"Hua... Boss Hua..."

Looking at Hua Wuque carried on the shoulders of the skeleton soldiers behind Wang Yuan, Long Teng Sihai stuttered.

Feng Wu Jiutian stared at Wang Yuan with disbelief in his eyes.

Hu Xiao Shanhe slapped himself twice: "It doesn't hurt! It's an illusion!"

"Brother Hu, there is no pain in the game!" Someone behind him whispered.


Hu Xiao Shanhe was stunned at first, and then fell into a stagnation.


No one can empathize with Long Teng Sihai's mood at this moment.

Because no one knows the strength of "Dragon Team" better than them.

Dragon Team was the professional team of Huaxia Longteng when it conquered the world. In the professional e-sports circle of that year, it was also a first-line team.

Especially Hua Wuque, who is one of the 24 star e-sports players in the country. He has led the team to play in many S-level world leagues on behalf of Huaxia and won the championship three times.

A lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Even though the members of the Dragon Team have retired for many years, their peak period has long passed, and their strength is not as good as before, they still have professional experience and knowledge. They may be different from the current professional masters, but they are not in the same dimension as ordinary players.

At any time, they are crushing the ordinary players.

It is the ultimate secret weapon used by Huaxia Longteng to solve various problems.

It can be said that they are invincible.

For so many years, every mission is as effortless as crushing withered trees and rotten wood.

This is why the Dragon Team can continue to be kept in the team as sparring partners by Huaxia Longteng after retirement.

Even the current professional masters of the Dragon Team of Huaxia Longteng respect the Dragon Team.

What are the group of people who make a miracle with great strength?

They are just a group of ordinary players with wild paths.

Although the one called Niu Dali led people to pass the "hell difficulty" copy and took down the first guild station.

But this level of skill is just the ceiling among ordinary players, and it can't even reach the lower limit of professional masters. After all, old players know that high-difficulty dungeons have decryption mechanisms. As long as you find the loopholes left by the game designer, any player can easily pass the dungeon.

Professional masters are different. They are fought by relying on their strength.

They are the elite among the elites who have been killed from hundreds of millions of players.

There are only a few thousand active e-sports players in the country, and each of them is a peerless master who is one in a million, and there is absolutely no luck involved.

With the professional strength of the Dragon Team, dealing with this group of ordinary players is as simple as eating and drinking.

Fengwu Jiutian dared to let them cut off the firewood and directly destroy the resident crystal of Thunder Bluff, which means that they have absolute confidence in their strength.

The kind of confidence without any doubt.

But when they saw Wang Yuan appear with Hua Wuque...

The hearts of Longteng Sihai were cold, as if their faith began to collapse at this moment.

They never expected that the Dragon Squad, who they thought was invincible, would be destroyed by a group of wild masters.

They never expected that Hua Wuque, who was like a god in their minds, would be captured alive and tied up with extremely insulting ropes.

At that moment!

The sky fell! !

It was as if the world's No. 1 ADC, who was always a god in some people's hearts, was pressed to the ground and rubbed by an unknown person named Tie Niu Xian, and it felt like the world was beginning to collapse.

You may not know Tie Niu Xian, but it's my game ID.

Of course, it was a good thing that Wang Yuan didn't let them see Hua Wuque being stabbed in the back by Shui Linglong, otherwise I don't know what would happen.

"Whose words are effective? Come out!"

After arriving at the square, Wang Yuan threw Hua Wuque on the ground casually, and then hooked his finger at Longteng Sihai.


Longteng Sihai and the people around him looked at each other, and finally walked out of the queue.

"I am the president of Huaxia Longteng! Longteng Sihai!"

Longteng Sihai glanced at Hua Wuque, then asked Wang Yuan expressionlessly: "What do you mean?"

"Look, how much money is appropriate to redeem him." Wang Yuan said with a smile.


When Wang Yuan said this, everyone was stunned, looking at Wang Yuan in front of them as if they were looking at a fool.

Brother, in the game, you kill people but don't get your head down, your head falls off without even a scar, and the next second you are a hero again, taking hostages for money, are you serious?

The most important thing is, this is kidnapping and extortion, how can this guy dare to do anything, what does he do in reality?

"Not Lao Niu, you asked me to tie him up, just for fun?" Shui Linglong was also puzzled.

It seems that the tortoise shell binding was made by this woman, and I don't know what she has experienced.

Renzhe Wudi pulled Shui Linglong aside and whispered: "Don't talk, Brother Niu has his reasons."

"Damn! Brother Niu is crazy?" Ma Saner couldn't help shouting: "Doesn't he know that players can be resurrected after death?"

"You idiot!"

Dabai heard it and said: "If you die, you can be resurrected, but if you don't die?"

"Don't die..."

Ma Saner was stunned when he heard it.

If you die, you can be resurrected, but if you don't die, you can't be resurrected... This...

That is to say, as long as Hua Wuque doesn't die, he will always be in the state of being captured and imprisoned by Wang Yuan, and completely lose his personal freedom.


Thinking of this, Ma San'er suddenly felt a chill down his back.

It is true that players in the game are not afraid of death, but they come to play the game just to pass the time, to explore adventures in the game, and to experience a new world. If they are imprisoned and lose their freedom... that would be the most terrifying thing.

Even thinking about it makes me feel hairy.

Brother Chun also said at the side: "Raise him and let him write novels. If nothing happens, hang him on the city gate building to bask in the sun...if he doesn't obey, give him a hundred ticks."

"Okay, okay, okay! Stop fucking talking!" Ma San'er was so frightened that his soul almost flew out.


Hearing Brother Chun's words, Wang Yuan almost stopped.

He only thought of tying Hua Wuque and imprisoning him.

But Brother Chun opened his mouth and said a lot of torture. What is in this old guy's mind? Why is he so bad? He knows how to torture people.

"I think you are crazy!!"

Longteng Sihai almost laughed angrily when he heard this, and said loudly: "You kidnap hostages with me in the game, and I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

After saying that, he turned back and asked Feng Wu Jiutian: "Is this the smart person you call?"


Hearing Longteng Sihai's words, Chinese Dragons players burst into laughter.

The Thunder Bluff players couldn't help laughing, their faces turned red.

Feng Wu Jiutian, however, looked pale and seemed to have an insight into Wang Yuan's thoughts.



Hearing Long Teng Sihai's words, Wang Yuan laughed and said: "If you don't give me money, of course I won't tear up the vote..."

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