
Jian Wuhen nodded after receiving Hua Wuque's instructions, and drew his bow and nocked an arrow.




The red arrow went straight towards Wang Yuan.

In an instant, he had already flown in front of Wang Yuan.

"I'm in a hurry!! You treacherous guy!" He shot randomly and immediately drew his bow and arrow, and counterattacked without any trace of the arrow!

With just a few moves, Jian Wuhen dodged the random attack. He got so angry that he turned on "invisibility" and got close to him!

But Wang Yuan did not panic at all, but was extremely calm, as if he was not the target of the sniper.


When Hua Wuque saw Wang Yuan's expressionless expression, he was overjoyed: "It seems that controlling the two undead is already his limit, and he can't distract himself to avoid it... My judgment is correct, this is when he is at his weakest..."


However, at this moment, a short figure suddenly appeared in front of Wang Yuan. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the arrow that was aimed at Wang Yuan directly in his hand.



Good guy, not only the Dragon Team, but also everyone here at "Strength Works Miracles" were stunned.

For a moment, the fighting stopped unconsciously.

That's a sniper attack! !

Not an ordinary arrow!

Catching ordinary arrows is no less difficult than catching bullets with bare hands. "Sniper" arrows are almost equal to the bullets of Barrett's anti-material sniper rifle.

At this time, someone reached out and grabbed it in his hand.

That visual impact... hiss...

Although everyone in the group knew that Wang Yujie was very strong, they did not expect that Wang Yujie could be as strong as this.

"This woman... Brother Niu can't control it either."

Dabai and the others were strong men who crawled out from among the dead. Looking at Wang Yujie's petite and frail figure, they also felt inexplicable fear.

His grandma’s! !

Such a terrifying guy, let alone now, even in the future where there are so many strong men, the only one who can do this is probably the best person in the world who is called the King of Martial God!

But Wang Bufan is a man after all, and the person in front of him is a woman.

"You're a pretentious guy! Do you dare to take my sword?"

When everyone was surprised, Sheng Wushang had activated the halo of wind and rushed in front of Wang Yujie in an instant. He raised his cross sword and chopped it down on the head. At the same time, he shouted: "Faith!"

In an instant, golden light filled the whole body.

[Halo of Faith], Paladin’s level 30 aura skill, hegemonic skill, ignores control and grabbing.

In Sheng Wushang's eyes, the reason why Wang Yujie was able to catch the sniper arrow was probably because he used grabbing skills such as [Seize White Blade with Empty Hands]. At this time, he turned on [Halo of Faith] and he didn't believe she could catch it.

"That's it?"

But Wang Yujie turned slightly to one side unhurriedly.


Sheng Wushang's sword passed in front of Wang Yujie and struck the ground heavily.

While Wang Yujie dodged, he struck Sheng Wushang on the back of his neck with a "hand knife" from his right hand.

Sheng Wushang's combat awareness is quite strong.

The sword missed, and he immediately rolled forward, dodged Wang Yujie's sword, and at the same time stood up and turned around with a horizontal slash.


The long sword struck Wang Yujie's chest sideways with the holy light.

In fact, the sword was aimed at the waist, but Sheng Wushang was tall... His waist was as big as Wang Yujie's chest.

Wang Yujie took a step back slightly, dodging Sheng Wushang's horizontal slash. Sheng Wushang was delighted when he saw this, canceled the horizontal slash, and rushed forward suddenly.

Wang Yujie, however, moved in an extremely weird way. He walked diagonally behind Sheng Wushang and stepped on the back of Sheng Wushang's knee.


Sheng Wushang knelt down on one knee.


Before Sheng Wushang could get hurt, Wang Yujie punched Sheng Wushang in the back of the head.

Sheng Wushang's eyes darkened, a circle of mosquito coils appeared on his head, and he was stunned by a punch.

Then Wang Yujie [Beng Fist] [Cun Fist] [Knee Rush]...

A set of combos knocked Sheng Wushang to the ground.

"What a scary woman..." Hua Wuque sighed, and then issued a casual command in the team channel: "Let's do it!"

Following the instructions issued by Hua Wuque.

I saw the air behind Wang Yuan twisting.

Two players appeared behind Wang Yuan.

One is an assassin, called Kill without Pardon, and the other is also an assassin, called Life without Saving.

"Haha! I still win!"

Looking at the two assassins behind Wang Yuan, Hua Wuque showed a victorious smile.

That's right! The battle just now was planned by Hua Wuque!

After learning that the core of the "Strength Makes Miracles" group's tactics was Wang Yuan's skeleton, Hua Wuque started planning.

In the front of this game, it's called "moving the tiger away from the mountain", but in the back, it's called "drawing the firewood from the bottom of the cauldron"!

Whether it's Jian Wuhen or Sheng Wushang, all their attacks are aimed at distracting the players around Wang Yuan who are protecting him, and revealing Wang Yuan's true tactical core, thus killing him with one strike! ~

Although he did not expect Wang Yujie to beat Sheng Wushang to the ground so easily, this woman's attack was obviously not particularly high, and it was not easy to beat the iron can of Death Sheng Wushang for a while.

This time was enough for the two assassins to kill Wang Yuan several times.

The Necromancer is also a mage. Could it be that he also has an added physique? Even if he increases his physique, the mage's health growth cannot withstand the explosive output of two waves of top assassins.

As for the other two skeletons beside Wang Yuan, Hua Wuque didn't take them seriously at all.

After all, it was incredible for one person to control two undead at the same time. Hua Wuque didn't believe that Wang Yuan could control three undead at the same time!!

If Wang Yuan gave up the skeleton mage and skeleton warrior he was controlling, the tactical core of the "Miracle of Great Power" group would instantly move to the back.

Without the tactical core in the front group battle, the "Miracle of Great Power" group would be lambs to be slaughtered.

At most, the sneak attack on his side would fail. The opponent would either be wiped out or lose Wang Yuan, the core of the tactical core.

In short! Win-win! Win twice! Win and it's over!!

Everything is under control.


Hua Wuque's tactics are perfect.

If it were someone else, he might have really won.

But unfortunately, his opponent was Wang Yuan.

What's more unfortunate is that Wang Yuan really increased his physique... not only his physique, but also his agility.

What's even more unfortunate is that Wang Yuan can really "control three with one", not only "control three with one", but also "empty four with one", and theoretically even "control N with one".

There's no way, who knows that our skeleton soldiers are all sons of the plane who have traveled through time?

You, a retired professional master, are nothing!

I have the 4+1 protagonist halo, and your active professional master is useless.

"Heaven and Earth Mysterious Sect! The root of all qi! Widely cultivate ten thousand disasters! Prove my magical power!!"

Chun Ge behind Wang Yuan raised the peach wood sword in his hand, drew a line with his left hand, and muttered something.


A golden light enveloped Wang Yuan, Chun Ge and Ma San.



Two daggers stabbed Wang Yuan's back at the same time, making a sound of metal hitting metal.

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