
Seeing Claydel's appearance, Wang Yuan couldn't help but sneer.

It must be said that the game "Dawn Breaking" has really worked hard, and the IQ of the high-level NPCs in it is no less than that of real humans.

Claydel is no different from those profiteers in reality.

If you are stingy, you must be greedy for money.

People like Claydel who are greedy for money are most afraid of two things.

One is that you can't make money, and the other is that your money is made by your opponents.

Although there are not many potion researchers in the Alchemy Association, Claydel is not the only alchemist.

And in terms of potion, Claydel, the great alchemist, may not be much higher than other alchemists, after all, they are all developing low-level potions.

If Wang Yuan gave these materials to others, then Claydel would not only lag behind others in potion, but even the title of great alchemist would have one more competitor.

More importantly, Claydel, who does not have intermediate or higher potions, will definitely not make as much money as other potion researchers.

Compared to teaching his alchemy to Wang Yuan, which one is more terrible, not making money or having competitors make money, Cledel knew which one to choose with his eyes closed.

As he spoke, Cledel took out a black notebook from his arms and handed it to Wang Yuan.

"Cledel's Alchemy Notebook"

Category: Special Props

Item Introduction: The alchemy experience of the great alchemist, recording Cledel's lifelong research results.

"Fuck! What's going on? Brother Niu actually got the alchemy experience from Cledel?"

Seeing that Wang Yuan got the alchemy experience from Cledel, the three skeletons were dumbfounded.

As future elites, the three skeletons knew Cledel, the legendary great alchemist, quite well.

According to historical records, although this old guy was very good at alchemy, he had a very bad character. He was not only mean and ungrateful, but also extremely selfish and greedy.

The fact that he could record the characteristic of greed in history shows how outrageous this old guy was.

It was only one year from the doomsday to the disappearance of potion science, but there were three-digit celebrities who were cheated by Claydel.

And it was precisely because of Claydel's self-satisfaction and his focus on making money that a vicious competition formed among potion researchers.

Everyone was doing their own research, unwilling to communicate, and unwilling to develop and teach.

As a result, after the destruction of the Potions Association, potion science disappeared completely.

After the disappearance of potion science, humans went from active to passive in the Hundred Years of Warcraft War, and finally perished.

Claydel, the great alchemist, can be said to be the source of all evil.

But no one expected that even such a miser, the old Grandet who was despised by everyone, was forced out of his food by Wang Yuan.

Damn, what kind of talent is this.

"Fortunately... Fortunately, we are on Brother Niu's side." Ma Saner, who has always been arrogant, couldn't help sweating after seeing this scene, and sighed.

Good guy, if this is an enemy, it is hard to imagine how he would be cheated.

"You old man, it would be great if you had done this earlier!"

Wang Yuan clapped his hands and the notebook turned into a ray of light and penetrated into Wang Yuan's body.

[System prompt: You have learned advanced alchemy. ]

Advanced alchemy: Active skill, can refine advanced magic equipment and advanced and lower magic potions.

Currently unlocked magic equipment blueprints: None

Currently unlocked potion secret recipes: None

"Oh my god! I still need blueprints and secret recipes?"

Seeing the introduction of alchemy, Wang Yuan's eyes widened.

What I learned was the technology of refining potions, why do I need blueprints and secret recipes?

"How fresh..." Claydel smiled sinisterly: "I taught you alchemy, but I didn't say that I would pass on my secret recipe to you... You didn't say you wanted a secret recipe."


Wang Yuan was speechless.

What Claydel said was right. It's like studying medicine. Medical skills are medical skills, and prescriptions are prescriptions. These two are not the same thing at all.

What I learned was only medical skills, not prescriptions.

Of course, if I hadn't learned advanced alchemy, I wouldn't have been able to learn the recipe even if I had it.

It seems that I was still young and had overlooked this point.

In this round, the two of them tied, neither of them lost, but neither of them won.

"Do you want the secret recipe?" Clyde's expression suddenly became wretched, and he asked with a smile.

"How can I get it?" Wang Yuan was shocked.

I did alchemy myself, not just to make medicine in the future, and the secret recipe is what I want most.

"Hehe! Spend money."

Clyde pulled open the collar of his robe, revealing a dense secret recipe.

Another fucking salesman, God knows the mental state of the game designer when designing these NPCs.

[Low-level life potion] Price 1 gold.

[Low-level magic potion] Price 2 gold.

[Low-level wind potion] Price 5 gold.

[Low-level wisdom potion] Price 5 gold.

[Low-level Titan potion] Price 5 gold.


"So expensive?" Wang Yuan was shocked when he saw this.

1 gold is 1,000 yuan, and learning a low-level secret recipe costs at least 1,000 yuan. It's a pity that he knew the end was coming. If he really thought like a gamer, Wang Yuan would definitely turn around and leave.

"Expensive? If you hadn't learned my alchemy, I wouldn't sell it to you even if someone asked me to!" Claydel curled his lips when he heard it.

Judging from his expression, he didn't seem to be lying.

"Why are they all low-level?" Wang Yuan said again.

If you want to learn, learn the advanced ones. Isn't it a waste of money to learn the low-level ones?

"I haven't researched the advanced ones yet. You wait for another month and I will research them." Clyde said: "I'm very short of money now. Otherwise, you invest one thousand gold coins... I can finish the research in half a month. You pay and I work. We share academic knowledge and win together. Isn't it wonderful."

Fuck, isn't it wonderful? This guy is just a fool, and he learns a lot of things.

"Get lost!"

Wang Yuan's face darkened, and he spent 18 gold coins casually to learn all the low-level secret recipes.

Eighteen thousand, a full eighteen thousand, just learned five low-level secret recipes.

If it were before, Wang Yuan didn't know if he was a sucker. Now Wang Yuan is increasingly suspicious that the so-called future doomsday is actually a high-level krypton scam by the game company.


Cledel took the gold coins thrown by Wang Yuan, and saw that Wang Yuan's expression was much kinder, and smiled: "Young man, come and patronize next time."

That expression was exactly the same as the little girl standing on the street in the alley.

Wang Yuan suddenly had the idea of ​​reporting him to the Temple of Light. He didn't know how much reward the Church of Light would give him if he reported this guy.

After leaving the Alchemy Association, Wang Yuan came to the church cemetery again, and learned the 15th level skill of the Necromancer from Zul.

[Skeleton Life Enhancement]: A passive skill of the summoning system, the health of the summoned undead is increased by 10%.

[Soul Fire]: An active skill of the curse system, condensing soul fire to burn the target, causing 120% magic damage.

"Finally, there is an attack skill!"

Looking at the soul fire in the skill bar, Wang Yuan burst into tears, and then came to Hans Tavern.

"Brother Niu! We are rich!"

As soon as Wang Yuan entered the door of the tavern, he heard the excited voice of Random Shooting.

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