"Hiss...Did he really break the situation?"

Looking at the skeleton army being wiped out in front of him, Dabai's eyes were wide open.

As a professional who helped Zul defend Thunder Bluff in the secret realm of Thunder Bluff.

No one knows the strength of this skeleton battle formation better than Dabai.

Once the battle formation is opened, not only the attributes of the front-row shield wall have a qualitative leap, but the attack of the back-row skeleton archers has also been directly improved.

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Although there is almost no flexibility, it is indestructible with both offense and defense.

Especially when the undead army uses this battle formation, it is even more impeccable.

After all, humans are also affected by various objective factors such as eating, excretion, supply, sleep, and even psychology.

As undead creatures, the undead are robots without thoughts and only obey the commander.

As long as they are given instructions, they can stand there meticulously for a lifetime...

Zul was able to block the Warcraft army for 16 years thanks to this skeleton battle formation.

Although Dabai had seen Wang Yuan's command ability and knew that this guy had an extraordinary talent in arranging troops, he never expected that Wang Yuan only took a look at the battle formation and analyzed the fatal flaws of this battle formation and made a targeted breakthrough...

What a monster this is.

Even though Dabai had made mental preparations, he was still shocked at this moment.

Xiaobai and Ma San had never done the secret mission of Thunder Cliff and did not know the strength of this skeleton battle formation, but they all knew what kind of person Dabai was.

He was the captain of the Holy Light City Special Forces and the chief instructor of the professionals of the Seventeen Cities. He had led the team to complete high-level killing missions dozens of times and was called a living legend.

At this moment, even Dabai was shocked by Wang Yuan's operation, which showed that Wang Yuan had done something incredible.


"Brother Niu! You are awesome, right?"

Not only Dabai, but also Long Xingtianxia and his group were completely convinced at this moment, especially Yun Zhongyihe, who looked at Wang Yuan differently.

In the Black Dragon Society, Long Xingtianxia was the one who admired Wang Yuan the most, because Long Xingtianxia had personally felt the oppression of Wang Yuan, and Yun Zhongyihe was the one who was most dissatisfied, because he still felt that Wang Yuan cheated when the Black Dragon Society was cleared by Wang Yuan alone.

Even when Wang Yuan later cleared the Hell-level Shadow Castle, Yun Zhongyihe wondered if this guy had a bug.

Anyway, no one followed them, and no one knew how they cleared the dungeon.

But now that he had seen Wang Yuan command everyone to wipe out the skeleton army, Yun Zhongyihe was convinced.

He also changed from being dissatisfied with Wang Yuan to respecting him.

You know, Yun Zhongyihe also claimed to be a tactical master, but in the situation just now, he could not find a way to break the deadlock no matter what. After all, that kind of battle formation with both attack and defense, and stuck in a narrow mountain path, was definitely unique, with the best time, place and people.

Yun Zhongyihe felt like a dog biting a hedgehog but couldn't find a place to bite when facing the skeleton battle formation.

Who knew that Wang Yuan only took a glance and used the hatred mechanism of the low-level monsters to open a gap for the assassin, and successfully cut the back row, allowing the player to reverse the situation.

What the hell...

Whether it was the understanding of the game, insight, or strategy, Yun Zhongyihe saw the gap between himself and Wang Yuan.

This person can't be provoked, absolutely can't be provoked.

Now he is just a necromancer with three skeletons. When he forms an undead army... it's not a problem for one person to massacre a city and destroy a country.

How dare a mere guild provoke such a terrible guy.

On the other hand, although the group of Renzhe Wudi was also very excited, it was mostly because they successfully broke through the obstruction. They were not too surprised that Wang Yuan could do this.

Long Xingtianxia and others were even more frightened.

Good guy, is this his routine operation?


In the siege mission, the monsters didn't drop anything.

At least 500 skeleton soldiers were killed in one wave just now, but not even a hair exploded.

Passing through the narrow mountain road, Wang Yuan and his group led the Black Dragon Club players to the entrance of Thunder Bluff at the end of the mountain road.

According to the task prompt, the player needs to pass through this stone gate to enter the interior of Thunder Bluff.

The wall above the stone gate is full of guarding skeleton archers.

At this time, they have already drawn their bows and aimed at the players below.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

As soon as the player approached the stone gate, countless arrows fell from the sky.

Attacking from a high position has an output bonus. The higher you stand, the higher the bonus.

However, everyone did not take these attacks seriously.

Because the mountain road is only a dozen meters wide, the place is so small, no matter how many archers there are on the wall, it will not exceed a hundred, not to mention that the only one who can attack the player is the row outside, and its output capacity is far inferior to the skeleton battle formation just now.

This level of interference basically has no effect on players with shield warriors.

"Raise your shields!!"

In this case, Wang Yuan doesn't even need to command.

The shield warrior player in the front row shouted and raised his shield above his head, like a big lid, covering everyone.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang!"

The arrows hit the shields with a crisp sound.

The players under the shields came to the city gate with arrows and smashed it hard.




However, after a long time, everyone finally found something wrong.

Damn it, the players were flying all over the place, and the durability of their weapons was almost gone, but there was no sign of damage to the city gate.

This is outrageous.


Seeing this scene, Long Xing Tian Xia was full of questions.

Renzhe Wudi and his group were also puzzled.

"No... What's wrong with this city gate? It doesn't take physical attacks?"

"Mage, Mage!"

Long Xing Tian Xia roared: "Blow it up!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Magic was flying all over the sky, ice cones, fireballs, colorful brains all hit the city gate.

But the city gate still didn't move, not even a black spot fell.

"Do I have to use holy light?" Renzhe Wudi frowned.

His logic was also very simple. Since it was the territory of the dead relics, and holy light was the attribute that restrained the dead creatures, physical attacks and magic attacks had no effect, so he must use holy light to attack.

Thinking of this, the Invincible Benevolent threw a holy light ball over.


The holy light ball landed on the gate, but the gate was not damaged. Instead, it polluted the Invincible Benevolent's holy light into black and bounced back. It fell on the ground and corroded a big pit on the ground.

"Oh my god! What's going on?"

Everyone was stunned.

No... the mission setting requires you to pass through this door to enter Thunder Bluff.

This damn invincible door, how can you get through it?

Is there something wrong with the game company's brain?

"Don't stare at the gate!"

At this time, Wang Yuan said: "Look around, is there any other way."

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