The places for players to change careers are all on Central Street. The blacksmith shop, drug store, tavern and other shops are in the commercial street next door, very close.

After a while, Wang Yuan brought Shui Linglong to the tavern.

As soon as he entered the tavern, Wang Yuan felt something was wrong.

The game has only been in service for a few days, and players don’t have much money on them. Now it’s the peak period between 8 and 10 pm, so most players should be leveling up in the wild.

There should not be many people in a consumption place like a tavern.

But at this time, the tavern was full of players.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

When these players saw Wang Yuan, they all looked fierce. Wang Yuan looked around and found that all the players in the tavern had a black dragon badge on their chests.

"Black Dragon Club!!"

Wang Yuan suddenly became alert.

In this case, any fool knows what's going on.

"Hey, have you offended the Black Dragon Society?" Shui Linglong asked Wang Yuandao in surprise when she saw this posture.

The Black Dragon Society is quite notorious in Thunderstorm City for its enclosure leveling and malicious PKs. Even the corpse refresh point where the Necromancer recruits skeletons is occupied by them. The forums in Thunderstorm City are full of posts criticizing the Black Dragon Society. .

However, the Black Dragon Society has a large number of people and acts in a domineering manner. No one in Thunderstorm City dares to provoke them.

Even a rich man like Shui Linglong would not want to interact with such a person. Good shoes don't step on stinky dog ​​shit.

But seeing Wang Yuan being targeted by the Black Dragon Society at this time, Shui Linglong couldn't help but marvel, this guy can really cause trouble, and he provoked these gangsters just after leaving the novice area.


Wang Yuan nodded and said, "That ring of yours will explode."

"Fuck! Awesome!"

Shui Linglong couldn't help but gave a thumbs up.

Good guy, in this Thunderstorm City, the Black Dragon Society has always destroyed other people's equipment. This guy actually destroyed the Black Dragon Society's equipment. He is indeed a man.

"Where." Wang Yuan looked modest.

Even the skeletons were whispering to each other at this moment.

"Brother Niu is seeking revenge, right?"

"He's not running away anymore. Look, aren't those people the same ones we killed and robbed before?"

"Is it so exciting? Let's drop him and run away later. If he dies, we will be free."

Wang Yuan: "..."

"Who is Long Xingtianxia?"

Wang Yuan ignored the rubbish Ma Saner and asked directly.


Upon hearing Wang Yuan's question, everyone in the tavern turned their heads and looked at the player at the most conspicuous table.

The player was about forty years old, wearing black armor and looking like a warrior.

There were several players sitting next to Long Xingtianxia, ​​a bald warrior, a mage, an assassin, and a priest.

It was the brothers who were killed by Wang Yuan's group before.

"I am!"

Seeing Wang Yuan looking at him, Long Xingtianxia replied calmly.

Wang Yuan walked straight over and sat across from Long Xingtianxia, ​​and conveniently pulled a seat for Shui Linglong.

Shui Linglong also sat unceremoniously next to Wang Yuan, while three skeletons stood behind the two of them. Xiaobai stared at the door of the tavern, Dabai stared at the Dragon Walking World in front of him, and Ma Saner guarded Shui Linglong. .

These guys were prepared for a rainy day and were ready to kill and run away.


When Long Xingtianxia saw Shui Linglong, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.


There are very few female players in the game, and there are even fewer beautiful female players like Shui Linglong.

Although he brought a group of young men with him, it was quite a show, but he didn't expect that this guy brought a beautiful girl with him.

He immediately suppressed his momentum.

"Boss Long Xing bought a piece of equipment and brought so many people with him. Is he afraid that people will steal your equipment?"

Wang Yuan looked around for a week and couldn't help but joked.


Long Xingtianxia chuckled: "No one dares to steal our Black Dragon Club's equipment."

"Not quite, right?" Wang Yuan said with a smile.

It is as if he is saying: There is one sitting in front of you.

"You're riding a horse!!"

As soon as Wang Yuan said this, several people around Long Xingtianxia couldn't help but take out their weapons, especially the bald dragon who stood up and pointed his sword directly at Wang Yuan.

The Black Dragon Society is considered a local snake in Thunderstorm City, and no one has ever dared to challenge them face to face.


Shui Linglong couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Wang Yuan was like no one who blew up other people's equipment and came out to yell at them.

"Brother Niu, let's stop chatting!"

Long Xingtianxia asked calmly: "You should know this person, right?"

Saying that, Long Xingtianxia glanced at the bald dragon.

"Yes, I know him and have killed him before!" Wang Yuan didn't shy away from it.


The bald dragon's hand shook angrily, and he almost struck Wang Yuan in the face with his sword.

"What about these people?" Long Xingtianxia asked again.

"Well, I know each other and have killed them all!" Wang Yuan's chat skills are very high.

Everyone: "..."

"So you also know the purpose of why we invited you here, right?" Long Xingtianxia said with a knowing expression.

"I know!" Wang Yuan nodded, and then said to the bar: "Two bottles of the most expensive wine will be on Boss Long's account."



Long Xingtian was stunned for a moment, then said in annoyance: "I didn't come to you to buy you a drink!!"

"What are you going to do?" Wang Yuan pretended to be confused, pretending to understand.

"Stop talking nonsense! Where's the ring!?"

Assassin Qiye Tingxue slapped the table and shouted.

"What ring?" Wang Yuan asked.

"Of course it's my hidden illusion ring! Hand it over quickly if you know what's good for you!" Qiye Tingxue shouted.

He lost the ring, so the responsibility lies with him. He is the one who is most eager to get it back.

"So how did your ring end up in my hands?" Wang Yuan asked with a smile.

"You..." Qiye Tingxue was angry.

Long Xingtianxia said in a deep voice: "Brother Niu, I think you just came to Thunderstorm City and don't know the style of our Black Dragon Society. If it were someone else, they would have disappeared in Thunderstorm City by now. Since I called you here to talk, I'm giving you face. I hope you can hand over the ring. Otherwise, hum."

"You're not giving me face, are you afraid that you won't get it if you kill me?"

Long Xingtianxia said it in a high-sounding manner, and Wang Yuan could see it clearly.

Players will get equipment when they die in the game, but the probability is not high. Even if Wang Yuan is killed, it may not get it.

The ring is not cheap. If Wang Yuan hides in the safe zone after he dies once, the Black Dragon Society will never get the ring again.

"Since Brother Niu knows everything, I won't beat around the bush. If you give me the ring, we can talk about everything. If you don't, we, the Black Dragon Society, have plenty of time and patience to waste time with you." Long Xingtianxia stared at Wang Yuan and said.

"You're late. I've already sold it." Wang Yuan spread his hands and showed a smug expression.

Damn, I don't know who these bastards are pretending to be.

He was killed in the robbery and his equipment was exploded. If he apologized properly, there would be no room for easing this matter.

As a result, Long Xingtianxia actually threatened himself in return.

Is Wang Yuan the kind of person who is afraid of trouble?

"Sold it?"

The faces of the people in the Black Dragon Society darkened when they heard this.

"Bullshit! So quick to act! Who would believe it?" Bald Dragon roared.

"I bought it!" Shui Linglong raised her middle finger to the bald dragon: "I bought it for fifty gold coins!"

"See, I didn't lie..." Wang Yuan said.

"That's even better! Girl, give me the ring back." Long Xingtianxia looked at Shui Linglong.

"One hundred gold! No bargaining!" Shui Linglong smiled slightly, revealing the same expression that Wang Yuan had.

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