"This... this... this..."

Seeing Wang Yuan's skill introduction, Renzhe Wudi and his men were stunned.

Especially Shui Linglong, she was dumbfounded.

When Wang Yuan changed his job before, Shui Linglong was there. Although she also knew that Wang Yuan helped Zul perfect the summoning technique and turned the ordinary summoning of skeletons into an advanced summoning technique that can summon heroic spirits, she never expected that Wang Yuan would also learn this skill.

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Although the introduction of the necromancer is that he can summon the undead army.

In fact, according to the setting of "Dawn Breaking", the number of undead armies of the necromancer is limited.

The tenth-level skeleton summoning is just to summon 11 skeletons, the tenth-level ghost summoning is at most 11 ghosts, plus the 11 corpses summoned by the tenth-level corpse demon, the upper limit of the undead army is only 33.

It is impossible to summon thousands of troops like in the background story.

After all, the main focus of the game is a balance of professions.

Even if the undead army consists of 33 undead pets, it is already terrifyingly strong for other professions, so the necromancer has many restrictions in the early stage, which makes people not want to play.

But Wang Yuan's soul absorption completely subverts the necromancer profession at the player level.

Theoretically speaking, after having the skill of soul absorption, Wang Yuan directly breaks through the limit on the number of undead pets of the necromancer. Whether summoning skeletons or corpses, it is no longer restricted by skills, but can directly mass-produce undead through soul absorption.

As long as the soul fire can be absorbed, there is no upper limit to the organization of Wang Yuan's undead army.

Descriptions such as waving a hand and thousands of troops are no longer things in the background story, but have become a reality for Wang Yuan.

It can be said that Wang Yuan is now a true necromancer.

Just imagine, when other necromancers were still complacent about the undead army formed by dozens of undead, Wang Yuan directly summoned tens of thousands of undead.

Apart from anything else, even if they were all the lowest-level skeleton soldiers, the scene would be terrifying.

"Keep a low profile!"

Wang Yuan smiled slightly and collected the thirty skeleton soldiers.

These skeleton soldiers were all undead created by soul absorption, which were consumables. One less skeleton soldier died, unlike Dabai, who could be immortal with the blessing of the heroic history book as long as the soul fire was still there.

Good steel should be used on the blade.

There are so many Black Dragon players, there is no need to use these little skeletons as cannon fodder.

After collecting the skeletons, Wang Yuan and his men quickly caught up with the main force.

At this time, the Black Dragon players had already arrived inside Thunder Bluff.

Good guy!

From the outside, Thunder Bluff is just a narrow valley. Once you enter, it is so bright.

Everyone was stunned.

The entire Thunder Bluff is a huge natural valley, and the towering mountains are the barriers of Thunder Bluff.

Although the gate is small, only a dozen meters wide, the space inside Thunder Bluff is very wide, comparable to Thunderstorm City.

The streets are extremely wide, and on both sides of the streets are the ruins of various buildings.

It can be seen how prosperous Thunder Bluff was in the past as a checkpoint guarding Thunderstorm City.

Long Xing Tianxia almost cried with envy.

You know, in the game, although the guild station is something that all major guilds dream of, it is still very simple after all.

Especially the guild station that has not been developed since its initial establishment. To put it nicely, it is a station, but in fact it is just a fucking extremely simple village.

The space can only accommodate basic buildings such as alchemy rooms and forges.

In the later stage, guild players need to constantly complete tasks, brush contributions, and obtain resources to upgrade the guild station bit by bit.

From villages to towns, from towns to cities, from cities to main cities... it takes tens of thousands of players to continuously work hard on tasks for several years to upgrade to the highest level.

On the other hand, Thunder Bluff is a main city-level garrison.

What the hell...

Why? ! !

Although Thunder Bluff is now full of building debris, it looks like it has been destroyed by artillery fire.

But owning such a large garrison is really enviable.


"Boom boom boom~"

Just when everyone was surprised at the spacious space of Thunder Bluff, the whole mountain suddenly shook.

Then, a mound of earth rose up on the open space in front of everyone.

The next moment, corpses came out from the ground one by one.

In a short while, the open space of Thunder Bluff was full of corpses, and it was dark and terrifying at a glance.

What is even more frightening is that these corpses are not the lowest-level zombies that are unarmed and rely on their claws to attack, but are dressed in armor and holding weapons, which makes them much better than ordinary zombies.

[Corpse Warrior] (Elite)

Level: 30

HP: 10,000

Magic Points: 5,000

Skills: Charge, Trample, Smash.

Background: Once the most heroic warrior, he died on the battlefield to defend his homeland, and was resurrected by the leaked power of death, and still retained his fighting spirit before his death.

"Elite monsters! All of them are elite monsters!!"

Seeing the attributes of these corpse warriors, the Black Dragon Club players turned green.

Just now I laughed at the rubbish attributes of the skeletons outside... Now I got what I wanted, I really encountered an elite monster.

And there are more than one.

Now, wherever everyone's eyes can see, there are all corpse warriors...

It is no exaggeration to say that there are tens of thousands of them.

What's more terrifying is that these corpse warriors are also dead warriors resurrected, and they are very likely to be battle monsters like the skeletons outside.

What does a level 30 elite battle monster mean?

The average level of the Black Dragon Club players is above level 17. Even these well-equipped veteran players have difficulty killing ordinary monsters above level 13, let alone elite monsters that are much stronger than ordinary monsters.

With the bonus of the battle formation, the mere two thousand players who are less than level 20 are here to die.

"Brother Niu, it's over... We're done!!"

Seeing the countless corpse warriors in front of him, Long Xing Tianxia panicked.

I thought it was just an attack on a guild base. There are more than two thousand people on my side. Even if the task is more difficult, it is not impossible to take it down.

But now Long Xing Tianxia and his friends found out that this was a trap.

Whose guild base has to fight tens of thousands of elite monsters, and they are battle formation monsters.

Even Yun Zhongyihe was pale: "Damn, what the hell? Is this the current guild mission? I wouldn't have come if I had known..."

That's right, they were afraid that Wang Yuan and his gang would take over the base, so they decided to come here to make a name for themselves.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Yun Zhongyihe realized that he was really wasting his time.

With this difficulty, let alone eight people.

Even if all the top ten guilds in the national server were invited, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to pass this level.

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