunzhong Yihe a hard look.

"That's right! Brother Niu has a lot of ideas!" Everyone expressed their unconditional trust in Wang Yuan.

Although they also knew that in this situation, everyone had entered a dead end and had no power to recover, but for some reason, they still had confidence in Wang Yuan.

"No rush!" Facing Yun Zhong Yihe's doubts, Wang Yuan pondered for a moment, and then said calmly: "Since that BOSS can recruit undead, let's just kill him!"

"Kill the BOSS? How?"

This time, not only the Long Xing Tianxia people, but also the Shui Linglong people were confused by Wang Yuan's remarks.

Now everyone is blocked in the mountain road by the corpse warriors. Although it seems that the players have the upper hand, the corpse warriors have not decreased, but are increasing in number.

The players have been consumed.

Generally speaking, players have fallen into passivity at this time.

In this case, everyone only has the power to protect themselves, and they don't know how long they can last. Now Wang Yuan said that just kill the BOSS.

It's like someone telling you that if you can kill Tyson with one punch, I will teach you how to fight.

Listening to your words is like listening to your words.

Everyone knows that killing the BOSS is good, but the key is how to kill it? Everyone can't get out at all.

"No problem! Listen to my orders! Attack!"

Wang Yuan pointed straight ahead.

"Ah? Brother? Are you kidding?"


"We will die if we get out of the mountain road!"

Hearing Wang Yuan's order, Long Xing Tianxia's group was immediately anxious.

Why did they hide in the mountain road just now?

It's because there are too many corpse warriors on the opposite side, and the players can't beat them at all, so they need to use the terrain to resist the attack of the corpse warriors.

Now Wang Yuan wants everyone to launch an attack...

Isn't this bullshit?

Anyone who has played a strategic game knows that in a frontal battle, you can use a defensive formation when you are evenly matched. If you want to take the initiative to attack, you must have a much stronger force than your opponent.

At this moment, the Black Dragon Club players are a weak group in front of these level 30 corpse warriors in terms of both numbers and attributes. In this case, taking the initiative to attack is not a suicide mission?

Although the Black Dragon Club players are all employees hired by Long Xingtianxia, ​​they are also brothers brought up by him.

Wang Yuan can't say anything about using it to consume Long Xingtianxia. After all, they are now in a cooperative relationship. If they are used to die for no reason, Long Xingtianxia is unwilling.

Wang Yuan also knows what Long Xingtianxia is thinking at this time, so he pointed to the corpse warriors who kept rushing up and said: "If we get out of the mountain road, we still have a chance to win. If we don't get out of the mountain road, we will die here. You can do it yourself."

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