"Boying and pretending?"

"Blind cat?"

"Your uncle!"

Wang Yuan was speechless for a while.

After a while, Lake came to Wang Yuan's table with a glass of malt wine.

I saw this guy named Lake, who was thin and handsome. He was wearing a tavern waiter's overalls and had a bitter look on his face.

Looking like this, if these two skeletons hadn't revealed the answer in advance.

Wang Yuan may never suspect this guy.

Of course, even if Wang Yuan knew the answer now, he still had to pretend to ask.

"How to expose him?"

"Isn't it too abrupt to point it out like this?"

"It would be a shame if these two guys knew that I could hear their voices... I have to act more naturally... Mud, I'm going out to film now. If I don't win an award, I'll be sorry for myself."

Wang Yuan complained secretly in his heart.

Just when Wang Yuan was thinking about how to unintentionally expose Lake's identity.

Suddenly, Baymax behind him took a step forward and bumped into Lake's hand.

"Brother, I've helped you get here." Dabai looked at Wang Yuan expectantly.


When Baymax touched the wound, Reike shrank his hand in pain.


Wang Yuandeng pretended to look at Lake's hand, and at the same time showed an unexpected expression on his face without any trace of acting.

Before Lake could react, Wang Yuan flicked his right hand, and a bottle of "Appearance Potion" was poured onto Lake without reservation.

"Stab it!"

Accompanied by a strange sound.

A cloud of smoke rose from Lake.

The next moment, Lake split open, black spikes protruded from his back, and his head turned into a ferocious demon.

【Demon Agent】(Silver)

Level: 10 (weak)

HP: 5000

Magic value: 1000

Skills: Disguise, Demonic Flame

Background introduction: The demon clan is an intelligence collector lurking in the human world. Due to being injured by the sword energy of Mayor Hag, his strength has been greatly reduced.

[System prompt: You have discovered a demon spy, quickly report to Mayor Hager]

[If you die during the mission, the mission will be deemed a failure. If you escape successfully, if the mission is successful, the player who dies of the BOSS will receive the highest reward. 】

"My name! Silver BOSS!!"

Wang Yuan was shocked when he saw the attributes of the monster in front of him.

The horse-riding ones, these two deceitful skeletons, only said that the spy was Lake, but they didn't tell themselves that Lake was the silver boss.

In "Breaking Dawn", BOSS is divided into seven levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Dark Gold, Epic, Legend, and Myth.

The higher the grade, the stronger the strength.

Even the lowest level Bronze BOSS requires a fully armed and fully equipped team of ten people of the same level to handle it.

Silver BOSS is simply invincible in Novice Village.

What's more, Wang Yuan is only a first-level necromancer. Without skeletons, he is just a blank super soldier. With skeletons, he is three blank super soldiers.

"Gah! Despicable human being, now that you have seen through it, you will not be able to survive." Reike screamed, and stretched his right hand forward, and a ball of black flame condensed in the palm of his hand.

"Are you stupid? I am a player. I can be resurrected if I die. If you give me some benefits, maybe I can keep it a secret for you. Do you have to do it?"

Wang Yuan took a step back and said loudly.


Hearing Wang Yuan's words, Lake was obviously stunned for a moment.

"This guy is so unprincipled! He is a traitor and a traitor!" Xiaobai was filled with indignation after hearing this.

"Calm down, this is just a game in his eyes. Of course, he will help whoever benefits him." Dabai was very calm.

"That's right...then what should I do?"

"What can we do? Come on! We can't let them collude."

With that said, Dabai walked around behind Lake and stabbed Lake in the leg.

Wang Yuan: "..."

"You bastard!! How dare you lie to me!"

When Lake saw Wang Yuan's skeleton soldiers attacking him, he was immediately furious and threw the flame in his hand at Wang Yuan without hesitation.

Seeing that the black fireball was about to hit his head, Xiao Bai suddenly lifted the table and stood in front of Wang Yuan.


The flames exploded, and the table was instantly burned to ashes.

The air wave of the explosion blew Wang Yuan and Xiao Bai away, and Wang Yuan fell heavily at the door of the tavern.

"No... can this skeleton soldier still fight on his own?" Wang Yuan asked knowingly, and his acting skills exploded.

The two skeleton soldiers had no time to pay attention to him. They only heard Xiaobai exclaim: "Damn, Lake is stronger than the dungeon secret realm we played before. He almost killed me."

"Nonsense! Now we are all first-level garbage skeleton soldiers, and I, a mage, can only chop with a knife, so of course I am no match for him." Dabai was also very anxious.

"It's over, we won't die here, right?" Xiaobai said depressedly: "It's so sad that we have to die just after rebirth."

"Come quickly, the boss is here in the tavern!"

However, while the two skeleton soldiers were waiting to die, Wang Yuan had already crawled outside the tavern and shouted loudly to the players in the square.



As we all know, the game has just launched and there are as many players in the novice area as dogs.

Especially the town square is absolutely packed with people.

The tavern is just across the square.

Hearing Wang Yuan's shout, almost everyone was attracted at the same time.

BOSS, that is the synonym of top-grade equipment, advanced skills, and a lot of money.

In online game novels, how many people took off on the spot and reached the peak of their lives because of a BOSS in the novice area, and their legends are still circulating among the player community.

Now that the opportunity is right in front of them, everyone's mood can be imagined.

Good guy, Wang Yuan's shout didn't matter, all the players rushed to the tavern like a tsunami.

Wang Yuan summoned back two skeleton soldiers, then turned around and ran away, hiding his merits and fame.

"Damn! There is really a BOSS!"

"It's a silver BOSS!"

"Everyone, come on!"

Behind Wang Yuan, there were exclamations from a group of players.

The enthusiasm of the players to fight the BOSS is high.

If Rick was on the street, this group of level 1 trumpets would definitely not even be able to touch the corner of his clothes.

But the bad luck is that Rick was blocked in the tavern.

And the resurrection point is outside the tavern.

The outstanding feature of the level 1 players is that they are not afraid of death, and they are so eager to fight.

Even if Rick, the level 10 silver BOSS, can kill people in seconds, he can't resist the vast ocean of people's war.

Everyone spitted, and in less than ten minutes, Rick was killed on the spot.

Wang Yuan also received a notification that the demon spy was killed.

"Damn, why didn't the silver BOSS drop anything...?"

"What's the drop rate of this broken game?"

"Complain, complain!"

Then the public screen was filled with the voices of players cursing.

"Quest BOSS, what a drop." Outside the tavern, Wang Yuan had a sly smile on his face.

"What a dog..."

"Is this guy a bitch?"

"Unexpected, unexpected, I thought he was a fool."

"A bitch is better than a fool."

The two skeleton soldiers looked at the guy in front of them, their heads full of black lines.

Good guy, looking at Wang Yuan's thick eyebrows and big eyes, he looked honest, but his behavior was so wretched.

Even the two time travelers in front of him couldn't help but marvel.

You can't judge a person by his appearance.

Although they cursed, the two skeleton soldiers at this time obviously had some recognition of their master Wang Yuan.

After all, if it weren't for Wang Yuan just now, these two guys would probably have been reincarnated again.

It has to be said that this cheap master still has something on him.


"I have found the spy. He is Rick from the tavern. He is dead now."

In the square, Wang Yuan found the mayor Hag to hand over the task.

"It turned out to be him!"

Hearing Wang Yuan's words, the mayor Hag was obviously a little surprised, and then said: "Thanks to you this time, otherwise the consequences for the whole town and even the entire empire would be unimaginable. You are really a warrior of the empire."

[System prompt: You get the special title "Imperial Warrior\

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