"Lao Niu, are you okay? I found some friends from the outer city. They are heading to Thunderstorm City. When they arrive, I will help you take revenge."

As soon as Wang Yuan went online, he received news from Shui Linglong.

Wang Yuan felt warm after seeing the news about Shui Linglong.

Unexpectedly, this girl actually went to move reinforcements, and she also specifically went to other major cities to move reinforcements.

With Shui Linglong’s character, I’m afraid it cost a lot of money.

To be honest, Wang Yuan was quite moved.

After all, he and Shui Linglong only met twice, and she was just his guest.

At the critical moment, this girl is really helpful if she is busy.


You know, Wang Yuan's enemy at the moment is not an ordinary person, but a notorious gang.

If it had been anyone else, let alone helping, it would have been considered a good thing not to have a clear relationship with myself.

"No need! I can handle this myself!"

Wang Yuan thought for a while and replied casually.

Money is easy to repay, but favors are not easy to repay.

Wang Yuan was already very happy that Shui Linglong had this kind of heart, so naturally he would not involve her.

Besides, Wang Yuan also has his own way of solving this matter.

"Hey, I won't charge you any money." Seeing Wang Yuan's refusal, Shui Linglong said quickly.

Based on her understanding of Wang Yuan, she should be afraid that she would ask for money.

"It's not about money." Wang Yuandao: "It's more convenient for me to be alone. It would be very troublesome to involve you."


Shui Linglong was stunned when she heard this, and then became furious: "You mean, are you afraid that we will hold you back?"

"Haha, that's what you said." Wang Yuan laughed and said, "Don't worry, if I can't do it, I will naturally come to you."

"Bah! Arrogant dog man!" Shui Linglong yelled.

"Sister Ling, we'll be there soon. Let your friend wait for us outside the city. Hehe! It's been so exciting for a long time."

Just as Wang Yuan hung up the message, Shui Linglong received another message from the reinforcements.


Shui Linglong replied unhappily: "He said he can solve it by himself."

"A person? Didn't it mean that he offended a pretty big guild?"

When the rescuers saw the news about Shui Linglong, they were a little confused.

They heard that Shui Linglong's friend had offended a big guild, so they came all the way to help.

It turns out that one person can solve it.

The two pieces of news combined together clearly give people a contradictory sense of separation.

"It's a person! He has indeed offended the big guild. He said he was afraid that we would hold back." Shui Linglong repeated Wang Yuan's words unceremoniously, and then cursed: "This arrogant bitch!"

"Cio!! Are you despising us?"

Hearing Shui Linglong's words, the rescuers were also stunned.

Obviously, this is the first time I have heard such remarks after playing games for so long.

Then he also started to curse.

"Say! What an arrogant brat!"

"Today we have to go to Thunderstorm City specifically to see what kind of master this is, how dare he be so arrogant."

"I've seen a horse rider before, but I've never seen someone so pretentious. I saw him taking a cow on a plane, which was awesome! I suddenly felt that there was a reason why the guild wanted to mess with him. I want to kill him."

"How about we go help the Black Dragon Guild?"

"Oh, that makes sense, why didn't I think of that?"

"You two, please be more serious!!" Shui Linglong's head was covered with black lines.

Why is it that no one I know is normal?

On the other side, Wang Yuan sent a message directly to Long Xingtianxia: "Hey, where are you?"


After receiving the news, Long Xingtianxia was in a daze for a moment.

He thought he was hallucinating.

According to previous experience, people who are surrounded by their treatment and go offline will basically have to wait at least a few days before they dare to come back.

And just ten minutes after Wang Yuan went offline, he came back up again.

What shocked Long Xingtianxia even more was that after going online, this guy even sent a message asking where he was.

This is clearly an act of naked provocation.

"You still dare to go online?"

Long Xingtianxia replied immediately.

"Nonsense! What am I afraid of? It's not me who's being slaughtered." Wang Yuan was rude. What kind of god was he specifically mocking in ancient Greece?

Poke wherever it hurts.

"Okay! You have the guts, do you dare to reveal your coordinates?" Long Xingtianxia's anger suddenly rushed to his forehead.

"I'm right at the door of the tavern. I just logged off and went to the forum to post a live broadcast. Now the whole forum knows that I'm going to kill you. If you don't come, you'll be my grandson!" Wang Yuan casually posted a link.

Sure enough, when I clicked on it, I saw it was the post posted by Wang Yuan.

[As evidence of this, today’s live broadcast will kill Long Xingtianxia, ​​the president of the "Black Dragon Guild". The current coordinates are 77454 and 22131, Commercial Street. All players are supported to come and watch the battle and wait for the president of the Black Dragon Guild to die. If he doesn't dare to come, he will be a coward. The Black Dragon Society changed its name to the Turtle Society. 】

"Damn it! You guys are so awesome, you posted a post declaring war on the Black Dragon Society!!"

"I'm convinced! Even if you are turned into a blank by the Black Dragon Society, brother, I'm convinced by you! You are the first one to have the courage to do this."

"The Black Dragon Society is occupying leveling and resource points. It is outrageous to both humans and gods. Brother, you are doing justice for God. No matter whether you can succeed or not, we will help you."

Most players who saw the post were supportive. After all, the Black Dragon Society had committed many evil things, and the players in Thunderstorm City had long been fed up with them.

There were also players who supported the Black Dragon Society, who were scolding Wang Yuan: "What the hell, what is he? Can he beat the Black Dragon Society? Don't you know how many people there are in the Black Dragon Society?"

There was also a group of smart people who claimed to see through everything and replied: "This guy wants to be famous, hype, definitely hype!! He can get the Black Dragon Society to help him act, it seems that he must be a young master."

"Damn it!! Damn it!"

Of course, the most angry person who saw Wang Yuan's post at this time was Long Xing Tianxia.

Just kidding, since the game was launched, the Black Dragon Society has gathered thousands of people to dominate Thunderstorm City, and they have always been the ones who named others to make it difficult for them to survive in Thunderstorm City.

Today, the Black Dragon Society was publicly named by an unknown person on the forum, and even sent coordinates to kill themselves.

Who can tolerate this?

As the leader of the Black Dragon Society, if he pretended not to see it, wouldn't he be a grandson?

"Okay! You wait!"

Long Xingtianxia said and headed straight for the commercial street.


At this time, the commercial street was already surrounded by Thunderstorm City players who were watching the excitement.

Although no one believed that someone could really name the Black Dragon Society.

But everyone had to watch this excitement.

What if it was true?

It would be great to see Long Xingtianxia get humiliated, even if it wasn't his own doing.

"Here he comes! Here he comes! Long Xingtianxia is here!"

"This shameless guy even brought people with him!"

Seeing Long Xingtianxia walking towards the commercial street with a dozen of his brothers from a distance, all the onlookers sighed.

People named Long Xingtianxia, ​​but Boyi came with people. His skills and character dropped to a lower level before he even started.

Of course, Long Xingtianxia was not a retard.

He had seen how powerful Wang Yuan was. If he came alone, he would really be sending himself to death.

If you don't come, it would be shameful to be a coward. But if you come, it would be even more shameful to be hacked to death in public.

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