Online game: Are all the skeletons I summoned children of the plane?

Chapter 140: Being able to give out benefits is also a skill

"This beast!!"

Shui Linglong clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.

Several other people also had jealous faces.

Riding a horse, why is this animal so attractive to women? Women follow him wherever he goes.

"We are back!! Your disciple Murphy is a demon spy! His name is Mephisto, and he has been killed by us!"

At this time, Wang Yuan and others had returned to the Temple of Light and met Saint Peter again. Wang Yuan gave a rough account of what had just happened. .

"I told you! Don't step into the Temple of Light again!"

St. Peter glared at Wang Yuan coldly and said, "You said Murphy is a demon spy. Do you have any evidence?"

"Hehe! I knew you would say that!" Wang Yuan chuckled, looked back at Wang Yujie and said, "Here's the evidence!"

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝙨𝙝𝙪.𝙣𝙚𝙩

Wang Yujie took out Mephisto's horn from his arms and handed it to Saint Peter.

"This is!!!"

Seeing Mephisto's horns, Saint Peter's pupils shrank obviously.

The expression on his face is extremely complicated.

After a long time, Saint Peter sighed and said: "I didn't expect that I couldn't see through the disguise of a demon! I almost accidentally killed a good person!"

Having said this, St. Peter took out a badge from his arms and handed it to Wang Yujie: "Little girl, you have completed your task well and you will become a great person in the future! Say hello to your teacher for me!"


Wang Yujie took over the coveted badge and narrowed his eyes.

With this badge, Wang Yujie can successfully complete her job transfer task.

After handing the badge to Wang Yu, Saint Peter's eyes fell on Dahai Wuliang: "Little girl, you are a good seer! It's a pity that you went astray. Do you want to follow me to practice white magic?"

Murphy was killed, leaving a place for St. Peter's disciples vacant.

"Hidden mission?"

Wang Yuan couldn't help being stunned when he heard St. Peter's words.

When an NPC has nothing to say, it must be on a mission.

The meaning of St. Peter's words is that he wants to make disciples of countless people.

"Miss Hai! You've made a lot of money!" Wang Yuan was excited for Hai Wuliang.

Saint Peter is one of the few top-level NPCs in the game. His personal recruitment of disciples must be a hidden profession.

An opportunity that many people look forward to but never come.


But who would have thought that Dahai Wuliang waved his hand and refused directly.


Wang Yuan was stunned again when he heard this.

This girl has character and can refuse even if she hides her profession.


Saint Peter's face darkened when he was rejected.

Obviously, with his status, he rarely accepted disciples, and there was never a shortage of people who wanted to become his teacher, but he never expected that the girl in front of him was so ignorant of praise.

"Because I don't like being a priest." Dahai Wuliang said: "If I wanted to be a priest, I would have chosen a priest when I was choosing a profession..."


Hearing Dahai Wuliang's words, Wang Yuan appreciated it even more.

Nowadays, many people don’t know what they want, and they want to take advantage when they see an advantage. In the end, they don’t even know what they are doing.

For example, in the current situation, if someone were to change his job, he would probably change his job directly without any hesitation.

Boundless Dahai, on the other hand, is clear about his goals and what he wants.

He didn't give up what he wanted just because a high-level NPC like Saint Peter wanted to accept him as his disciple.

It can be seen that although this girl is in love with her head, she is still quite sober in her heart.

"All right!"

Seeing Dahai Wuliang's firm words, Saint Peter shook his head helplessly, and finally his eyes fell on Wang Yuan: "Hey, that dirty necromancer!"

"What are you doing? You're showing off!" Wang Yuan always retaliates when he comes.

"Humph! You sharp-tongued brat!" St. Peter said, "I'm asking you something, and you must answer me truthfully!"

"Is there any benefit?" Wang Yuan replied directly without thinking.


A big question mark appeared over St. Peter's head.

Everyone: "..."

Okay, as expected of you! !

Whoever you arrest will come with you.

"You want benefits from me?" St. Peter was a little surprised.

"How refreshing. There is no such thing as free lunch, dinner, and late-night snacks. You have to have a begging attitude when asking for help. Do you understand?" Wang Yuandao said: "In our place, if you can give away benefits, it is considered a skill. If you have You don’t even have the means to give gifts.”

"You..." St. Peter's head was deceived by Wang Yuan and there was a cross bun on his head.

"Of course, I am taking advantage of you to do your business." Wang Yuan continued.

"Humph! What do you want?" asked St. Peter.

"Give me Mephisto's horn!" Wang Yuan said.

This thing is evidence of Mephisto's identity and evidence of Wilson's innocence.

St. Peter had no intention of returning the horn to Wang Yuan at this time. Of course Wang Yuan had to keep an eye on it.

"What do you want this for?" St. Peter frowned.

"Give it to Wilson, or if you continue to hunt him, my mission will be ruined, you despicable old man." Wang Yuan said matter-of-factly.


Saint Peter was startled when he heard this, and then returned the horn to Wang Yuan.

"Tell me! What's your problem?" Wang Yuan asked after getting the horn.

"I am a disciple of the God of Light, and I have the insight to judge all the power of light. Why can't I see Murphy's identity as a demon, but you can?" St. Peter asked solemnly.

Obviously, the fact that Murphy is a demon has hit him hard.

This is what lures the wolf into the house.

As the boss of the Inquisition, St. Peter was a professional heretic.

As a result, he would be a heretic if he accepted a disciple. If word spread about this, St. Peter would become the biggest joke in the world.

What made St. Peter even more uncomfortable was that the necromancer in front of him, whom he looked down upon at all, saw Murphy's identity as a demon and even exposed him.

Could it be that I, a disciple of the God of Light, was not as good as a low-level mage who was surrounded by filthy stench and corpses?

"Haha! So you are struggling here,"

Wang Yuan laughed and said: "Because our judgment standards are different. Your judgment standard is to see if his power of light is pure and impure, while my standard of judgment is whether he looks like a human being! A pure power of light like Murphy Li, it’s definitely not a human being!”


After hearing Wang Yuan's answer, Saint Peter fell into deep thought.

Indeed, St. Peter's criterion for judging whether someone is a believer in the God of Light is his power of light. The purer the power of light, the purer his faith must be.

So St. Peter couldn't see Murphy's flaws at all.

But Wang Yuan felt it was abnormal because Murphy's power of light was too pure. After all, normal people, even St. Peter's power of light were not so pure, but his disciples were so pure, so there must be something fishy.

"Why does he, a demon, have such pure power of light?" St. Peter asked again.

"Second question." Wang Yuan rubbed his fingers.

"What else do you want?" St. Peter asked with a dark face.

"I want an architectural drawing of the church." Wang Yuandao.

"Damn! You are blaspheming the God of Light!" St. Peter was furious: "Don't you know who you are!"

"Oh??" Wang Yuan asked back: "The God of Light said that we can't have necromancers as followers? God said that all things are equal, why are you still using status to measure high and low? As a necromancer, I will never forget the Holy Light. Gift, you should be moved.”

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