"Brother Niu...so how did you invite these people?"

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Looking at the departing figures of the presidents, the "Strong Power Works Miracles" group has not yet turned a corner.

"You're not invited?" Wang Yuandao said: "I said I wanted to make a big news. Is there anyone who would cooperate? Then they rushed over."

Wang Yuan briefly explained the process of gathering people.


"What kind of statement is this..."

After listening to Wang Yuan's narration, everyone was shocked...

This dog is really capable of deceiving people.

It turns out that these helpers were all tricked by him.

What's even more frightening is that this guy didn't lie, he just told the truth in another way.

You can deceive people even if you don't lie, everyone has seen it.

Even the four skeletons behind Wang Yuan were shocked and stunned ((○´・д・)ノ).

"Let's just say, Brother Niu has never been a human being, and he directly deceived 200,000 players into working for him." Xiaobai secretly marveled.

"What does it mean to work for Brother Niu? They are working for themselves!!" Ma Saner's thinking is very flexible.

"Very good! You've become a cow!" Dabai gave Ma San a thumbs up.

It's not easy to learn well, but it's easy to learn bad things.

After only following Wang Yuan for a few days, Ma San's temperament has gradually become more like Wang Yuan's.

"I have to say, this person is really a genius at understanding people's hearts!" Brother Chun looked at Wang Yuan and sighed with emotion.

The reason why Wang Yuan was able to fool so many people into helping was because he secretly changed the concept. In fact, the most important thing was to understand the thinking of these guild presidents.

What do the presidents want? Make a name for yourself! Give!

What are the presidents afraid of? Other guilds will become famous! arrange!

It is precisely because of this that Wang Yuan brought all the guild presidents to deal with this big news.

First, he reveals that he wants to do something that will make him famous, and induces everyone's interest. Finally, he gives a "competition condition". Whoever contributes more will become famous.

In this way, all the presidents have a cooperative relationship and a competitive relationship at the same time.

If you want to make big news, you have to cooperate.

If you want to make a name for yourself, compete.

Internal competition is "involution"!

In this way, everyone will not only cooperate together, but also have to compete desperately for the greatest contribution.

Even a well-informed old dog like Brother Chun couldn't help but marvel at Wang Yuan's control over people's hearts.

At the same time, he also felt a little more in awe of Wang Yuan.

You know, Brother Chun had a hundred people who looked down on Wang Yuan before, and the reason why he obeyed Wang Yuan was only because Wang Yuan gave him the "Cross of Holy Light".

But now Brother Chun is convinced by Wang Yuan.

As Baymax said, maybe this guy can actually save humanity.

At the Thunder Bluff station, 200,000 (so-called) players were already prepared under Wang Yuan's mobilization.

Everyone stayed at their designated positions, waiting for the enemy to arrive.

Holy Light City, Chinese Dragon Soaring players were already excited the moment they were challenged.

Having dominated the gaming industry for so many years, Chinese Dragon players have experienced so many challenges, and this one is definitely the most special.

None of the previous opponents was a giant guild that was not much different in size from the Chinese Dragon Soaring.

But this time, it was a small group of less than ten people.

Crush the game! ! An absolute crushing game!

Everyone is gearing up one by one.

Although crushing the game is boring, who doesn't like the thrill of crushing?

In less than ten minutes, all the online players of China Dragon were gathered.

There were more than 39,000 people in total.

In the early stages of the game, the guild that could gather so many players within ten minutes was definitely second to none.

You must know that at this stage, the upper limit of guild capacity is only 500 people. With nearly 40,000 people, a major alliance of 80 guilds would have to be created.

From this, it can be seen that the title of China Longteng as the number one in the national server is definitely not groundless.

"Have their coordinates been locked!?" In Huaxia Longteng's office, Longteng Sihai asked his subordinate who was responsible for detecting the coordinates.

"Locked!" Soon Longteng Sihai received the news: "The coordinates of everyone in "Strengthening Miracles" are at 332049 and 930228 in Thunderstorm City."

"This coordinate... seems to be in the wild." Long Teng Sihai took out a sheepskin map.

After all, it is a top guild, the preparations are very professional, and the maps are all available.

"Don't look any further!"

Feng Wu Jiutian said: "It's in the wild! If nothing else happens, they should be hiding in the guild station."

"Where is the guild station?" After hearing Feng Wu Jiutian's words, Longteng Sihai couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

"That's right!"

Fengwu Jiutian said: "They think they are safe hiding in the wild. It seems they don't know that we can detect their coordinates. It's good now. Not only have they exposed the coordinates of their guild's residence, but also the coordinates of their guild's residence. This will save us." I searched everywhere but couldn’t find it anywhere, so it took no effort at all.”

"Haha! These idiots! I thought they were smart, but it turns out they are just a group of cowards hiding around." Long Teng Sihai was in a good mood. With a wave of his hand, he directly gave the order: "Let's go!! Go to Thunderstorm City to get our guild station!!"

In this case, the airship in the game is much more convenient than real transportation.

The cabin looked like a Doraemon pocket, small in size, but it was no problem to transport 40,000 people at the same time.

Half an hour later, the army of Huaxia Longteng arrived at the port of Thunderstorm City.

40,000 people, a dark mass, with no end in sight.

"Here they come! Here they come!"

"The people of Huaxia Longteng are here!"

The players of Thunderstorm City saw the strange players who suddenly appeared, and they all ran to tell each other.

For a while, countless players ran to the city gate to watch the excitement.

"Are these all the elite masters of Huaxia Longteng?"

"Fuck! Look at their equipment! It's really awesome!"

"This time Niu Dali has offended someone he shouldn't have offended!"

"I don't know if Niu Dali can survive!"

Wang Yuan is a celebrity in Thunderstorm City. Now he has caused such a big mess. Everyone wants to see if Wang Yuan can still escape this time.

"Nonsense! This is Huaxia Longteng! Unless Niu Dali takes the initiative to hand over the guild station!" There are also many smart people among the players, and they also know the purpose of Huaxia Longteng.

"Tsk! If you hand it over before the challenge, Niu might get some benefits. Now he is provoking others, even if he hands it over, it will be useless."


"What's so pitiful! A mad man will be in trouble!"

For a while, the players in Thunderstorm City were talking about it. ,

However, just when everyone was waiting for the Chinese Dragon Teng player to enter the city, they saw that the Chinese Dragon Teng player had no intention of entering the city at all, and moved directly to the direction of Thunder Bluff.

"Fuck! Sure enough, he went directly to take the guild station!"

"Haha! The purpose is so clear!"

"Follow him! Follow him!"

"Turn on the camera spirit, live broadcast on the forum!!"

Seeing this scene, the players in Thunderstorm City were stunned at first, and then followed, and some even started a paid live broadcast.

The players on the forum were also excited to see the live broadcast.

This is the first guild war after the server was launched.

Although the result is basically set in stone, everyone still likes to see things like pretending to be cool and getting slapped in the face.

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