Online game: Are all the skeletons I summoned children of the plane?

Chapter 193 It’s dark, please close your eyes

"Strike Halo!"

"Thunder and lightning!"

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

"Collapse Mountain Strike!"

The attributes of the fake casual shooting are exactly the same as those of the fake shooting casually.

As soon as a few people went down, the counterfeit was beaten to ashes on the spot.

At the same time, he didn't forget to complain: "You're a fool! A fake is a fake! He even has lust for Reiko!"

"That's right! Who in the right mind would be interested in that dirty old woman!"

"The dog system, you really look down on me!"


Shui Linglong stood not far away, with half of her shoulders exposed, her fists clenched and her whole body shaking, with a cross bun bulging on her head.

"Sister Ling, don't do this!"

"No, not so much..."

"Invincibility is the last thing that leads to death..."

"Sister Ling, please spare your life..."


Just when Shui Linglong pressed down on the benevolent man and beat him violently.

The light dimmed again.

When it lit up again, the number of benevolent and invincible became two.


Looking at the two benevolent invincibles in front of her, Shui Linglong was filled with questions.

"Sister Ling, is that Invincible?" Everyone's first reaction was to ask Shui Linglong.

After all, Shui Linglong just held the benevolent person invincible.

But Shui Linglong looked confused.

Because the moment the light dimmed, Benevolent Invincible escaped from his control. When it lit up again, Benevolent Invincible became two.

"This this……"

Shui Linglong was stunned.

"Ask questions! Ask questions!" Wang Yuan suggested from the side.

"Yeah! Ask questions!"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this, and evil smiles appeared on their faces.

"You are not allowed to ask about privacy!" The two benevolent men immediately became anxious when they saw the smiles of several people.

Benevolent and invincible know this group of friends better than anyone else, so based on their character, one might not know what they would ask.

"Stop talking nonsense! How can you tell whether it's true or false without asking about privacy?"

The God of Death pointed at the two benevolent men and said, "How old are you?"


The two said in unison.

"Hey! Both of them are real." Death said, touching his chin.

"Fuck you! Did you ask that?"

Hope pushed away Death and asked, "Who is the most handsome in our guild?"

"I'm the most handsome!" The two benevolent, invincible and shameless people are surprisingly synchronized.

"It's all fake! Kill me!" Hope shook her head and sighed, taking out her scepter and about to smash it.

"Get out of here! You are a waste too!"

The brave man invincible raised his arms to fly away hope, pointed and shot randomly and asked: "How old is he?"


The two benevolent men were stunned for a moment.

"Anyone who can't answer is a lie!" The brave man Wushuang took out his long sword.

"19!" The benevolent person on the left said quickly.

"That's right!" He shot casually: "I am so young and promising! It seems you are real!"

"10 centimeters!!" The benevolent person on the right said quickly after hearing this.


Everyone was slightly stunned.

Wang Yujie and Shui Linglong whispered to each other: "Really? Longer or shorter?"

"I didn't know! But it's so exquisite..." Shui Linglong said.

Dahai Wuliang stretched his neck and said, "If you don't believe it... take a look!"


Everyone almost choked to death. They really couldn't tell that Dahai Wuliang was the wildest one.

"Fake!! What the dog said is definitely fake!! Kill him!!!" He casually shot and kicked the benevolent Wudi on the right.

The brave man Wushuang quickly hugged Ranranshe, then pointed at the benevolent man on the left and said: "That one is fake!!"

While he was talking, others were already rushing forward.

The hypocritical benevolent Wudi was beaten to ashes on the spot.

Please close your eyes when it gets dark! !

Please open your eyes at dawn! !

The brave man is unparalleled, divided into two.

"Tell me! How old are you!" He asked casually in retaliation.

"Haha! Bigger than you!" The two brave warriors laughed very obscenely.

"It's all fake! Kill him!" he shouted randomly.


Everyone scratched their heads: "This is unreasonable! At least you have to ask clearly."

"That's right!" Yongzhe Wushuang also said anxiously: "Ask something else...Brother Niu, please persuade him."

"Listen to pee." Wang Yuan smiled slightly from the side.

The others looked at each other and rushed forward, rushing towards the two brave warriors.

The man on the left turned around and ran away.

The brave warrior Wushuang on the right squatted on the ground holding his head.

As soon as he ran and squatted, everyone reacted immediately.

The one running is fake! !

The group of people who work hard to create miracles just play around and make fun, and they usually don't kill each other with their brothers.

So when faced with a group fight, no matter who it was, they would accept the beating. They would hold their heads and squat on the ground, and the matter would be over after being beaten.

There is no obstacle that brothers cannot overcome.

This is something everyone understands.

Crouching on the ground was an instinctive reaction, turning around and running must have been a lie.

Sure enough, the brave warrior who fled was beaten to ashes by everyone.

The scene in front of everyone changed and they returned to the door of the Temple of Valor.

The God of Wisdom looked at everyone in front of him with a look of disbelief on his face: "I didn't expect that you actually passed my first problem!"

"Nonsense! What kind of problem is this for you!" Casual Shot also lost favor with the God of Wisdom at this time.

I thought this woman would give me something good, but in the end, I got myself in trouble.

Sure enough, the better it looks, the more likely it is to deceive people. Just like the readers said they wouldn’t give me votes or rewards, they must have lied to me.


The God of Wisdom smiled slightly, shot a casual glance without even looking, turned his head and came to Wang Yuan.

"Hey, what's your name?" Qianqian, the God of Wisdom, lifted Wang Yuan's chin with his jade fingers.

"Take your hands away!" Wang Yujie glared.

"Hey, little sister, what's your name?" the God of Wisdom asked with a smile.

"My name is……"

"What she calls her is none of your business!"

Just as Wang Yujie was about to answer, he was interrupted by Wang Yuan.

Brother Chun said that as long as the player tells the God of Wisdom his name, he will be asked questions.

In other words, as long as you don't say your name, you won't be asked questions.


As expected, the God of Wisdom was slightly startled: "What? You refuse to say your name?"


Wang Yuan smiled and said: "The key is whether there is any benefit to me telling you."


The God of Wisdom was even more confused.

"Ouch! Why the hell didn't I think of that!!!"

I ejaculated casually and couldn't help but slap my thighs.

"Benefits? Of course there are! What benefits do you want?" The God of Wisdom took another step forward and pulled down the not much cloth on his body, revealing half of the snow-white cloth, which flickered and dazzled.

"I'll go!! As expected of Brother Niu!"

Everyone became excited.

"What a pity! She's not wearing pants."



I don’t know that the gangster sighed.

"Brother Niu, tell me the benefits you want! Let everyone benefit from it!" He jumped up and down casually.

Others also looked forward to it.

Wang Yujie remained silent, arranging the gloves on his hands, like a killer assembling a sniper rifle.

"The good thing is, for example, you tell me your name first." Wang Yuan said lightly.

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