
Looking at the Cross of Holy Light on his body, Brother Chun, who had always been sharp-tongued, suddenly started stuttering and could no longer organize his own words.

There seems to be some dreamlike feeling.

The feeling was even more unreal than when he had just been summoned to become Wang Yuan's undead spirit.

"Or what?"

Seeing Brother Chun's appearance, Dabai and the others couldn't help but ask.

"He is still a handsome, charming, handsome guy who attracts everyone's attention and is admired by everyone!!" Brother Chun started to lick wildly in an extremely hopeless manner: "Praise my Lord Niu Dali, may the Buddha and Niu Dali be with each other, with infinite compassion!! "

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"F*ck! I thought I was disgusting enough, but I didn't expect that Uncle Chun was even more disgusting than me!" If Ma San had a mouth, it would definitely be stuck to the back of his head now.

If Dabai and Xiaobai could vomit, they would definitely vomit all over the floor.

This old man is shameless.

He was the one who screamed the loudest before. Not only did he want to do Wang Yuan, he also instigated everyone to rebel against Wang Yuan. Just ten minutes ago, this guy still despised Wang Yuan.

He didn't expect that a bronze necklace would send him away now, and he would lick her like a horse so outrageously.

"Good-for-nothing! Shameless!" Xiao Bai shouted with disdain, thinking that he had only bought it as a set of equipment.

Dabai was even more proud, because the equipment Wang Yuan used to bribe Dabai was of the highest grade, and it was also a weapon.


Brother Chun was not moved at all when he heard this and snorted coldly: "You are not allowed to be jealous of my relationship with my master Niu Dali..."


Hearing Brother Chun's shameless words, the three of them almost couldn't help but push Brother Chun to the ground and beat him up.

"Hehe!" Wang Yuan chuckled.

Sometimes winning people's hearts is as simple as knowing what the other person needs.

If you have money, it is better not to give it randomly. Only by giving gifts and ideas can you achieve the best results.

"Hmph! I've already given you the benefits! Get out of the way!"

At this time, Mephisto urged Wang Yuan to get out of the way.

"All right!"

Wang Yuan motioned for everyone to step aside and let Mephisto out.

Although Dabai and the others were reluctant, they had no choice but to disobey Wang Yuan's order and had to make way for the exit.

However, just when Mephisto walked to the door, he saw that the door was tightly blocked by players.



Seeing this scene, Mephisto was shocked, and immediately stepped back and pointed at Wang Yuan and said: "You are cheating!!"

"No..." Wang Yuan spread his hands: "They came by themselves, not me who shouted. It's not my fault."

"What...what's going on?"

Dahai Wuliang also looked confused.

I didn’t see Wang Yuan shaking people on the main city channel. Why did so many people suddenly come?

"Hehe!" Wang Yuan chuckled and whispered: "The NPC was robbed, why don't you come to see the excitement? Check out the forum!"


Dahai Buliang hurriedly opened the forum and saw a post floating on the homepage of Holy Light City.

【Big event! ! The pharmacy in Holy Light City was robbed, and the NPC Saint Murphy was besieged by a group of players of unknown origin! Is it the loss of morality or the lack of human nature? Let us enter the Holy Light City and explore...]

"Holy shit!!"

Seeing the post on the forum homepage, Dahai Buliang immediately understood what was going on.

When Dabai and the others heard Wang Yuan's words, although they couldn't see the post on the forum, they suddenly reacted.

I'm meowing, and I'm scheming with this bitch here.

No wonder this guy dared to make a deal with Mephisto.

It turns out that Wang Yuan had long known that players would come to watch.

So he took the opportunity to ask for benefits from Mephisto.

When Wang Yuan was about to get the benefits, the players from Holy Light City had already blocked the entrance.

Wang Yuan not only extorted what he wanted without spending any effort, but also did not break his promise to let Mephisto go.

As for whether Mephisto can leave, it all depends on his own destiny.

Of course, if you want to make a deal with Mephisto, you can't just do it with just anyone.

First of all, you must have the strength to make Mephisto feel the pressure. At the very least, you must let him know that it is not easy to deal with you. If you want to negotiate, you must first have the strength to go to the negotiating table.

Secondly, you have to know what Mephisto is afraid of in order to be able to control it.

With the help of several skeletons, Wang Yujie and Dahai Buliang, Wang Yuan first gained the strength to negotiate with Mephisto.

Then based on Mephisto's psychology, he inferred what he was afraid of.

Only then can we have the leverage to negotiate with Mephisto.

Putting aside any of these two points, he is not qualified to stand in front of Mephisto and talk about benefits.

"Awesome! As expected of Brother Niu! I knew he wouldn't betray humans!" Xiaobai's eyes filled with excitement.

"Mad, this guy is such a bitch, he scared dad to death." Dabai was still frightened. He really didn't know what he would do if Wang Yuan rebelled against humanity...

"It's expected, it's expected." Ma San wiped his sweat and pretended to be calm.

"Praise my Lord Niu Dali!" Brother Chun was still immersed in the joy of the Holy Light Cross and could not recover.

"Old Mo, you can fight out! I will never interfere." Wang Yuan encouraged him with a smile.

This is a typical booing and arrogance. Watching the fun is not too big a deal.

Anyway, I have already got my quest item, so it doesn't matter how many people die in Holy Light City... The more players die, the greater Mephisto's sin is, and the more it can prove the value of the quest item in his hand.


Mephisto snorted coldly, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

Mephisto is naturally not afraid of these ant-like players, he is afraid of the high-level NPCs in Holy Light City.

In the Alchemy Workshop, Mephisto and Wang Yuan and others were fighting with their brains out. As long as Mephisto does not increase his aura, he will not alert the people in Holy Light City.

But if he commits a crime on the street... then his identity will be exposed directly.

Besides, there are tens of millions of players outside, and Mephisto's level 20 attributes will definitely not be able to withstand so many people chasing him, and he will not be able to escape even if he wants to. At that time, it will inevitably alert the high-level NPCs.

If he is caught by an NPC of Saint Peter's level, it will not be as simple as being killed.

"Kill me!"

Thinking of this, Mephisto stared at Wang Yuan and ordered loudly.

"Ah? Are you crazy?"

Wang Yuan was confused by Mephisto's order.

"No! Kill me!" Mephisto asked again.

As he said that, he glanced outside the door, as if he was afraid of something.

"Oh... I know! You are afraid of being captured alive!!" Wang Yuan smiled even more cunningly.

"So what!" Mephisto said anxiously.

"Old Mo." Wang Yuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile: "You know, I am the most merciful person and never kill innocent people... Even if it is a demon like you, I can't bear to do it."

"I am a guy who does all kinds of evil!" Mephisto quickly explained that he was not a good person.

"It's none of my business! I am merciful anyway, don't you understand?" Wang Yuan rubbed his fingers at Mephisto.

"Damn, you have put your hand in my pocket! How can I not understand!" Mephisto gritted his teeth, took out a box from his arms and threw it to Wang Yuan.

"Very good! You are such a wicked beast, I will enforce justice on behalf of the heavens!" Wang Yuan took the box with his left hand, and grabbed the air with his right hand, and a bone spear appeared in his hand.

"Wait! What's your name?" Mephisto asked Wang Yuan viciously.

"My name is Yun Zhongjun! I am from Huaxia Longteng, in Shengguang City. We are friends. You can come to me anytime when you refresh!"

After that, Wang Yuan stabbed Mephisto in the chest with a spear.

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