Moonlight Plains.

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A leveling area for levels 5-10 in the novice area.

The monsters that spawn here are level 5 wild wolves, level 8 wind wolves, and level 10 silver wolves.

It is different from the leveling area Gravel Wilderness for levels 1-5.

The monsters in Moonlight Plains are not only high-level, but also come in groups of three or five, making them very difficult to deal with.

Even high-level players have to team up to barely survive here, and the upgrade efficiency is needless to say.

So even if the game has been open for three days, Moonlight Plains is still very deserted, and there are not many people.

The players that occasionally meet are all treasure hunting groups from the studio.

Players like Wang Yuan who dare to come to Moonlight Plains alone can be regarded as unique.

Of course, only Wang Yuan himself knows that he is not alone.

"It's still a game world after all. These monsters are just like fools."

"That's right. Look at these wild wolves. They are too slow. They are completely different from when you, Teacher Song, took us to the field for training."

"Nonsense. That's a real monster. Now it's just a set of data."

The two skeletons slaughtered the wild wolves in front of them while chatting boredly.

Wang Yuan followed them to gain experience and pick up things.

These two guys are indeed elites who have fought out in the future doomsday. They are strong men who have truly experienced more than ten years of life and death and stood out in the sea of ​​corpses and blood.

The high-level monsters on the Moon Plains are completely different from what they have experienced in the eyes of these two skeletons.

It's like a professional player who has played the hell mode for more than ten years, and suddenly fell to a simple low-end game.

That's not a crushing existence.

The wolf monsters on the Moon Plains are no different from moving targets in their eyes. Wang Yuan's experience bar soared as he chopped melons and vegetables along the way.

In one morning, Wang Yuan reached level 6.

What made Wang Yuan unhappy was that he had fought monsters of higher levels for the whole morning, but no equipment dropped... The disappointing drop rate of "Dawn Breaking" is indeed not random.

In "Dawn Breaking", every time a player levels up, the five-dimensional attribute is +1 and 5 free points are obtained to add attributes according to the needs of the profession.

Warriors add strength or constitution, mages add intelligence or spirit...

As for what the necromancer should add, there is no fixed standard.

Because although the necromancer belongs to the mage system, he is a non-mainstream mage. Due to the attribute inheritance setting, the way the necromancer adds points becomes unpredictable.

Add intelligence like other mages?

Before the necromancer summons the lich, all the undead creatures are physical...

If the strength is simply added, the necromancer is still a mage with many curse skills.

Because of this, there is no serious necromancer point addition strategy on the forum.

There are two schools of thought at present. The main skeleton soldiers increase strength and physique, and the main necromancer curse magic increases intelligence and spirit.

The two schools of thought refused to give in to each other and fought hard every day.

Wang Yuan did not hesitate at all and directly added the free attributes to the five dimensions evenly.

After all, with the "Hero History Book", Wang Yuan's main output force in the future must be the Undead Legion.

Moreover, Wang Yuan's skeleton soldiers are different from those of other necromancers. Under the effect of the "Hero History Book", Wang Yuan's skeleton soldiers have their own growth talents and can be transferred to various professions.

Therefore, Wang Yuan has to take care of any profession, and only average points can be comprehensive.

In addition, the Hero History Book has the "growth" attribute. For every level up of Wang Yuan, the five-dimensional attribute is +1 extra. In this way, even if Wang Yuan adds points evenly, he has five more attributes than other players, so he will not become a panacea.

Besides, if it is true as the two skeletons said, the end of the world will come in a month, and saving life is the most important thing.

Under the premise of ensuring output, physical fitness and agility, which are related to survivability, are also indispensable.

After thinking about it, it is foolproof to add points evenly.

Wang Yuan, who is level 6, has 760 health and magic points, and his attack and defense attributes have reached 38 points. The attributes of the two skeletons have naturally risen with the tide, and with their growth talent bonus, Dabai's magic attack and Xiaobai's physical attack have reached 43 points, and the defense attribute has reached about 50 points.

What is the concept?

The warrior with all physical points added is only 800 health points and 40 points of armor.

At this time, Wang Yuan, apart from other attributes, is not inferior to the warrior in terms of survivability alone.

What's more, Wang Yuan has two fully armed skeleton soldiers with stronger attributes than himself.

One person is a team, it is definitely not just talk.



With two gold medal fighters at his side, Wang Yuan went deeper.

When he arrived at the middle of the Moonlight Plain, a wolf howl suddenly came from a distance.

A prompt flashed before Wang Yuan’s eyes.

[A powerful monster appeared nearby. Adventurers, please pay attention to safety. Leveling is not easy. Be careful while you are at it.]

“It’s the Silver Moon Wolf King! Someone got there before us!”

Xiao Bai said excitedly.

“Are you so sure?” Da Bai was puzzled.

“Haha,” Xiao Bai said proudly, “Back then, for “Sean’s Revenge”, I squatted in the secret realm of Xibei Town for half a year and killed him more than fifty times. As soon as he raised his butt, I knew what kind of pants he was wearing! Besides, he screamed so coquettishly, someone must be beating him!”

Sure enough, Wang Yuan followed the sound and found that not far in front of him, a team of players had surrounded a giant wolf more than two meters tall.

The giant wolf was silver-white, shining under the moonlight, and looked even more mighty and domineering. It was the legendary Silver Moon Wolf King.

Wang Yuan casually threw a detection spell over.

[Silver Moon Wolf King] (Silver)

Level: 15

HP: 8000

Magic Points: 1500

Skills: Wolf King Impact, Silver Blade

Background: The supreme lord of the Moon Plain, with powerful magic abilities.

Good guy!

Seeing the attributes of the Silver Moon Wolf King, Wang Yuan was slightly stunned.

The 15-level silver BOSS is five levels higher than the demon spy.

Fortunately, he has two skeleton soldiers of the Son of the Plane, otherwise it would not be easy to fight this guy alone.

Of course, the team of players who dared to besiege the Silver Moon Wolf King was also quite good.

The leading assassin was a female player, wearing a black leather armor that outlined a perfect curve. The dagger in her hand emitted a green light, just like a bronze equipment.

The other four were also fully armed, with complete professional configurations.

They cooperated very well.

Especially the warrior next to the assassin, wearing a Novice Village steel suit, and looked like a brother to Wang Yuan's two skeleton soldiers, attracting the hatred of the Silver Moon Wolf King.

Even Dabai was sarcastically saying, "Hey, Adao, that warrior is your brother, right?"

"Bullshit, I don't have such a useless brother. Look at the position he is standing in. He will die soon." Xiaobai was very disdainful.


As soon as Xiaobai finished speaking, the Silver Moon Wolf King suddenly stepped forward and slapped the warrior's long sword with one claw. The steel sword in the warrior's hand was slapped away. At the same time, the Silver Moon Wolf King opened his mouth, and a silver light blade fell on the warrior's neck.


The warrior was beheaded on the spot and split into two.

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