"You want to form a guild? No way?"

At this time, everyone in the tavern was shocked when they heard Wang Yuan's idea.

"That's too boring!"

Ranjue Luan said: "In the future, you will be tied to the guild every day."

"That's right!" Yongzhe Wushuang also said: "With our strength, will there be no one who wants to play in the guild? It's not that you don't like the atmosphere of the guild."

"Yes, it becomes weird when there are too many people." Shui Linglong also felt deeply.

Wang Yuan also understood what everyone meant.

Although everyone just met not long ago, Wang Yuan also saw that the personalities of these guys in front of him were similar to his own. This group of free and unrestrained people were all unrestrained.

Guilds are like this. You have to go online every day to complete tasks and participate in guild activities. If there is a guild war or something, you may even have to get up in the middle of the night to play PK.

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While enjoying the resources of the guild, you must also be firmly bound by the guild.

Most players enjoy this atmosphere.

But for Wang Yuan and other players who prefer freedom and are not short of resources, the guild is a cage.

As the hero said, with their strength, there are all kinds of guilds that can't be joined... Why bother to set up a guild yourself.

Besides, there are all kinds of birds in a big forest, and more people make people more complicated.

In a small group of seven people like now, everyone can talk about everything together, and they are all trustworthy. They are definitely good brothers.

When there are more people, there will be different small groups immediately.

It is even possible that the relationship between the seven people now will also have differences because of the large number of people.

This is what everyone least wants to see.

So when everyone heard Wang Yuan say that he wanted to set up a guild by himself, their first reaction was to resist.

Even the Death God who had always supported Wang Yuan couldn't help but say: "I hate guilds the most, but Brother Niu, if you insist on forming a guild, I'm not against it, but I don't know how long I can stay."

"Don't worry!"

Seeing the reaction of everyone, Wang Yuan smiled and said: "I just want to find a place for us to live, and I don't plan to recruit many people. For now, I don't want anyone else to join except us."

"A guild for seven people?" Everyone was even more confused: "No, Brother Niu, we can just form a team channel for seven people, why waste the station token, don't you know how expensive the token is?"

"Of course I know, but I feel safe only when I have my own place." Wang Yuan said.

"Sense of security?" Renzhe Wudi frowned and said, "Brother Niu, I know you want everyone to have their own territory, but the problem is that the guild station is not issued by submitting the station token. You have to attack the station yourself."

Speaking of this, Renzhe Wudi suddenly thought of something and his expression became dull. He said in horror: "Brother Niu...you don't want to..."

"That's right!"

Wang Yuan nodded and said, "The seven of us should be able to take down the guild station."

The expression on his face was so sure.


"The seven of us go to attack the guild station?"

When Wang Yuan said this, everyone was stunned.

Even Shui Linglong was shocked and said, "That Niu, are you really not kidding?"

Attacking the guild station is not an ordinary task.

According to the game settings, each guild station is guarded by monsters. Players need to clear all the monsters in the station to occupy the station and become the new lord.

You know, every guild that has the ability and qualifications to intercept the guild station mission is a top guild.

Even so, if you want to take down the guild station, you have to pay a huge price.

Even many big guilds were wiped out in the mission of attacking the guild station...

That was the power of an entire top guild.

It can be seen from this that the difficulty of attacking the guild station mission is so high that even the hell-difficulty dungeon is nothing compared to it.

Seven people are going to attack the station that has just returned...

Wang Yuan dared to say that no one dared to think about what this concept is.

Even if the guy in front of him successfully led himself through the hell-difficulty dungeon.

No matter how awesome you are, you can't be so crazy, right?

What is this guy thinking?

Yesterday, one person brushed a big guild alone.

Today, challenge the hell-difficulty dungeon.

Now he is talking about seven people attacking the guild station.

This is... How brave do you have to be to do such a thing?

If no one stops us, will we have to kill the "God-level BOSS" tomorrow to clear the game?

There must be a limit to how outrageous it is. Does this lousy author know what he is writing? This is a documentary, not a YY novel.

"Don't you believe me?" Wang Yuan asked back.

"Brother Niu, don't think so."

Everyone hurriedly said, "We dare not doubt your strength, we just doubt our own strength."

Well, these guys are all top masters who look up to the top. It is unprecedented that Wang Yuan can make them say such cowardly words.

That's right, seven people dare to attack Xinghu Station, which is no less difficult than Li Yunlong leading seven people to attack Ping'an County.

Everyone couldn't help but doubt their own strength.

Damn, this Niu Dali must have overestimated himself.

Even Shui Linglong, a guy who loves to watch the fun, couldn't help but say, "I will hold you back when the time comes."

Wang Yuan waved his hand calmly and said, "Don't worry, I can lead them!"


Everyone almost spat out blood.

If there is cyber violence, Wang Yuan's words are definitely a kind of it.


Of course, Wang Yuan is not blindly confident.

The reason why he dared to attack Thunder Bluff with only seven people was entirely because he had the skeleton Dabai at this time.

Dabai had helped Zul resist the demon army in the secret realm of Thunder Bluff.

The layout of Thunder Bluff can be said to be well known.

When Wang Yuan just got the Thunder Bluff station token, Dabai boasted to the other two skeletons that he had obtained the defense map of Thunder Bluff station in order to assist Zul's undead army. He not only remembered all the secret mechanisms, but also knew a secret passage leading to the meeting hall.

It was for this reason that Wang Yuan made up his mind to take down this station.

After all, Wang Yuan learned from the discussion of the three skeleton soldiers that Thunder Bluff is one of the ten fortresses in the future doomsday, and is the strongest fortress after the dwarven Ironforge.

Not only is it full of traps, but it is also the battlefield of ancient gods and demons, with countless ancient remains, known as the holy land of the dead.

It was with the help of those ancient remains in Thunder Bluff that Zul quickly formed the Undead Army when the Warcraft invaded, and fought against the Warcraft army in Thunder Bluff for sixteen years on his own.

You know, the undead are undead creatures that do not eat or drink, do not need any supplies, and obey orders unconditionally.

If Zul had not been assassinated by the demon assassin, Thunder Bluff would definitely have protected humans for decades.

Now Wang Yuan only needs to take Thunder Bluff, and these ancient corpses will be his.

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