Online game: Are all the skeletons I summoned children of the plane?

Chapter 50: Baal's Apprentice's Flame Robe

[System prompt: You have successfully absorbed the soul of the Nine-star Archmage Baal, you gain 500 points of reputation, and your Soul Absorption skill level is upgraded]

[System prompt: Nine-star Mage Baal has successfully released the imprisonment, the system generates a new program, and after the copy is reset, the new program will overwrite the copy of this difficulty. ]

As Baal was absorbed into the soul fire, two system prompts flashed before Wang Yuan's eyes.

Sure enough, it was the same as what Dabai and the others said.

When you first pass the Hell Difficulty Copy, there is a certain chance of encountering a hidden plot.


Baal is an NPC with a hidden plot.

According to the memory fragments that Wang Yuan has collected now.

Baal should have been invited by Leoric to study the art of immortality, and Baal finally set his sights on necromancy.

Only by transforming humans into undead can you truly achieve immortality.

Then Baal may have done some experiment, causing all the creatures in the entire castle to lose their lives overnight.

Although Baal, who had realized the true meaning of immortality, became an immortal spirit, he was forever imprisoned in this place where no one had ever set foot.

The price of immortality is endless loneliness.

It was not until Wang Yuan arrived that Baal's soul was freed.

From then on, the real Baal became the soul fire in Wang Yuan's hand.

And the Baal in the copy became the insidious NPC that Dabai and the others had seen, whose strength was far inferior to that of the real Baal.


Baal disappeared, and a treasure chest fell to the ground.

It was Baal's relic.

However, everyone's eyes were not on the treasure chest at this time, but stared at Wang Yuan, with doubts and confusion in their eyes.

"No... Brother Niu, what did you do just now, where is Baal?"

Baal, who was still pretending to be a cow just now, disappeared just like that when Wang Yuan pointed at him.

Such a weird scene makes people feel incredible even in the game.

"Nothing." Wang Yuan waved his hand and said, "I saved him!"

Although these guys in front of him are Shui Linglong's friends, Wang Yuan trusts them, but after all, they are only acquaintances, and they are not close friends.

You know, in a few weeks, the end of the world will come, and then reality and games will merge into one.

Of course, keep your secrets secret.

Who knows if your former close comrades will stab you in the back after experiencing life and death.

"Salvation? It turns out that Brother Niu is a monk!" Suibian Luanshe was surprised.

"Can the necromancer save the soul?" The necromancer frowned.

The benevolent invincible is also confused. It should be the priest himself who should save the soul. Is it the turn of the necromancer?

"Okay, open the equipment quickly, you come, the necromancer!"

Wang Yuan pointed to the treasure chest on the ground and changed the subject.

"Really let me touch it." Death squatted on the ground, rubbing his hands, first drew a cross on his chest, then put his hands together and chanted: "May God of Wealth bless you, may Lord Guan bless you... my hands will be red, my hands will be red..."

Then he opened the box with a full sense of ceremony.

Compared to Christian, Baal is not very rich... It may also be the reason why Baal was not really killed by the player.

There are only two items in the box.

The top is a robe.

[Baal's Apprentice Flame Robe]

Category: Robe (cloth armor)

Quality: Gold

Armor: 31

Magic resistance: 50

Intelligence +11

Spirit +14

Fire magic mastery: Passive skill, all fire magic skill levels +1

Fire magic resistance: Passive skill, 30% fire magic resistance.

Flame shield: Active skill, release a fire magic shield, offset 30% of the damage received, and convert the damage received into magic damage rebound.

Occupational requirements: Magician, Necromancer, Priest

Level requirements: 15

Item description: A disaster left Baal with nothing but this robe that he had treasured since childhood, which was inherited from his most respected magic mentor.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!!"

Seeing the attributes of the robe, everyone said "Oh my god" three times in unison.

Also as gold equipment, this robe is much more awesome than Shui Linglong's dagger.

After all, among the three attributes of that dagger, the only one that is really abnormal is the 15% defense ignoring, and the other two attributes are not considered top-notch, especially the fire magic damage, which is simply a joke.

But the robe in front of you is a real artifact.

Let's not talk about what the fire magic skill level +1 means, it is definitely the best of the best.

30% fire magic resistance is like the nemesis of the mage.

You should know that the output skills of the magicians in the game are mostly fire-based, and 30% fire magic resistance is equivalent to reducing the output of all magicians by one third.

The most amazing thing is the fire shield.

This thing, combined with 30% magic resistance, directly turns the mage into a stinky and hard tank.

Not only can it ignore up to 60% of the damage, but it can also rebound the output.

What the hell!!

Just imagine, a magician can not only cover the long-range firepower, but also resist damage like a tank profession, what kind of scene will that be.

The shield warrior is silent, the paladin is crying, and the magician silently gives the middle finger.

"This robe is simply a special dress for priests." Renzhe Wudi was so excited that he wanted to grab it, and he said confidently: "If I can survive, you can survive."

"Bullshit!" Suibian Luanshe couldn't help but said: "Isn't it a waste for a priest to wear this? Give it to me... Archers should wear cloth armor. As long as I am alive, I can make others lie down."

"This robe is bright red, red and sexy, shouldn't it be more suitable for handsome me?" Hope thought.

"Ah? Isn't cloth armor a warrior's equipment? Whose tank doesn't wear defensive equipment?" Yongzhe Wushuang clenched his fist on the side: "Why don't we ROLL."

Renzhe Wudi: "Support!"

Suibian Luanshe: "Agree!"

Hope: "Support!"

Several bastards took out dice to fight under the witness of the system.

"Support your uncle! Are you still human? This is what I exchanged for with my face." Death covered the robe and cursed.

If I hadn't scared Baal away, I couldn't open this robe.

"Ah... this... hey... forget it..."

Several people looked at the robe, then looked at the Grim Reaper, and finally helplessly spread their hands and took back the dice, their faces full of sympathy.

"Damn! What do you mean!" Although the Grim Reaper got the robe, he was even more depressed.

Wang Yuan: "..."

Okay, these people are really too noisy.

Under the robe is a black plant.

[Resurrection Grass]

Category: Mission Props

Item Introduction: This grass contains the secret of eternal life.

"What is this?" The Grim Reaper was full of question marks: "The secret of eternal life?"

"My..." Wang Yuan shared the task: "Task item."


Everyone immediately clicked to give up.

No one usually grabs the task items.

"Let's go, there are no more!"

Seeing that the box was empty, everyone was about to move forward.

Wang Yuan narrowed his eyes, as if waiting for something.

"Don't go, the armory hasn't been opened yet!"

At this moment, Ma Saner yelled and walked to a bookshelf, then pretended to bump into it on purpose.


The bookshelf collapsed, revealing a tightly closed iron door behind it.

Wang Yuan's mouth slightly raised, revealing an imperceptible smile.

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