
He saw Baymax giving himself the middle finger.

Don't bother me. A series of exclamation marks suddenly popped up in my head.

An angry expression appeared on his face.

Second Austrian! Who dares to give me the middle finger!

This skeleton warrior is so rude!

Huh? its not right!

Is this provocative command for the undead of the necromancer?

Soon my expression changed from anger to confusion.

Don't bother me. I am not only a necromancer, but also the only necromancer in the game who is above level 20 and has level 3 summoning skeletons. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the number one necromancer in the entire server.

No one understands the profession of Necromancer better than I do.

However, even his third-level skeleton warriors cannot show the middle finger to others.

You know, the higher the level of the undead, the more complex its instructions will be.

The opponent was just a second-level skeleton warrior, but he was able to perform actions that even a third-level skeleton warrior could not do. This was very surprising.


Just when there's nothing wrong, don't bother me and wonder.

Dabai's middle finger suddenly turned into a sword finger, pointing at Don't Bother Me.

At the same time, a fireball the size of a basketball flew over, telling me to leave it alone.

"Damn it!! It's actually a mutated skeleton!!"

Don't bother me. When I saw the fireball flying towards me, I couldn't help but look surprised.

The necromancer opposite has something special, he actually summoned a mutated skeleton.

Mutated skeletons are a rare species among undead war pets. They are different from the physical undead such as regular necromancers, skeleton warriors, and skeleton warriors.

Mutated skeletons have a chance to mutate into other professions, such as skeleton shooters, skeleton assassins, and even the extremely rare skeleton mage.

Although the attributes of mutant skeletons are not much different from those of skeletons of the same level, their combat capabilities are greater than ordinary skeletons. Therefore, for a necromancer, if he can summon a mutant skeleton, his combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

This is like a three-person team made up of all warriors. The actual combat effectiveness of a three-person team is lower than that of a three-person team with a combat, magic and animal husbandry configuration.

The single nature of the skeleton profession is the biggest shortcoming of the Necromancer in the early stage.

Since Wang Yuan has a mutated skeleton, he is obviously a little stronger than I imagined.

However, no matter how powerful the mutant skeleton is, it is only a second-level undead, and it is useless in front of the third-level undead.

Besides, there is only one on the opposite side.


Don't bother me if you have nothing to do. I smiled and raised the wooden stick in my hand.

Four skeletons appeared in front of Don't Bother Me.

These four skeletons were as tall and burly as Xiao Bai. Although they were not wearing armor, their bones were as black as iron and shiny, and the giant axes in their hands shone with sharp light.

It is the third-level skeleton of the Necromancer—the Skeleton Warrior!

Facing the flying fireballs.

Don't bother me if it's okay. I thought in my mind: "Defense!"

One of the skeleton warriors swung a huge ax in his hand and stood in front of Don't Bother Me.


The fireball hit the giant axe, dispersed suddenly, and turned into dots of fire.

The huge impact pushed the skeleton warrior back half a step.

"Haha! That's it?"

I took a look at the Skeleton Warrior's health bar and saw that it was only down by about one-fifth. Don't bother me if you have nothing to do. I couldn't help but raise the corner of my mouth.

I thought this mutated skeleton mage would do so much damage, but it turned out to be just like that.

Under the crushing attributes of the third-level undead, any so-called mutation is just nonsense.

No matter how ordinary the skeleton warrior is, he is still a third-level undead.


After catching a fireball from Dabai, I pointed the wooden stick in my hand without giving Dabai any chance to continue releasing his magic.

The four skeleton warriors all lowered their heads, started charging, and rushed towards Baymax.

The soul fire in Dabai's eyes jumped slightly, he took a half step back, and took out a blue staff from his arms (???).

Looking at the four skeleton warriors getting closer and closer to him, he smashed the handle of the staff on the ground and started chanting.

Exploding flames! put!

At the same time as the chanting was completed, the four skeleton warriors had rushed within two meters of Dabai, raised their giant axes high, and slashed at Dabai.


A ball of flame burst out from Dabai's body, and the red fire ring engulfed the four skeleton warriors instantly.


A huge fireball with a diameter of two meters hit four skeleton warriors at the same time.


Then there was an explosion and a fireball exploded.

Regular necromancers are different from Baymax, a growing skeleton with the bonus of a heroic history book.

Even a third-level skeleton warrior, with the bonus of [Summoning Mastery], only has 100% of the attributes inherited from the Necromancer.

In other words, the four skeleton warriors in front of me look mighty and domineering, but in fact their health and defense are equivalent to the necromancer, Don't Bother Me, and their attributes are not as outstanding as Erbai and Ma San.

After all, the Necromancer is a legal profession. Even if it is level 22, how much defense and health can it have?

Dabai's fireball technique without a staff can knock out one-fifth of his health. This set of triple damage bursting flames can be imagined.

In just an instant, the four skeleton warriors turned into ashes on the spot.

[All your undead warriors are dead! 】

A system prompt flashed in front of my eyes.



It’s okay, don’t bother me. The smile on my face froze for an instant, and then disappeared, replaced by confusion, confusion, confusion and shock.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!!"

It's okay, don't bother me. I obviously couldn't believe what was happening in front of me.

You must know that he is the best necromancer in the entire server, and the four skeleton warriors under him are definitely the best third-level undead.

Four level three undead versus one level two undead, don't bother me, I don't even know how I can lose.

But the fact in front of him is that his skeleton warriors were instantly killed by the skeleton mage in front of him with just one skill.

This is crazy...

It's okay, don't bother me. I can't believe it no matter what.

"BUG, it must be a BUG, ​​the system is fucking wrong! I want to report someone who is taking advantage of the system BUG!"

Don't bother me. I just opened the game feedback and wrote a short essay without saying a word.

Dabai had already rushed forward, and slapped the don't bother me with a staff on the face of Don't Bother Me, who was not guarded by the skeleton. He staggered, and then hit the face with a fireball, blasting Don't Bother Me to death. Scum.

Seeing that Don't Bother Me was easily killed by him, Dabai couldn't help complaining: "This guy is mentally retarded! Did he give up resistance when the skeleton guard died? Players in the game era really have no sense of fighting. I have no idea. You can even kill monsters with a magic staff."

A flash of light, don't bother me, I will be reborn in the Thunderstorm City Cemetery.

At the same time, the system's feedback information flashed before his eyes.

[The BUG submission is invalid. The player's data is all normal. Thank you for your feedback. I wish you a happy game and thank you for your cooperation. 】


It's okay, don't bother me, I'll just collapse.

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